ICE PRINCESS by Ruediger Hanke A text adventure on SynTax disk 904 (Amiga) & 1158 (PC) Getting Started (PC/cutback version) by Bev Truter You start the game at the edge of a frozen lake, where you see the village children skating. X children then go NW to the willow and get and wear the skates left behind by the boy. SE-N, talk to the girl - she skates away across the lake. N-N-NW-N-NW to the Cavern Entrance. Take the flyer and read it, and talk to the guardian to discover why he is so miserable. SE-S-NE to Chapel. Get the candle. SW-N-NE to the Woodcutter. Get the axe, chop the pile of wood and he gives you the key to his cottage. SW-S-E-NE. Unlock door to cottage, open door, drop the key and go N into the cottage. There's a rifle, a mirror and a whistle lying on the table. Get whistle and blow it - it appears to be blocked. S-SW-W-SE-E-NE to the boy and his toboggan. Climb the chestnut tree and go west - both you and the ball fall into the Castle Garden. Get the ball, search bushes, push lever to open the portcullis. S-NE, and give the ball to the boy. You can now take the toboggan and use it to toboggan down the hill to the west of the Chapel. (Sit on toboggan). SW-E-E to the Winter Garden outside the house. X well - the water is frozen in the well. Enter well, chop ice and you fall through the ice to darkness. Up to Inside the House. Look under carpet - you find and get an iron key, unlock front door, open front door, and you can now enter and exit the house by more conventional methods. X cat, X fire, "hold candle in fire" to light it. D to the Cellar. Search garbage, get rope, X rope, X skates. Repair skates with rope and now you can skate on the frozen moat surrounding the castle. Get jar, U-W-W-W- NE-N to a Clearing. X fawn, S-SW-W-NW-N. Read the sign outside the house, N. X Healer, X cauldron, ask healer about potion, tell healer about fawn. He tells you to bring him 3 objects, and he will give you something in return to help the fawn. S-S-E-E to the open field where the youngsters are playing a game of soccer. X the snowdrops (they are covered with dew), get snowdrop (this is one of the objects requested by the Healer). Return to the Castle Garden and enter the moat. Wear the skates and you will be able to reach the crank without slipping and falling. NW, turn crank, SE, get out to return to the garden. to explore the castle. N-N-U-W to the Gaming Room, and how do you play the game laid out on the table? You'll have to register Ice Princess if you want to proceed to the end, but in the meantime, go E-D-S-E to the Banquet Hall, and X the pictures hanging here...... So far, if you've tobogganed down the hill, you should have 50/130 points. I think you can deal with the wolf and the guardian in the PC cutback version, but this is as far as I could manage. I believe the Amiga version cuts out near the woodcutter. - o -