NEMESIS:The Wizardry Adventure from Sir Tech - part 1 Explored by Arnie Arnie is still slashing his way through so here it is so far. WIN 95 only Tips A few tips first, when I first installed this 5 CD game I thought I had bought a bummer. Every move took an age and the drive light never went off even though I had done the maximum install. More by luck than judgement I sorted it out by the following steps. 1: Go to My Computer 2: System 3: Click on performance then File system then Trouble shooting. 4: Check the two boxes Disable 32 bit drivers and the Write behind caching for all drives. That did the trick and everything runs smoothly, well almost, it crashes every now and then but what doesn't these days? The start is set in Rian's room and all you can do is stand on the plate to the initiation chamber, once down there listen to the voices and click on the panels in the right order. The proper order is Air, Fire, Water and Earth. This gives you the spaces on the top of the screen that will hold your spells according to type. Leave the chamber and read all the books in the study then open the cupboard and take the potion and the empty jar. Go outside and Rian will give you your first spell. This is a water based spell of Heal and Fog. All the spells in the game are cast by yourself holding the amulet in hand and selecting the spell from the top. For healing use the combat mode and click the amulet-holding hand either on yourself to heal or on screen to cast a fog. Wander around the town and pick up a broken crank, some oil, some prayer notes in front of the church and a dagger and jerkin from the inn. Give the crank to Talia the blacksmith and take the rusty sword from the rack. Later you will swap something of value for the finely crafted sword. Talia needs a bit of time to mend the crank so wander about until she has fixed it. You use the crank and the oil on the well to get a key which is used later. Talk to the priest and learn about the forest, You know of the Hargani from the book in the study so off you go to the woods. In The Taarian Forest. A little tip here you learned from the prayer notes that the bugs, one male and one female, are pretty sexually active and will devour anything, as there is a tree blocking the way to a hut this seems simple but do not put the bugs in the jar until you are standing in front of the tree. I wandered around with the two in the jar and they must have been shy because they just wouldn't do it. The first combat scenes are here and pretty simple as long as the rusty sword holds out, kill the beasties and pick up the daggers and use one in your free hand. If you fall into the quicksand just right click on the branch above. The way past is right click on the woods until a message comes up that you can get through here. Head north to the bridge and the fountain, get the key in the water and stand on the bridge until it collapses and get the other key. Now go back to the tree and bugs do your stuff. The Hargani tells you a story and asks for a key which you just happen to have handy. Use the key on the padlock and you enter the Hargani underworld. Hargani Underworld level 1. There are a lot of doors, some open, some not, so pick up all the lockpicks you find, there is a fair bit of combat down here so if you hear your sword break run until you find another lying on the ground. Some useful items are a crossbow and quiver (you later find a crossbow pistol that shoots better). The emerald wand should be used as a last resort as it is for emergency healing and believe me you need it throughout the entire game. Remember if you use the arrows they can be retrieved even though some will break. One door you will not be able to enter yet has a tree symbol on it. Head for the library and get a Fire spell and read some books, if you can pick them up and keep them, do so as the priest will need the one on weapons to remove a curse from a sword you get later. There is a puzzle box here which you must solve to get a sphere of Intelligence. Again I solved it more by luck than reasoning but the answer is in the tour book anyway. By moving the false book you end up in the spike room and must navigate the pits in the correct order and pull the switches to stop the walls closing in. Confession time, I used the clue in the book to do this bit. At the end of the passage read the parchment and examine the wall, right click on it and save your game. Run like hell away from the Shadow beasts and find the platform that has the opening above it and stand on it. Search the walls for secret passages and get the potions and studded armour then examine the strange tree and get a key. Remember the door with the tree symbol. Because you collapsed the bridge you are blocked by debris so exit via the secret passage to the library and HURRY to the door as the key tends to wither a bit. If it does you can always get another so it's a bit pointless really. Enter the doorway to level 2. Hargani Underworld level 2. The floor is frozen and if you examine it there is a body under the ice, you can use a fire spell to melt the ice and get a shield. To the west is a tree with strange symbols, remember which direction you are facing and match it to the symbol, it is better to draw them on a piece of paper for later. Enter the skull room and examine each side of the base for a scroll and a bag of charcoal dust, wander around and pick up any arrows. When you see a strange mirror click on it and answer the riddle SKY. Pick up the sphere of creativity and head for the ram's head altar where you find a horn. I haven't forgotten you are still battling strange beasties but it is pretty combat intensive in parts. Oh by the way we did pick up the mirror fragment, didn't we. Enter the south room and read the books then use one on the pressure plate to open a secret door, that is if you drew the symbols earlier. Leave the secret door for a moment and explore the other rooms, you get some scale armour and a cure poison potion that is cooking in the oven. Return to the secret door and climb down the ladder to level 3. Hargani Underworld level 3 This level is a bit wet so I hope we packed our green wellies and foot rot powder. In almost every corner there is a barrel. Some have nothing and some have poisoned leeches but don't worry, one of them is a barrel of salt which kills them so dig into every one but remember where the salt is. The booty I found was a jewelled sword hilt and a lever. Remember Talia back in town, she would like the sword hilt. If you keep moving you should not be troubled by monsters coming up from the depths, when you find the Hargani use the lever to free them all except one who gives you the sphere of discourse and tells you about the sword of destructica. Get the bone from the pile and return to the sword in the skull. Is it all falling into place now? Click on the skull then place the three orbs in the sockets and get the sword. BE WARNED it is a very jealous sword and cannot be used with anything else in hand. Next go to the huge crashing jaws and use the bone when the "use" word turns yellow, it jams the jaws open and you can pass through. Turn round and get the bone to use on the other jaws. Once through you have a mighty fight on your hands so use the sword until you destroy the monster and get the potions out of the barrels. If I remember there are two in each. Use the mirror on the force field to get the talisman piece. The exit is hidden in the south wall you now can go either through a skull door to the Sewers or back to the forest and then back to town. (most recommended) At least you can have the sword uncursed by the priest and get the fine sword from Talia and even speak to the drunk in the Inn. That's all for now folks @~But "he'll be back" ... next issue - o -