In The End - author Joe Mason (Text adventure on 1073 (PC) and 1085 (ST)) Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (PC Version) Start sitting on a pew in a funeral parlour, WAIT (seven times until the service concludes), STAND UP, EXAMINE COFFIN, EXAMINE JON, EXAMINE PARLOUR, OUT (parking lot), EXAMINE CAR, GET IN CAR (a woman approaches), EXAMINE WOMAN, WAIT (the woman gets in and gives the car an address), EXAMINE WOMAN, WAIT (until you arrive at the woman's house), OUT, KNOCK ON DOOR (no luck). GET IN CAR, CAR, BAR, OUT (alley), GO IN STORE, EXAMINE MAGAZINES, BUY MAGAZINE, OUT, GO IN BAR (to Jerry's Tavern), EXAMINE JERRY, EXAMINE DRINKS LIST, ORDER BEER, DRINK BEER, OUT, GET IN CAR, CAR, HOME, WAIT (6 times), WAIT (5 times - you are now in the driveway), OUT, IN (study), SIT IN CHAIR, KILL ME (you die!) - o -