Anyone for the Super Highway? By Vic Horsley It seems the whole world has gone Internet crazy. Everywhere you look is the Net, the Web etc. Nothing much left for the millions of us who just do not have access, for one reason or another, to this service. Now I do not wish to run down the Internet because I am sure it is a very good and worthwhile setup but!!!... ...every new magazine coming out is for the Internet, with a little bit tagged on at the end for us basic users. Other established mags are slowly but surely becoming Web orientated, therefore changing from what they were originally. The cover CDs even tell you that this or that can be accessed through the Internet, giving their code or password or whatever it's called, like pp*9+=now im lost"*), I think that's right. Last month I received a letter from a magazine I subscribe to (it covered computers across the board) asking me to subscribe for another 2 years early (my subs were due again next January) at a special once-only very cheap price, so I jumped at it and paid up. A few days ago a letter arrived telling me that the magazine was changing and going to full Net coverage and they thought I'd like the new format. I've sorted it out and have a new mag that suits me, but I still think we're being forgotten. There are 3 computer programmes (that I know of) running on TV at present. One is all Net but that's understandable because that's what it's called. Of the other two, one is on Sky and covers across the range and a good programme it is - I'm nearly inclined to say WAS because once again, like all the others, it's starting to edge towards the Web market more and more. I do hope it's gone as far as it's going for the time being. The final programme has just started on the BBC and is a learning computer show, maybe it will remember it's called a computer show and not become too immersed in the Internet. Games, multimedia and some other material are going very much Internet and I can understand this with all sorts of people taking part but we need some of this by the way of CD ROMS and disks. I feel the market is drying up slowly. @~A postscript from Vic ... ...Since writing regarding the Internet, I've watched a couple of the programmes on the BBC computer show and it has mellowed my outlook towards this subject. There are obviously good things happening. It is still much too expensive for my pocket, which sends me back to my magazines though, as I've said, these are of course covering the Internet more and more. @~Two main things I find amazing about the Net is the way it makes @~the whole world seem so much smaller, as you leapfrog from a @~computer link in America, to one in Australia and another in @~Finland within seconds, plus the vast amount of information @~stored on there. Any search brings up so many alternatives for @~further examination, it's just mind-blowing ... Sue - o -