The 11th Hour (Part 3) Walkthrough and words of wisdom for The 11th Hour: The Sequel To The 7th Guest Another epic by Mongoose. Concluded from Issue 49 DISC 4. 29th Gamebook puzzle. Instrument is sharp, but missing its head. This one's easy, sharp missing its head equals harp, which is also an instrument. So off to the music room downstairs. On the mantelpiece you will find another logic game, when you click on it you will see lots of tiny furniture pieces, the idea is to move all the pieces around so that you can get the piano off the board, again there is no set way of doing this, it just takes thought and a lot of time, but when you complete this game, you will see that the piano that was blocking the harp in the corner has gone. Click on the harp for a musical interlude. 30th Gamebook puzzle. A defective truck with a crane makes for a ball-busting ballet. Truck and crane is an anagram of nutcracker, This took lots of searching, but finally reasoned you needed the soldier in the corner of the hallway on the first floor. This was discovered by just searching, still don't get it, unless there are soldiers in the Nutcracker ballet. Click on soldier and get another animation, look at your gamebook and get another video clip. 31st Gamebook puzzle. Look at key missing first misprinted label. Key missing first is ey.... then re-arrange label to get eball This gives you eyeball. Go to the game room and click on the cue ball, you will see which one then you will get another animation sequence. 32nd Gamebook puzzle. Disabled cutting edge. Looking for a cutting edge you find blade inside the word disabled. So now we need a knife. Go to Temple's room, there is a knife stuck into the headboard of the bed. Click on it and it's video time again. 33rd Gamebook puzzle. Unreasonable reason. Unreasonable can mean insane and in slang this means loco, so back to the train, in the attic, for yet another animation. 34th Gamebook puzzle. Paper used in unusual theses. Theses mixed up is sheets. So now you must go to Martine Burden's room and click on the bloody part of the bedsheet to get another video sequence. 35th Gamebook puzzle. Adroit holding a sharp instrument. Adroit means smart or clever, put this with an 'a'(holding) so then you get an anagram of clever + a which gives us a cleaver. Go to the kitchen and touch the meat cleaver stuck in the wall, then we get another video from the past, and Chuck buys the farm, it wasn't too expensive. Except for Chuck. 36th Gamebook puzzle. A deserted Arthropod. Had to look this up, a Arthropod is a, sort of, crustacean. And deserted, this one had me going too, but just go to the dining room and look at the table on it you will find a desert shaped like a trilobyte, more advertising. Click on the cake and you get another logic game, this time you play it with the desert and sweets, you need to connect four sweets horizontally, diagonally or in a row to win, yep you've got it, you're playing connections. I could not find a set way to win this one so you are on your own again. It's not too hard to win, so there should be no problem. After this game you get another put them all together videos. Then the clock chimes 11p.m. 37th Gamebook puzzle. 663 264625 46 2 6455466. Back to the phone, and this message is one animal in a million. The only animal that I could find in million was lion. There's a lion statue at the top of the stairs. Go up and click on it. Time for a ghost scene showing Robin being attacked by a Mountain Lion. This is to pay her back for drowning a kitten in the toilet with her sister when they were young. 38th Gamebook puzzle. Drink left at sea. Left at sea is port, and port is a drink. Go to Knox's bedroom and click on the glass, half filled with blood, on the table next to the bed. Then you get a half video and half animation clip. 39th Gamebook puzzle. Snake, baby, trap. This is a 'what' word puzzle, and rattle fits so go to the Dolls Room. On the dressing table is another chess problem, this time you have to reverse the positions of the black and white bishops. You can move any bishop in any order, but it must move as it would in the game of chess, and cannot land in a position to be taken by a bishop of the opposite colour. The board looks like this: 4 7 2 5 9 3 8 1 6 10 The white bishops start on position 9 and 10, and the black bishops start on positions 1 and 2. Move 9 to 8. Move 1 to 7. Move 2 to 3. Move 8 to 4. Move 3 to 6. Move 7 to 9. Move 10 to 5. Move 5 to 1. Move 4 to 5. Move 6 to 2. Move 9 to 6. Move 5 to 7. Move 6 to 8. Move 2 to 4. Move 7 to 3. Move 8 to 10. Move 4 to 8. And move 3 to 2 and finally move 8 - 9. Problem solved. Look left, and click on the floorboards, this shows you a passage to the Nursery. Look for a pink object on a shelf that is the rattle. Time for another playback when Robin gets offered whatever she wants. 40th Gamebook puzzle. A letter from Greece is quite a number in Rome. So we need a Greek letter that's a number in Rome, XI fits the bill here being both a Greek letter and a Roman numeral. So back to the grandfather clock, look at the face of the clock twice then click on the eleven. Now you get a long video of what's happened to Robin while we have been playing all these exciting games (yawn). Sam tells you to leave because you cannot win. 41st Gamebook puzzle. This eight letter word has "K-S-T" in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end. So that gives us IN KST AND. Back to the Library, click on the inkstand, on the desk and then watch the pen write your next clue, Play in my doll house! Go back to the nursery, and click on the doll house. When you look inside the middle section, on the bottom row, of the doll's house, you find another logic game, the idea in this one is the same as connect, but this time you must connect five, or take five pairs of his pieces, while of course Stauf is trying to do the same to you. This was not too hard but did take time, by the way you cannot save the game after the pen has written its message to you so if you did not save the game just before then tough, (I didn't know either). After winning this game, you start a long video in which you star in Stauf's gameshow. He starts by giving you $600, but then takes it back to show you what's behind doors 1 - 3. Tried to keep the money and leave the girls where they were, but did not get that choice, now take your pick, no box 13 or is there. Door 1 .... Marie wearing not a lot, saying she will do anything for you. (Pam told me if I picked her I would be getting my own tea for a month). Door 2 .... Samantha wearing a TV set, asking you to choose her, now's the time to own up, Sam did the train game for me because the game was so frustrating you never seemed to move the train or the points properly, so I just cheated, sorry Grue, won't happen again. Door 3. ... Robin who is the point of the whole game, or is she she tells you that she loves you, and didn't mean to drown the kitten , honest. Now its time for you to choose, I think that by now you will all choose ????? - not saying - but I can say, that I have not gone without tea yet, and drowning kittens is not nice. IF YOU PICK MARIE: You go off to a cheap room for a lifetime of passion (and no tea) and then Marie becomes Stauf in a wig, then you get free spare ribs, one problem, they are your ribs. Pam told me to tell you she knew that all along. IF YOU PICK ROBIN: You fade slowly into the sunset and get married. Then you are murdered, guess who did it, and Robin becomes the president of the brand new Stauf broadcasting company. Yep you should have listened to Sam. IF YOU PICK SAMANTHA: You have a little conversation with Samantha back at her house. Then she turns on the monitor and the old mansion house burns to the ground. If you choose this ending then I think you made a good choice. Well that's the end, and I must say it took a lot longer to get through than it seems from reading this, mainly because of the logic puzzles, which seemed to go on for ever and ever. Just popped back to the bathroom, Shebo's still there, even though the blood is cold and gone a funny shade of brown. Still as regular readers of this mag will know by now she is a very weird lady. Bye ... P.S. Point of interest for SynTax readers, while Carl was in the house risking life and limb, James Judge was outside nicking his bike. Not a lot of people know this but we should thank the Grue and four un-named postmen for providing the blood and various body parts in this game. That's it ---- the end. or is it ... - o -