Wizardry Nemesis - Sir Tech Reviewed by Mongoose Some hints also included The gameplay is excellent, the graphics are good and the music is best turned off. Your mission is to kill the baddies, save the world and stay alive. Yep same old plot, but Sir Tech do it so well. Very soon into this game I found that the discs (this game is on five CDs) would not change properly, and that you could not save without the programme crashing. So firstly if you have these problems, and you have a modem get the patch from http://sir-tech.com. If you haven't got a modem or the Internet makes you scream, I have sent a copy of it to Sue, or you can send me a blank disc, and I will send it back with patch included. I am nice sometimes. Read the file with the patch for directions on using it. On with the game .... You start in Galican, go to your room in the inn, up a ladder to improve your armour rating. Get the prayer letters in the square, read them, go to visit Tala's forge for a weapon, not too good so get a dagger as soon as possible. Also see a fine sword you can get if you give Tala something nice. Tala will also repair crank for you, and with this and a can of oil you should get the well working, look in bucket. In the initiation chamber, open the doors in this order, air, fire, water, earth. As you get new spells practise with them, this will let you attack with the right spell, without wondering what happens next. Do not be afraid of running away at the start of the game, but do practise aiming, and slashing with a weapon, on the easy to kill baddies. In the forest mind the quicksand but if you're quick, grab a branch and move back to safe ground. Look for another way around. Tree in the way of a hut, well put male and female bug in pot, wait a while, and use pot on tree. That's it, none of the early puzzles are too hard, believe me they get a lot harder, so I will go back to play now, give this game a try, I think it's quite good. @~The patch is part of Disk 1155, priced at œ1.00 ... Sue - o -