Atlantis - The Lost Tales A SynTax Helpline Query The Throne Room Puzzle After the Rat Catcher tells you to look under the throne and gives you a ball of glass, you will fall through the trap door again. Put the ball in the hole in the wall. You will see a picture that you will need in order to solve the throne puzzle. See 'throne clue' picture in the screenshots section. Turn around and walk down the corridor until you arrive at a wooden door. Take a deep breath, for a fight is coming up. When you enter, you are welcomed by the men with the mark on his head and a soldier. After the dialogue, quickly turn left, grab the vase and throw to the guard to the left. Now turn to the right and move forward to see your surprising talent: you dive between the legs of your opponent. Click on the door at the right, turn around and take the spear. Click the spear on the door to block the entrance. Now proceed to the back of the throne. Click on it and you will see the throne puzzle in close-up. At the top and bottom are four handles to move the stars, suns etc. At the bottom in the middle there is a button to activate the hidden trap door under the throne. For the solution, see the 'throne puzzle solution' picture in the screenshots section. - o -