The Pandora Directive - Part 1 Solution by Phil Darke This solution was played in Entertainment mode. If you choose Game Player mode the plot is basically the same, but there are more puzzles. Also the puzzles either have a time limit or have to be completed in a limited number of moves. DAY ONE After the introduction examine all the items in your inventory. Use the Vidphone on your desk and call Gordon Fitzpatrick. Ask him about all available topics and then leave the office. Go to the news stand and talk to Chelsee until she agrees to a date. Go to the Ritz and pay Nilo the rent you owe him. Pay him a further $100 and he agrees to answer some questions. Ask about all topics and you discover that the man in the photo stayed in room A under the name Tyson Matthews. Go upstairs and look at the keypad by room A. Go back downstairs and threaten Nilo until he gives you the room code (4827). Go back upstairs and enter the room. As soon as you enter you are attacked and knocked unconscious. DAY TWO You wake it is morning and you have missed your date with Chelsee. Search the room thoroughly. Under the cushion on the armchair you will find a photo of Malloy and a Llama. On the bedside table is a letter from David Wright and in the drawer is a pawn ticket. In the drawers in the table you will find a business card, a photo of a young girl and a letter in a strange language, there is a scarf lying on the bed. Leave and go and talk to Louie in the Brew and Stew. Ask him about all available topics and show him the strange letter. He tells you that it is written in Yucatec and suggests that you talk to Clint. Show him the scarf and he tells you that it was worn by a young blonde woman who came in with the man in the photo, he tells you that her name is Emily. Leave the Brew and Stew and walk to the opposite end of the street. On the way you will find a wallet with money in it, this belongs to Nilo A moral dilemma ; to return it or not. By the mail box at the end of the street an envelope is lying on the ground. It is addressed to an orphanage and contains $500 - another moral dilemma - to mail it or not. Turn left and go through the fence to the Cocoa Cabana. Talk to Clint. When you ask about Emily and the scarf he tells you that she works in the Fuschia Flamingo. He also tells you about Gus Leach and tells you that he dropped a key last time he was there. Offer to return the key. Leave the Cocoa Cabana and go through the fence near the warehouse. Talk to Crazy Gary and offer to get him a bottle of Scotch. Go to Rook's Pawn shop and pay him the money you owe him. Ask him about the Yucatec language and he offers to sell you a book for $30, buy it. Redeem the pawn shop receipt. Exit to the alley. Combine the book and the letter and read it. Open the manhole and go down into the sewer, move the empty box and pick up the money belt, which contains $300. Go back up and out into the street. Go to the Electronics Shop and settle your debt there. Now go to the alley behind the Fuschia Flamingo. Use Leach's key to open the back door. Enter and talk to Leach. Give him the scarf. Leave and go to Chelsee's apartment and persuade her to go for a drink at the Fuschia Flamingo. After talking to Chelsee go up to Emily's room. She asks for your help and tells you that someone is trying to murder her. She tells you about a note and gives you the scraps. She also tells you her real name, Emily Sue Patterson. Gus Leach appears and throws you out. DAY THREE Re-assemble the note scraps then go to the police station and talk to Mac Malden. Show him the note. He tells you about the Black Arrow Killer, but won't give any more information. Go to the Brew and Stew and ask Louie about the Black Arrow Killer. He tells you that it was reported in the Bay City Mirror. Ask him about the Bay City Mirror and he tells you that Rook keeps copies. Go to the Pawn Shop and ask Rook about the Bay City Mirror. Go to the alley behind the Pawn Shop and get the paper from the trash can. Read the article about The Black Arrow Killer and go and ask Rook about Lucia Pernell. He gives you her number. Go to you office and call Lucia Pernell and arrange to meet her in the Brew and Stew. She confirms that the note is authentic and tells you about Leroy Kettler. She also mentions the involvement of the NSA and suggests that you check out a place called Autotech. She also tells you the name of the local victim, Sandra Collins. When you return to your office you see a figure in black on the roof of Rusty's Fun House. Also you have a message from Chelsee on your vidphone. Go to the alley by the warehouse. Go through the fence and talk to Crazy Gary. Offer to get a bottle of Scotch for him. Go to the Slice Of Heaven and open the door near the fence. Go up the stairs until you find a box on top of another box. Move the top box and in the bottom box you find a bottle of Scotch. Take this and give it to Gary, who will now answer your questions. When you show him the newspaper photo of Malloy he tells you about a key which Malloy dropped and gives it to you. Go to the warehouse and unlock it with Malloy's key, go in and look at the crate near the sliding doors, you need to move it before you can open it. Open the chest at the back of the warehouse and take the wooden leg. Open the control box to the right of the sliding door. Switch on the power and lower the hook return to the crate and use the peg leg on the hook. Go back to the control box and raise the hook. You can now open the crate. Inside you find a photo Plains Of Nacza and a tapestry. Underneath the box is a map. Go to Rusty's Fun House and look at the door, it has a police lock on it. Talk to Mac Malden about it and he will lend you the key. Go to Rusty's Fun House and use the key. You now encounter a puzzle which you must solve before you can open the door. (I couldn't work out the logic of this puzzle but the solution is as follows:- top left to top right, 2nd left to bottom right, 3rd left to 2nd right, bottom left to 3rd right.) Go inside and behind the counter move the pedal on the floor and a door opens. Go through the door and climb the ladder to the roof. You find a coat, examine it and you find a cuff link and a torn photo. Examine the cuff link and you find the initials DH. Re-assemble the photo. Go to the Electronics Shop and buy the photo analyser. Combine the analyser and the assembled photo. Switch on the analyser and move the cursor over the 2nd square on the left and on the door. You discover that Autotech is located at 144 Barcelona. Go there and look at the door, you need a security card to get in. Go back to your office and call Lucia Pernell, ask about Sandra Collins and she gives you the address. Go to Sandra Collins' house, on the floor to the left of the sewing table is an Autotech security card. Take it and go to Autotech, use the card to get in. Move the glass partition to the reception area, look at the clipboard. Take the blind cord from the door next the sofa. Take the hair brush from the table. Combine the cord and hairbrush. Use this to get the clipboard. Examine the clipboard to find a list of access codes. On the floor by the ashtray you find a visitor's pass. Go down the passage and look at the security scanner. Use the visitor's pass on the scanner and enter the code 8338. Go through the door and have a good look around. Look at the door to the evidence room. Enter Dag Horton's office. Move the book on the desk and take the note. Look at the photo on the wall. Open the desk drawers and take the locket. Look at the book case and take the key. Go back to the street and talk to Gary, ask him about Dag Horton, He tells you that Horton gave him a bottle of Scotch and asked him to watch out for deliveries to the Fuschia Flamingo and that he spoke to him earlier today and told him about a delivery. Go to the roof of the Fun House. Climb the ladder and use the key to open the padlock and enter the water tower. Look at the viewing device and switch it on. You see the stalker in Emily's room. You rush down and to the street to the Fuschia Flamingo and after a brief argument with Gus Leach you go to Emily's room. The Stalker escapes through the window. Go to the pawn shop and talk to Rook, he tells you that he saw someone on the roof. Go back to the Fun House roof. The Stalker is here. Go up the steps leading to the lower roof. When he turns away run down and hide behind the air conditioning unit. Slowly raise yourself until you can just see over the roof and wait until he looks at his watch then rush him. The Stalker falls to his death and you pull his mask off and identify him as Dag Horton. DAY FOUR After you are released go back to your office. Talk to Lucia Pernell then go to the Fuschia Flamingo. Talk to Gus and Emily. Ask Emily about the box and about the wrapper. Ask about Thomas Malloy and she tells you that he is her husband. Ask Gus about the wrapper. He tells you that he threw it in the dumpster in the alley. Go to the alley and look at the lamp post, the wrapper is stuck to it, but you can't reach it. Look at the trash can next to the Fuschia Flamingo back door. Get the antenna and examine it to extend it. Use the antenna to get the wrapper. Examine the wrapper and combine it with the visual analyzing apparatus. Zoom in on the bottom left corner of the wrapper. There is a microdot with "PB meter 3887412" on it. Go back to the roof of Rusty's Fun House. Near where you fought with Dag Horton you find a tracking device. Return to the street and use the tracking device. Open the manhole near the warehouse and climb down. Go along the first tunnel and turn left at the end. Follow the beeps until you get to the point where they are closest together. Search the wall on the right of the tunnel until you find a loose brick (from the start of the second section of the wall it is 3rd from the left and 3rd row from the bottom).You can't move it with your hands. Continue along the tunnel and turn right at the next junction, where you will find a box which you can open. This contains a chisel. Use this to remove the brick. Here you find the box but it has a Clayborne mine attached to it which you must deactivate by transferring the green photons from the left hand side to the right and vice versa with the red. One red and one green photon are lighter in colour than the others and the shuttle must contain one of these before it can move. The shuttle also will not move if there are more of one colour than the other in either side. To de-activate the mine click on the following photons:- LR-R-R-ST, LG-G-G-ST, LG-R-ST, LR-G-ST, LR-R- R-ST, LG-G-G-ST. (LG = Light green, LR = light red, R = red, G = Green, ST = Shuttle transfer.) Travel to David Wright's cabin. Move the papers on the floor, you find a pool of blood. Go up the stairs and move the painting to reveal a keypad. Go back down the stairs and pick up the wad of paper which is lying at the foot of the stairs. Get the CD from the drawer. Return to the computer room in your office. You are grabbed by two NSA agents and taken to Jackson Cross's office. When he questions you, don't try to be too smart or you get shot. When he asks what you know tell him part of the story. When he asks if you are holding something back, pretend you've come clean. When he says is there anything more you want to tell me about, tell him about the box and hand it over. You will be released. When you return to your office you find a woman waiting for you. Her name is Regan Madsen and she offers you a deal on the box. She also tells you that Thomas Malloy is her father. Go to your computer room and use the CD from the cabin on the lap top. You now have another puzzle to solve. Read the crumpled page from the cabin for instructions. Arrange the coloured squares in the grid in the following order:- Top row - Red, Blue, Yellow, White 2nd row - White, Green, Red, Blue 3rd row - Blue, Yellow, White, Green 4th row - Green, Red, Blue, Yellow You are now shown the combination for the door in the cabin, Top row 2, 2nd Row 4, 3d row 3, 4th row 1. There is also some information about Mayans. Return to the cabin and open the door upstairs. Enter the room and open the bookcase doors. Take the reel of film and pull down the projection screen. Use the film on the projector and watch the film. Move the loose floor boards and examine the body. Go and talk to Mac Malden and ask him about PB meter 3887412. He tells you about the post office in the Mission District. Go there after some enquiries you find that Thomas Malloy is staying at the Garden House. Talk to the Landlady and persuade her to let you into his room. Get the puzzle book from the night stand. Search the drawers of the roll top desk. You find an envelope addressed to Elijah Witt, it contains a CD. In the top of the desk you find a copy of Cosmic Connection magazine and an ETS business card, examine the card and note the numbers on it. Return to your office and try the CD on your computer, you need a security code. Return to Malloy's room. There is a pair of jeans on the chair, which weren't there before, examine them and you find an invoice from a warehouse. Go there. You finally meet Malloy. As you are talking to him, two NSA agents burst in. Malloy and the agents both get killed. @~To be concluded next issue - o -