Editorial I'm getting quite excited about the fact that next issue is Issue 50 of SynTax. It seems no time at all since Issue 1 but the magazine is now quite different compared to how it was then - a single-sided ST disk with only about 300K of information on it. Long-term readers will know that John Barnsley co-edited the first 3 issues and though it was my idea to start SynTax, I wouldn't have had the courage to do it on my own. So I owe John a big thank-you for his initial support. But, here we are, at Issue 49, teetering on the edge of a big number (it's a bit like hitting one of 'those' birthdays!). I'd like the magazine to continue from strength to strength through the NEXT 50 issues. Any suggestions for the future will be very welcome. For starters I am planning to do a new paper Index for next issue to replace the current SynDex. I also decided to only print machine-specific library listings in the magazine (ie PC in the PC version but not ST and Amiga etc) from now on. Most of you are single machine users and I can always send an extra file to anyone who needs it. It gives extra space in all versions of the mag which could be better used. Talking of future plans, Alex is getting on really well with the next incarnation of SynWin, a Windows 95 specific version known as SynWin 97. It already has lots of great features such as a search option which will allow you to search all the issues of SynTax on your hard drive for, say, the word Dungeon and will then list all the issues which contain reviews, articles, solutions or hints with that word in the title and then LOAD the issue you want! It also has a floating toolbar and menu a la MS Office. Now, Alex wants to know what features YOU would find handy. Don't be shy, speak up - you're the ones who are going to be using it so you might as well let us know what you want! What would make life easier when using SynWin? Write in to me and I'll let him know or you can email Alex direct at darkside_of_the_moon@msn.com One other thing I can mention now is that the program will have 6 small icons on the menu bar, one each for Information, Reviews, Articles etc. These images are 16 by 16 pixels (they can also be 16 high by 32 wide) and in 16 colours. The only other restriction is that the bottom left pixel MUST be set to transparent. There will be a default set but we thought it would be fun if readers contributed a set for an issue. Maybe you could think of an adventure theme to use? If you have any to send in, I'd love to see them. They'd be about 1K each so there's a few points in it too! SynTax has been very busy over the last 2 months because I got a very good deal on a full page b&w advert in Total PC Shareware (and I do mean VERY!) plus a company profile which took up another full page (in colour this time) so I've had a lot of enquiries and we've also gained some new readers who I hope will go on to become regular subscribers. The regular PC Mart adverts and mentions of course continue to bring in a steady stream of enquiries. Every issue another ST or Amiga user gives in and upgrades to a PC. In the past I haven't made a charge for changing back issues because I could just copy the PC version onto their old disks but now with the PC version going to high density disks since issue 39, I have to completely replace the disks if I provide the full version with screenshots. From now on, then, issues up to and including Issue 38 can still be recopied free of charge, and from 39 onwards they can also be replace FOC as long as you're willing to have a DD disk without pix otherwise I will have to change a nominal œ1.00 a disk if you want the full caboodle. Please add return postage in all cases. Talking of screenshots, are you enjoying them? What about the maps - are they useful? Tom Lorimer has sent in a photo of himself and Flora for this issue so please, let's have some more readers' photos to print. It's great to know what you look like. I finished Torin's Passage and have started a review but not finished it. My planned reviews of some new games I bought haven't materialised either ... maybe next issue. I did get round to installing the Settlers 2 Mission Disk and am finally making headway in Scenario VIII - about time too! Theme Hospital was going well up to the 4th job that I was given when it all went horribly wrong and despite retarting several times, I still haven't completed that section. Maybe, as with Settlers 2, having a break from it will help. I'm still bashing away in MtG too. Finally, the Adventurer's Convention will be held in Birmingham in October. This time it will be on Saturday, 11th October 1997 from 9am to 6pm at the usual venue, the Royal Angus Thistle Hotel, St. Chad's, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6HY. This will be its eighth year and though I haven't attended myself, I've heard it's a really good day out. Some people make a weekend of it and book a room to stay at the hotel who will offer a good rate. A Murder Mystery Event (MME) is also being held there that weekend and it is possible to book a room at a reduced price and attend both the MME and the Convention. Regular SynTax readers will have already been posted details about the event, but for those who haven't and want more details, contact Larry Horsfield, 40 Harvey Gardens, Charlton, London SE7 8AJ. Tel: 0181 244 8989. Email larry.horsfield@explosion.nemesis.co.uk. Tickets for the Convention are œ8 per person after 31st July (before that they are only œ7 each). See you in September. Maybe we'll have some summer by then? Sue - o -