Fable - Getting Started Taken from a solution by Mark and Karen Howell downloaded from the Internet The game starts in The Village of Balkhane. Talk to the village Elder and say, "Sounds great. But what am I supposed to do?", then "Do you have any last minute words of advice?" until you get the medallion. Walk up to The Bridge, cross the stream and walk right to The Old House. When you arrive at The Old House, look at the cellar door. It's on the left of the house, under the porch. Use the cellar door to open it, then walk into the cellar. Pick up the rope, on the ground to the left of the altar, and the statuette from the altar. Walk back up the staircase to leave the cellar. Use the front door of the house, and a ghost will appear. Use the medallion on the ghost to exorcise it. Use the front door again to open it, then walk into the house. Take the bag of seeds that is to the right of the witch. Leave the house and walk to The Frozen Lake. Look at the chair in the boat, then examine it to awaken Simbeline. Say, "But who..., what kind of creature are you?" and take the orb. Walk to The Edge of the Forest and give the statuette to the well-dressed gentleman. Walk right to The Path of Sculptures. Examine the thing sticking out of the ground, it is on the ground in front of the frozen soldiers, then take the rusty shield. Walk up to The Hollow Tree and examine the tree stump that the Drimm is sitting on. Use the lever to open the door in the large tree. Use the bag of seed on the bird, then walk away from the bag. In front of the tree is far enough. When the bird leaves the nest look at it and take the bracelet. Walk left and return to The Edge of the Forest, then give the necklace to the well-dressed gentleman. You will get some gloves in return. Walk right and return to The Hollow Tree again, then walk into the opening in the large tree. Use the gloves, then take a blue fruit. Look at the rightmost dead solider and take the ring. Don't use the ring on yourself or you will die! Walk out of the tree, then walk up to The Well. Use the rope with the spool above the well, then use the rope again to climb down into the well. Use the orb to create some light. Examine the small pile of dirt, then take the clay tablet. The pile of dirt is on the floor just to the left of the rope. Walk right into the tunnel. Find the tunnel entrance by moving the cursor across the centre of the screen from the right. Examine the second pile of dirt, then take the other part of the clay tablet. The pile of dirt is on the floor in the middle of the screen. Use one piece of tablet with the other to join them together. Walk left back to the bottom of the well, take the orb, then use the rope to climb out of the well. You can get into the Ogre's cave from the well, but we will go an easier way. Walk left to The Crossing, then walk to the bushy path. This path is through the clump of bushes on the far right side of the scene. In the next scene use the bushes that are on the far right-hand side to hide behind. Wait until the Ogre has left, then walk through the small hole to enter the Ogre's cave. The small hole is located in the rocks just above and to the left of the large boulder the Ogre used to seal the cave. Examine the pillow on the Ogre's bed to discover a key. Use the key on the chest that is located on the far left of the scene. Take one of the flasks of oil and leave the cave by walking through the small hole that you came in by. The small hole is more obvious inside the cave because you can see a beam of sunlight shining through it. Walk left, back to the forest path, then walk up towards the mountains. When you are accosted by the bandits say, "I'm off to kill the Ice Giant", then "Would you settle for some sort of valuable object instead?". Give the ring to the bandit leader. He will wear the ring and die. Look at the dead bandit leader and take first his knife, then his scarf. Carry on walking up towards the mountains. Walk to The Ravine. When there, use the ancient clay tablet to start an earthquake and open the ravine. Before you go to the castle walk to The Top of the Ravine. This isn't easy to find, but the path is behind the thin strip of snow on the far right of the scene. Move the cursor over the centre of this strip to find the path. Once at the top of the ravine examine the frozen carcass and take the sulphur stick. Walk back down to The Ravine. The path is on the far right of the scene. Walk up to the castle. Once at the castle, walk across the drawbridge and the Ice Giant will come out to greet you. Use the flask of oil, then the sulphur stick on the Ice Giant to melt him. Walk through the palace gates and into the palace. Once inside the palace use the scarf on the rusty shield to polish it up. Then, just use the shield. This will protect you as you walk through the photon pulses. Take the emerald, it is on the floor in front of the bird. Finally, give the blue fruit to the bird and you will be transported to The Land of Mists ... - o -