The 11th Hour (Part 2) Walkthrough and words of wisdom for The 11th Hour: The Sequel To The 7th Guest Another epic by Mongoose. @~Continued from last issue DISC TWO: 9th Gamebook puzzle. Part of the body examined in a doctor's office. Look at the last four letters of doctor's and the first letter of office, easy 'init. So we need a torso. There was one under the picture of the satyr and Sue in the Portrait Gallery. Go back there and click on the torso on the floor for another video bit. 10th Gamebook puzzle. Libation for an affectionate puppy called Sounder. A libation is a drink, affectionate puppy is always licking you add this to sounder (sounds like) and it gives you licker, American term for drink, so back to the bottle of booze in Dutton's room. This opens the game room. 11th Gamebook puzzle. Animal sullied street. So now it looks like we need an animal, sullied means dirty or messed up, so mess up street and you get Setter. @~Oh, Robbie's in it too, eh? ... Sue Go along the corridor into the Game Room. There's a puzzle you've got to solve on the pool table ... the white balls must be changed into nine pool balls, in the proper order. Click on a ball, and it gets 1 on it and so on, but they must be numbered correctly, there is only one way I found to do this see below: 7 8 9 6 4 1 5 2 3 Puzzle done, now look behind you, for the picture of dogs playing cards, the one sitting next to Lassie, is a Setter, click on him. The prize is another video bit showing Robin interviewing the doctor, and a flashback to Eileen's injured hand. From this I have now deduced that the Grue is mixed up in this plot somehow. (notice the bite marks on the severed limb.) 12th Gamebook puzzle. I will not write it all here, but the message is of course in code, it took quite a long time to work out, but I like these word puzzles, so this was the best puzzle in this game for me. Anyway the decoded message is:- Read my face, but do not watch. I have hands with which to count, but have no crotch. I have no legs and yet I run. If we were related, you'd be the son of my son ... All this points to the grandfather clock. Go back to the foyer, click on the clock face and you'll get a scene showing a ghost of Eileen in the past ... looking for her friend Samantha. 13th Gamebook puzzle. This is another message in code but much easier than the previous one, just transpose all the letters one to the right on the Gamebook's keyboard. If you are on the end of the keyboard just wrap the letters around i. e. Z = M and you will find the message reads:- My first is not bent around. My second means lift her up or cut her to the ground. All this works out to be, not bent is straight, lift her up, raise her. You want an old fashioned straight razor. It's back upstairs to the bathroom. So now go back upstairs to the bathroom. Go ahead. Look in the tub. Why Shebo decided to take a bath in the middle of this game is a complete mystery to me, and point of interest its supposed to be milk not blood, still Shebo always has been a little confused. Look to the right of the tub on the floor, and click on the drain. puzzle time again. You've got to swap the placing of the brown spiders on the top with those of the white spiders on the bottom. You can only move along straight lines from one point to the next. It must be done in seven moves, and a move is complete when you select another spider to move. When you have completed this puzzle, take a quick photo of Shebo, to blackmail her with later and touch the razor on the edge of the bath. Get video clip of Marie and Chuck. Notice the yellow duck on the wall in passing, could send it to Winnie for next year's Christmas present. 14th Gamebook puzzle. Fruit loop on stove. So now we need some fruit, loop is an 'o' and a stove can be called a range so put them together and you get an orange. There is an orange in the painting on the dining room wall, so go and click on the orange in the painting. You get a short animation of the worm from Dune, good film. If you play the last video sequence again, now you get a little add on at the end. 15th Gamebook puzzle. Dreams abound of arming the rebels. What of nocturnal horses' schedules? "Arming the" is an anagram of nightmare, and nocturnal horse also refers to a nightmare. Rebels, was a problem, but then if you think American game then its a short step to the American Revolution, there's a Confederate flag in Ed Knox's room. Go to his room and you will get the puzzle icon on the mirror. This puzzle is like the plastic square games you used to buy, where one of the pieces is missing, so that the other bits will slide about until you have got them into the right order. This puzzle is a bit harder than those because it is hard to know the right order to put the pieces in, I used the dark patterns on the mirror pieces to match up the bits and then kept moving them around. I did get this one right in the end but had to keep restarting it because sometimes it would just not work out. This was the worst puzzle of them all for timewasting, and I felt that it had just been added to make the game take longer. There is no way that I can explain how to do this one, it just takes patience and lots of luck. After completing this puzzle touch the horse in the painting over the fireplace. You then get a video sequence of Robin and the police chief. 15th Gamebook puzzle. A distant, ancient Castle Keep, this famous Prince a place to sleep, To sleep, perchance to dream, of an upset teagarden indochine. Upset - teagarden is an anagram of Great Dane. Also the rest of the clue seems to refer to Hamlet, who was a great Dane, ergo you need a Great Dane. There is a painting of one in the Library. Go there and click on the dog you the get a replay action/animation of Marie. 16th Gamebook puzzle. A man-horse on the fly sounds like a wounded bull's eye. A man horse is a centaur, and you could take a wounded bull's eye as the centre of a dart board. So we need a centaur. This caused me no end of trouble, I completely searched the house, looked at all the paintings and everything else that could be associated with with a centaur ....... in the end I completely gave up and phoned Virgin. They told me that I should find a triangle in the Chapel and solve the brain game on the triangle, what this had to do with the gamebook clue, I still have no idea. So go to the chapel and click on the triangle. It is in the middle of a stone tablet behind the door. This game is really easy all you have to do is join the three sides of the triangle with an unbroken line of tiles, again there is no set way of doing this puzzle but if you remember that a corner tile touches two of the sides at once, and that if you start by choosing the centre tile of the puzzle, beating this one should prove quite easy. After you have solved this puzzle you get all of video clips put together with extra bits thrown in. Then the clock chimes 9p.m. 17th Gamebook puzzle. Put an olive in a stein, mix it up, and get the equivalent of a fool's London subway. Olive in a stein is an anagram of television, the TV is in Dutton's room, click on the TV and you will get a video clip of Robin meeting Sam. DISC THREE: 18th Gamebook puzzle. A vital, instrumental part. So this time we need a musical instrument put this with a vital part and you get an organ. Click on the organ back in the chapel. This will give you another animation with sounds. 19th Gamebook puzzle. 22233642-736846873. Look at the phone in the foyer and change the numbers for letters this will give you academic penthouse. The penthouse of this building is the attic so off we go. On the floor is a train set, this is our next puzzle game. All you have to do is to re-arrange the letters faust to stauf, you do this by shunting the train backwards and forwards with the letters, changing the points and leaving letters in the siding to do this. When you have finished this puzzle look at the chess table and click on the standing chess piece. Then you get a ghostly visitation from Sam. 20th Gamebook puzzle. Light piece from great orchestra. The answer is hidden in greaT ORCHestra. So this time we need a torch; there is an old fashioned one on the altar in the chapel. Go and click on it and you will get a small animation and another video clip. 21st Gamebook puzzle. cheesy object that sounds larger. Well, larger means greater. So that means that now we need a cheese grater. There is one of those in the kitchen. So go to the kitchen, there is a butcher's block here, click on it for the next logic puzzle. This puzzle is to create five stacks of two plates on every point of the star pattern. A plate must go over two plates whether they are stacked or not. You can only move a plate once. The plates are set up like this: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are the five star points. 10 1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 This is the way to move the plates, but as with all these puzzles there is more than one way to do it. Move 8 to 1. Move 6 to 3. Move 10 to 5. Move 4 to 7. Move 2 to 9. Puzzle solved, this was the easiest so far. Now look at the top of the oven here's the cheese grater, click on it and watch those fingers move. 22nd Gamebook puzzle. 500=100=0 Right, 500 in Roman numerals is D and 100 in Roman numerals is C so D = C = 0. rearrange these and you get doc, so we need the lab, so go to the lab, and search, on a small table near a louvre door is the disc and case for 7th Guest. Click on the disc and you will get another video clip. 23rd Gamebook puzzle. Blend a teapot shot and the pearlies won't rot. Teapot shot is an anagram for toothpaste. So go to the Bathroom, the toothpaste is on the sink click on it and you get another animation, (these are clever but boring). 24th Gamebook puzzle. Slyness holding shipment in choppe? Slyness means guile, and choppe spelt the French way, also getting the chop ... guillotine. Right, now go to Hamilton Temple's room. You'll find a cube on the bookshelf as your cursor moves over it, yes it's another puzzle. Click on it. In this puzzle you have to make a path from the arrow on the cube's face across to the other with no gaps. The idea here is that the number of spots aren't meant to be numbers, but to show direction. The direction you choose defines the meaning of the die face from which you move. So, basically, let's say you start with a two. Then you click on the one, to its right. From now on, whenever you click on a two spot, the next move must be to the right. So off we go, there are lots of ways of doing this but here's one to get you through. Start by clicking on the four above the first arrow, bottom left hand corner. Then click on the three above it. (So 4 means you must move north). Then click on the six above and to the right of the three (so 3 means you must move northeast). Then click on the one down and to the right of the six (so 6 means you must move southeast). Now click on the five to the right of the one (so 1 means you must move west) Now click on the three below the five (so 5 means you must move south). The puzzle finishes itself off now. So puzzle solved. Now go and click on the guillotine ... it comes down, but misses you, maybe? Time for the next video clip. Leave by the left hand door to come back out on to the first floor. 25th Gamebook puzzle. Poor drainage could still produce a flower. Drainage is an anagram for gardenia. Head off to the top of the stairs, the big white flower in the painting is a gardenia. Click on it. Then you get a replay scene. 26th Gamebook puzzle. Sounds like it got higher from wine. To get higher is to rise but it says got higher hence rose, so now we need to find a rose. Go to Martine Burden's bedroom. There is a small table with the pyramid on it and you guessed it another puzzle. I can give you a solution here because unlike some of the puzzles it has a set way of doing it, basically you must find two words each of which has fifteen letters, and when you choose a letter you must not go through that letter's position again. The outside edges are always open, so now for the solution. UNINTENTIONALLY 13 4 6 3 7 12 14 8 11 5 15 9 10 2 1 STRAIGHTFORWARD 11 5 12 4 6 1 14 7 2 10 13 15 8 3 9 After you have finished the puzzle go to the dressing table, there is a vase with a rose in it, click on the rose and a petal falls off, then you get another little ghost/animation type scene with Martine Burden. After which Scotty beams her up. 27th Gamebook puzzle. What kind of jewellery is angrier? Yet another anagram "earring" fits here so now we must go to Julia Heine's room. In her room in the far right corner is a small table with a jewellery box on the top, click on the jewellery box. Off we go another puzzle, this one is to make all of the gems match their face colours with the face colour of the gem next to it on both sides. You can change the gems' positions or turn them around. At least this is another solution I can show you. When you look at the pendant it looks like this:- A F B E C D Now change C with D. Change C with F. Change C with E. Then turn F twice, E twice, D five times, C four times, and B twice. Puzzle solved. Now go over to the dressing table and click on the earring, it has a moon and stars pattern on it, and after clicking on it you get an ear to complete the set. 28th Gamebook puzzle. You might hear a well-mannered Cockney with a 60's hairstyle. Pam got this one, the hairstyle was a beehive, and to be well mannered could mean to behave maybe? (in cockney beehive might sound like behave). So you need a beehive. Head back upstairs go through the attic, and on up to the room at the top. You will find a honeycomb on the floor, click on it for another computer game, in this one you have to fill more of the combs with honey, than Stauf fills with blood. There is no set way of winning this one, its just your brain against the computer, again if you get really fed-up with it, call for Sam. When you finally get through this game you get all the previous video bits plus the missing bits so that things start to come together. It seems that the house is alive, an unholy thing. It raped Eileen and Samantha. Samantha had a back street abortion, which caused her to suffer nerve damage which left her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Eileen had Marie. . . a daughter of the unholy alliance. This sounds like an old 60's horror film now. The clock chimes 10pm. @~...and we'll be back in Issue 50 for the final part of this @~spine-tingling solution. - o -