Bookshelf TERRY PRATCHETT'S DISCWORLD Part 1 Reviewed by Andrew J Wielochowski >>COLOUR OF MAGIC<< Price:- œ4.99 First Published:- 1983 In book which started it all. "The Colour of Magic" stars the Discworld's greatest coward, Rincewind. Rincewind, a failed wizard from the Unseen University, meets up with a tourist from the Counterweight continent. The Counterweight continent is thought by the many residents of Ankh-Morpork to be a false non-existent country. Twoflower, who treats gold like Dibbler's buns and is protected by a chest on legs, arrives in Ankh-Morpork as a Tourist from the Counterweight. After saving Twoflower from a large fight in the Broken-Drum, Rincewind becomes Twoflower's guide. Rincewind has better ideas. After a failed attempt to escape from Ankh-Morpork and his Tourist who overpays him, he is made by the Patrician of Ankh and Morpork to show Twoflower around the sights of Ankh and Morpork. Twoflower gets captured and then, threatened by an enraged Luggage, Rincewind must find Twoflower, during the turn of events after Ankh-Morpork catches fire. Escaping with Twoflower who cannot ride a horse and the Luggage, Rincewind soon finds himself searching for the lost Twoflower in the Temple of Bel-Shamharoth where it is vitally important not to say 'Eight'. And all the while the Gods are playing with them. Where ever Rincewind goes Death is sure to follow ... even if it's over the Rimfall. Like all the other books by him this one was just as humorous and I enjoyed it thoroughly. >>RATING<< A grand 4 question marks. ???? >>THE LIGHT FANTASTIC<< Price:- œ4.99 First Published:- 1986 The sequel to "The Colour of Magic". What did happen? Did Rincewind really fall over the rimfall? Will the question of Great A'tuin's sex be solved or is it like 42? "The Light Fantastic" continues the story from where we left it. Rincewind has fallen over the edge of the world ... Shock! Shock! Horror! Horror! A book is becoming restless in the Unseen University. A fireball bursts from the pages of the book surprisingly all, especially the Librarian who is suddenly replaced by a very puzzled looking Orang-utan (not a MONKEY). One of the eight Octavo spells saves both Rincewind and Twoflower in an attempt to keep Rincewind alive (fine with Rincewind). Rincewind finds himself into a forest where trees can talk (but Rincewind has other ideas). Back at the University a hovering fireball had burst through all of the floors leading up to the large dining hall. Performing some morphing techniques the fireball forms into a small model of the Disc and then it increase in size and a fine white fog covers the Disc and then just as mysteriously as it came it vanishes. After a interesting encounter with a Gnome which, according to Twoflower should have been wearing a red jingly hat, they reach a gingerbread cottage, where we discover Twoflower has a strange addiction to toffee. They are then soon spotted speeding on a broomstick up into the clouds. Rescued by a computer hardware druid they are then taken to a druid ceremony where Twoflower protests against the ways of sacrificing young women and a few yards away Rincewind is being held at knife point. With the time ticking towards the Discworld's collision with a burning ball of fire, the wizards at the Unseen University are desperate to find the unremarkable wizard, Rincewind. They've tried: Scrying, talking to birds, look into mirrors, talking to demons and a variety of other things, however they still cannot find him. Trymon the new Arch-Chancellor has hired a 'Hero' and a very scantily dressed one at that. Saved by Cohan a toothless barbarian they begin to travel back to Ankh-Morpork. Cohan who can only drink soup due to his lack of teeth, sends Rincewind out to collect some onions and when Rincewind returns with some friends he soon finds Twoflower, Cohan, Bethan and the 'Hero' in Old Grandad's mouth. Cohan has a new pair of dentures with a sparkling design and Rincewind discovers the hassles of a magical shop. With hardly any time to lose Rincewind is soon rescuing senior wizards and battling things with tentacles for faces. The huge fireball is drawing closer. Will the Disc be burnt up? Will they ever find Rincewind? To find out simply read "The Light Fantastic". As much fun and enjoyable as the first. >>RATING<< ???? @~Next issue, Equal Rites and Mort will be placed under the @~spotlight. - o -