>>TERRY PRATCHETT<< Book reviews - Part 3 SOURCERY and WYRD SISTERS by Andrew Wielochowski >>SOURCERY<< Price:- œ4.99 First published:- 1988 Sourcery is a book of magic and more magic and it tells a tale about a small boy by the name of Coin and he is the eighth son of an eighth son. The novel yet again features the only all too cowardly Rincewind and the ever resourceful Luggage. It all starts when Coin storms into the Dining Hall in the Unseen University and after many a challenge and the respect of the Wizards demanded to be made Archchancellor with the hat and all. Unfortunately someone has stolen the hat. And that person is Conina. Rincewind whilst enjoying a quiet drink is encountered by Conina and soon after that a nasty fight takes place as guards after her fail to capture her. Dragging Rincewind with her she runs and creeps with the death-dealing hat to the docks where assuming a wizard onboard to be a good sign he gives them free passage. During a pirate attack Rincewind doesn't quiet achieve anything and Conina armed with a ferocious comb fights them off, but they take the hat. In a sought of quest for the hat they get captured. Shock! Horror! In Ankh-Morpork a few differences may be noticed. The wizards for one feel a bit over the world and as the for the Unseen Uni who knows? Who is this young hero with woollen pants? What will be the effect of the Magical Wars about to take place? And what heroic destiny is Rincewind due for? Find out by reading --- SOURCERY!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ >>WYRD SISTERS<< Price:- œ4.99 (now œ5.99) First published:- 1988 One of my favourites. Wyrd Sisters is the first novel to star all three witches, Magrat, Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax. The King Verence has been killed and in the dead of night his son delivered to the three witches, by a man who dies soon after by the Duke's (the heir ish) finest guards. Now faced with the problem of what to do with a crown and a baby they decided to take them to the travelling theatre. And deal with them like that. King Verence may-he-rest-in-peace is haunting the castle and isn't enjoying it one bit, then again who would? The Duke tries to ruin and create rumours about the three witches. And sends his jester to Ankh-Morpork to hire some actors. And these actors just so happen to include TomJohn (Verence's son). How is it that he is so old now? The witches visit the play and realise that it is criticising them. Included:- One Traditional Incantation Three Witches A demon from the darkest pit A tyrannical Duke >PRATCHETT NEWS< Jingo is in the shops:- œ16.99 but œ9.99 in Ottakers 1998 Discworld Diary:- I have no idea what it is about. COMING SOON ... Maybe? The map of the Ramtops and a new novel featuring Rincewind. Hogfather the cartoon should be on TV during Christmas. - o -