Pandora Directive - Game Player Mode Taken from a solution on the Internet Pandora Directive can be played in two modes, Entertainment and Game Players (ENT and GP). Phil's solution has covered the ENT mode but there are some important differences between the two which will be listed here. In the GP mode there are some extra puzzles or you will have either a time limit to solve puzzles or a limited number of moves you can make to solve a puzzle. Always work within these limits to obtain the maximum point value. So, if you are playing the GP mode and you want the maximum points given for the puzzle you are solving, always save your game before you begin to solve the puzzle. That way you can restore your game if didn't quite get it right the first time out. And, if you wondering if all the puzzles can be solved within the given time limits, the answer is YES. Anyway, here are the extra puzzles that those in GP mode will have to contend with. Autotec - once inside, if you are playing in the ENT mode you simply look for Dag Horton's office door and enter. (Remember the cufflink with the initial DH). However, if you are playing in the GP mode when you enter the hallway turn left and rush into the storage room. While in the room get the box of soap from the shelf and the mop. Timing is of the essence here, so, this might be a good place to save your game. You have a security guard to contend with in this area in the GP mode. Wait until the security guard passes and you hear the door shut. Rush straight down the hall to where you see the bucket and mop the floor. There will be a cinematic scene of Tex mopping the floor. When it's over, open the door beside the bucket to trigger the alarm, then rush back into the storage room and close the door behind you. When the guard makes his rounds again he'll slip, fall and be knocked unconscious. In the next cinematic scene Tex will drag his body in the closet and lock him in with the mop handle. Now, you can enter Dag Horton's office. Opening the safe - in the ENT mode there is an item at the Electronics Shop that can assist you in cracking the safe. So, if you playing in this mode, leave the warehouse and go to the Electronics Shop and buy the Robco Safebuster. It will reveal the combination but not in the correct order. If you're playing in the GP mode you have no such luxury. However, if you look at the Everlok Safe business card, you'll not only figure out the combination, you'll also have the correct order. (No, it's not a phone number). Have you figured it out yet? All of the numbers are squared. If you figure out the square roots, you'll have the combination. The combination and correct order is for both modes of play 22 31 15 7. Roswell - you will begin in the Guard Hall. Get the paper punches from the trash can if you are playing in GP mode. Don't worry about it if you are playing in ENT mode because they are not there. This is another jigsaw like puzzle. GP mode players have 30 seconds to assemble the paper to form the number 5142931. The Laser Field Room door - this leads on from the above puzzle. ENT mode players, use the Roswell Security Card on the door. GP mode players, use the Roswell Security Card, then punch in the security code you got from the paper punches (5142931). After finding the Roswell Security Badge - if you are an ENT mode player you can press home once you find the badge and leave the air duct. However, if you are a GP mode player you must continue to the Bio Lab, J2 - 6. Raise the abductor above the height of the table. Go to the table to right and get the vial of acid. Now, you can send the abductor home. After using the computer to create the path to 186 - again, this links with the previous puzzle. In the ENT mode you just open the door and get Fuel Cell #186. GP mode players, use the acid on the door lock to open, then get Fuel Cell #186. The Fireball Room - when you exit the Bird Chamber through the door with the star symbol above, ENT mode players exit to the corridor but GP mode players enter the Fireball Room. The Fireball Room is particularly problematic if you are not paying attention to what you are doing and if you are not moving along as quickly and safely as you can. The object is to avoid the oncoming fireballs and try all four doors in order to exit the chamber. You will not be able to leave this chamber unless you try all the doors. I'll describe how I beat this chamber. As soon as you enter this chamber get down low to the ground. Low enough for you to see the ground and the oncoming fire ball. Begin by manoeuvring from right to left. If you follow this path it is the quickest way to exit the chamber. Once you get to the first door on the far right, all you have to do is go straight across to the remaining doors. Mayan Ascension Chamber 1 - when you enter, ENT mode players immediately fall through the floor. GP Mode players you have a puzzle to solve before you descend ... the Dot Puzzle. Did you notice that the position of the dots left, right or below each symbol as you went through the doors to get to here? Well, that's what this puzzle is about. You must rotate the symbols so that the dots appear in the correct position relative to the symbols on each of the five doors you have entered thus far. You must move quickly or else the ceiling descends and crushes poor old Tex. Here are the positions and a tip. When you get to the Bird symbol, you only have to click it once. Hopefully, this saves you some time. SNAKE - BOTTOM : BIRD - LEFT : WASP - BOTTOM : DAGGER - RIGHT : PENTAGON - LEFT. After you've correctly rotated the symbols, the floor gives way. - o -