HELL - Gametek (Budget) RRP œ9.99 Reviewed by Dave Stone, PC CD ROM version on a P120. YES IT IS!! Claimed one juvenile reviewer as the game was awarded 25% and sunk without trace. Like most of its characters HELL was unfairly damned. More of an interactive novel than a movie, the game is based on lengthy conversations with a huge cast of well acted and well scripted characters. All the conversations are recorded and these gradually reveal locations on the on-line map. The future setting, omnipresent evil, character interaction and underground travel are a direct steal from Bloodnet. The plot is substantial, well developed, and well deserves the 18 rating. This is not a game for the squeamish, for children, or for those offended by the near blasphemous religious references. THE PLOT involves your playing one of two former State Agents on the run from Government assassins. The US is governed by a powerful Dictator (played by Grace Jones). Hell has opened up and crime is controlled by minor Demons. A series of quests are offered, some have little reward while others deepen the plot and reveal new locations. BUT do not enter without a GUIDE. Most of the object manipulation puzzles are fairly simple, but the game is over littered with passwords, quizzes, Latin phrases and word plays which I found incomprehensible. (How good are you at US State Capitals?) Further more there is an appallingly badly programmed arcade section. I skipped this and looked up the password revealed by that section. THE GRAPHICS are not quite the Full Motion Video claimed on the box. The characters have a 'Wallace & Gromit' look to them, which combined with unrealistic and spasmodic arm movements (to show they are still alive), and non-existent lip synching add a degree of unintentional humour. BUGS almost led me to abandon the game. Several times my save file corrupted, requiring a restart from the beginning - this may have been due to switching off before cleanly exiting the game. There are also certain locations which cause minor save file corruption. SVGA graphics were also a problem, although my S3 card supports SVGA, and has the required 1MB ram, I suffered severe glitches until I loaded UNIVBE (supplied). SO WHY is the game recommended? For the plot, amount of gameplay, and value (at the budget price). I enjoyed the 'novel like' volume of dialogue (conversations could last several minutes) and the gradual unfolding of the challenging plot (which cannot be revealed without spoiling some surprises). TECH NOTE: Requires 1MB Video Ram. - o -