Might and Magic IV:Clouds of Xeen (5) Hints taken from the Public Domain @~Continued from Issue 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------- GOLEM DUNGEON PLACE TITLE: B4 (X11,Y9): LEVEL 1 LOCATION OF IMPORTANT INFORMATION: (X5,Y15) Home of the Wood (X5,Y18) Home of the Stone (X8,Y17) Solve the wood its like a tree cut the branches and return to me next is stone its full of blocks push them around, expose six rocks Last is iron, there is a key set the tumblers and you'll be free (X12,Y17) Home of the Iron (X16,Y9) TREASURE: (X22,Y1) LOCATION OF MEGACREDITS: (X11,Y28) (X11,Y22) (X4,Y1) (X6,Y1) (X17,Y17) (X22,Y22) (X22,Y28) (X15,Y12) (X11,Y9) (X15,Y6) (X30,Y6) (X30,Y12) (X27,Y4) (X18,Y4) LOCATION OF SECRET DOORS: (X19,Y9) TO FINISH STONE GOLEM SECTION: PUSH BUTTON AT (X1,Y29) (X1,Y26) (X1,Y23) TO FINISH WOOD GOLEM SECTION: USE SWITCH AT (X9,Y13) (X1,Y13) (X9,Y6) (X1,Y6) (X1,Y1) (X9,Y1) TO FINISH IRON GOLEM SECTION: USE SWITCH AT (X21,Y20) THEN (X25,Y20) THEN (X23,Y20) THEN (X25,Y20) THEN (X23,Y14) THEN (X21,Y14) HOW THE TELEPORTERS WORK: TOUCH (X28,Y25) AND ARRIVE AT (X27,Y29) TOUCH (X27,Y28) AND ARRIVE AT (X18,Y17) TOUCH (X26,Y29) AND ARRIVE AT (X10,Y28) TOUCH (X27,Y30) AND ARRIVE AT (X10,Y22) TOUCH (X28,Y29) AND ARRIVE AT (X5,Y2) TOUCH (X13,Y2) AND ARRIVE AT (X3,Y17) TOUCH (X,Y) AND ARRIVE AT (X15,Y9) TOUCH (X29,Y9) AND ARRIVE AT (X29,Y1) (X13,Y1) Master of Golems award NOTES: I couldn't figure out how to turn on the switch at (X19,Y25), so I just used the teleport spell to get around. The golem stopper spell is pretty effective on these guys, but I just hammered them with my diamond weapons...... ------------------------------------------------------------------ DRAGON'S CAVE PLACE TITLE:E1 (X14,Y12): LEVEL 1 TREASURE: (X3,Y10) (X4,Y3) (X11,Y5) (X14,Y6) (X16,Y16) (X12,Y1) (X15,Y2) (X21,Y23) (X28,Y26) (X29,Y30) (X31,Y29) (X31,Y30) (X23,Y16) (X24,Y16) (X25,Y16) (X29,Y9) (X30,Y1) (X29,Y0) (X1,Y29) (X1,Y30) SECRET DOORS: (X12,Y24) (X28,Y13) (X19,Y27) (X2,Y26) (X7,Y12) (X7,Y7) (X13,Y3) (X13,Y12) (X12,Y18) (X24,Y19) (X26,Y29) (X29,Y23) (X30,Y15) (X16,Y0) Loremaster of Worms award (X22,Y16) Loremaster of Drakes award (X31,Y31) Loremaster of Serpents award (X27,Y0) Loremaster of Dragons award (X27,Y1) Taxman Emeritus award (X0,Y31) Loremaster of Lizards award NOTES: This dungeon was made for real adventurers! It's jammed with Dragons that love to Bar-B-Que. The Money Traps will take 2000 gold and 20 gems, so you better just put all your gold into the bank, besides it will collect interest! You'll find the DRAGON KING around (X30,Y4), he's really tough to beat. Don't even think about using magic on him. Although, in his corner of the cave there's enough treasure to please even the greediest of adventurers. My listing of treasure is pretty useless, as the only REAL treasure is centered around the various skills listed above. You read the book and gain a large amount of experience and also receive the skill. You should hit all the books as they are what makes this dungeon worthwhile. ------------------------------------------------------------------ VOLCANO CAVE PLACE TITLE: E1 (X15,Y2): LEVEL 1 TREASURE: (X0,Y15) (X13,Y15) (X9,Y9) NOTES: To get to level 2 simply follow the paths, or teleport to (X12,Y0). The treasure consists of 250,000 experience points, so you might want to get it. The only thing is that you have to walk over the lava to get each of the treasures, so you'll really get hammered on this level. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 2 NOTES: This level is really simple. All you have to do is pull all four levers, and then cast jump to skip across the lava. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 4 OR SHANGRI-LA SEE TOWNS. ------------------------------------------------------------------ TOMB OF 1000 TERRORS PLACE TITLE: C4 (X6,Y6): LEVEL 1 LOCATION OF IMPORTANT MESSAGES: (X25,Y16) Welcome to the Tomb of a Thousand Terrors. Insanity is our fame, undead is our game. LOCATION OF SECRET DOORS: (X5,Y27) (X25,Y12) (X10,Y16) (X3,Y27) (X13,Y24) (X11,Y24) (X9,Y24) TREASURE: (X22,Y25) (X29,Y25) (X29,Y21) (X22,Y18) (X5,Y25) (X3,Y25) (X6,Y30) (X22,Y22) (X2,Y6) (X30,Y29) (X30,Y28) (X20,Y14) (X22,Y14) (X22,Y16) (X24,Y25) 1st person gets 5,000 exp, every next one goes to sleep. (X25,Y30) 1st person gets 5,000 exp, every next one goes to sleep. HOW TELEPORTERS WORK: TOUCH (X13,Y5) AND ARRIVE AT (X13,Y9) TOUCH (X8,Y9) AND ARRIVE AT (X26,Y16) TOUCH (X11,Y9) AND ARRIVE AT (X26,Y16) LOCATION OF MEGACREDITS: (X1,Y16) (X17,Y29) (X17,Y15) (X11,Y30) (X6,Y9) (X19,Y9) (X13,Y13) (X13,Y5) LOCATION OF ATTRIBUTE MODIFIERS: +5 ACCURACY (X1,Y24) (X8,Y7) (X8,Y11) +5 INTELLECT (X11,Y13) (X15,Y13) +5 PERSONALITY (X11,Y5) (X15,Y5) +5 LUCK (X24,Y8) (X26,Y8) +5 SPEED (X11,Y19) (X18,Y19) +5 ENDURANCE (X8,Y17) (X7,Y22) (X1,Y22) +5 MIGHT (X1,Y26) (X7,Y26) (X13,Y30) (X9,Y30) There is a very annoying scream in this area, every time you go around a corner or try something and get diseased it screams. ------------------------------------------------------------------ WARZONE PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 1 NOTES: Here are the monsters that you'll fight, depending on the level that you select: LEVEL 1 GIANT BAT, GIANT SNAKE, GIANT SPIDER, GOBLIN LEVEL 2 WICKED WITCH, SKELETON, GIANT TOAD LEVEL 3 ROBBER, BAT QUEEN, HARPY, GIANT SCORPION, INSECT SWARM LEVEL 4 KILLER SPRITE, GHOUL, STINGERS, YAK PRIEST LEVEL 5 EVIL RANGER, OGRE, SORCERESS, SWAMP THING LEVEL 6 YAK LICH, WIZARD, MUMMY, SAND GOLEM LEVEL 7 CASTLE GAURD, WOOD GOLEM, GARGOYLE, CARNAGE HAND LEVEL 8 TOMB TERROR, STONE GOLEM LEVEL 9 CYCLOPS, IRON GOLEM LEVEL 10 ROC, DIAMOND GOLEM ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Castles ------------------------------------------------------------------ CASTLE BURLOCK NOTES: You'll find King Burlock here. He wants you to get the Sixth Mirror at XX (X,Y). Don't take the gold on the Third level, unless you want to fight the palace gaurds!! VARIOUS MESSAGES ON STATUES: Don't Worry, Be Happy Peasant's Choice Award-Best Ruler of the Year[597] ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y):Level 0 or Dungeon TREASURE: (X13,Y1) SECRET WALLS: (X10,Y1) MISC: (X9,Y4) Dragon in this room is VERY tough. Didn't get what the official name was it fried me so fast. Red Dragon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE:D2 (X8,Y2): LEVEL 1 LOCATION OF VARIOUS TALENTS: (X6,Y5) (X10,Y5) STAIRS: (X1,Y14) GOTO LEVEL 2 (X1,Y14) Take this path to Princess Roxanne. (X14,Y14) GOTO LEVEL 2 (X14,Y14) (X11,Y14) GOTO LEVEL 0 DUNGEON(X11,Y14) NOTES: You should go see the master builder once you purchase your castle at C4 (X11,Y12). You'll need 5 MEGA CREDITS to purchase walls. Then you'll need another 5 MEGA CREDITS to purchase a keep. You can learn LINGUIST and ASTROLOGY at (X6,Y5) and (X10,Y5) respectively. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 2 STAIRS: (X11,Y11) GOTO LEVEL 3 (X11,Y11) (X4,Y14) GOTO LEVEL 3 (X4,Y14) Take this path to Princess Roxanne. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 3 NOTES: In the West Tower on this level, you should find Princess Roxanne. She wants you to get her Tiara from Rivercity (X1,Y3). ------------------------------------------------------------------ CASTLE BASENJI GENERAL NOTES: Grab the Death scrolls if you're dying for 5000 experience points. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE:A1 (X8,Y8): LEVEL 1 TREASURE: (X6,Y11) (X6,Y2) (X6,Y13) (X4,Y1) (X3,Y13) (X5,Y6) (X3,Y11) (X13,Y14) (X4,Y11) (X5,Y11) ABILITY MODIFIERS: (X1,Y13) (X3,Y13) (X6,Y9) NOTES: (X6,Y13) and (X3,Y13) raise fire resistance by 10. (X6,Y9) raises electricity resistance by 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 0 TREASURE: (X1,Y12) (X7,Y12) (X17,Y3) (X14,Y12) (X1,Y8) (X14,Y8) (X13,Y5) (X9,Y3) (X5,Y3) (X3,Y3) (X1,Y5) (X13,Y1) (X14,Y1) LOCATION OF TRAPS: (X7,Y3) (X4,Y1) (X5,Y1) (X3,Y1) (X9,Y1) (X10,Y1) (X11,Y1) NOTES: The secret password for the door on level 2 (X9,Y15) is 'There Wolf' ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 2 TREASURE: (X7,Y12) (X7,Y14) (X7,Y10) (X7,Y8) (X5,Y14) (X5,Y8) (X11,Y4) LOCATION OF TRAPS: (X2,Y11) NOTES: You'll find the password for the door at (X9,Y15) on level 0. You can raise the following abilities by 5 at these locations: SPEED (X7,Y12) (X7,Y10) PERSONALITY (X7,Y14) (X5,Y14) INTELLECT (X7,Y8) (X5,Y8) MAGIC RESIST. (X11,Y4) ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 3 TREASURE: (X11,Y4) (X4,Y9) (X4,Y10) (X3,Y10) (X3,Y8) (X2,Y8) (X2,Y9) (X2,Y14) LOCATION OF VARIOUS TRAPS: (X6,Y10) NOTES: You'll find the Scroll of Insight at (X3,Y9) and it should be returned to A1 (X11,Y5). You can also raise the following abilities by 10 at these locations: ENERGY RESIST. (X11,Y2) (X12,Y1) MAGIC RESIST. (X14,Y4) ------------------------------------------------------------------ NEWCASTLE GENERAL NOTES: Levels 0, 1 and 2 appear after you pay for a keep. After you pay for the castle walls a level appears that has so little treasure that it really wasn't worth writing about. It's also very straight forward as it's just one large open area. After paying 5 megacredits the first time you get castle cleaned & patched. Get Stone of a Thousand Terrors for entrance to Tomb of 1000 Terrors upon your inspection of Newcastle. The second time you pay 5 megacredits you get a keep and the Golem Stone of Admittance for entry into Golem Dungeon. Third time you need a permit for dungeon, you get it from the Royal Advisor at Castle Burlock after you find Crodo. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE (X,Y):LEVEL 1 after 1st payment TREASURE: (X11,Y0) (X5,Y4) (X14,Y1) ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 1 After 2nd payment LOCATION OF IMPORTANT INFORMATION: (X6,Y14) "Bo" (X1,Y1) "la" (X14,Y1) "Ra" (X8,Y12) Built in Honor of Great Adventurers STAIRS: (X1,Y14) GOTO LEVEL 2 (X1,Y14) (X12,Y14) GOTO LEVEL 0 (X14,Y14) GOTO LEVEL 2 (X14,Y14) (X11,Y4) GOTO LEVEL 2 (X11,Y4) (X9,Y14) fountain gives +20 AC Weapon Shop: (X4,Y7) Training: (X11,Y2) Food: (X4,Y5) everlasting ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 2 LOCATION OF IMPORTANT MESSAGES: (X10,Y8) (X11,Y6) Temple: (X4,Y4) Bank: (X5,Y8) ------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACE TITLE: (X,Y): LEVEL 0 or DUNGEON TREASURE: (X12,Y1) (X8,Y3) (X6,Y3) (X6,Y5) (X2,Y1) (X7,Y9) (X6,Y9) (X8,Y9) LOCATION OF SECRET DOORS: (X11,Y4) (X7,Y7) (X4,Y4) NOTES: The password to get down here is 'LABORATORY'. You will also find the most important item of the game XEEN SLAYER SWORD at (X7,Y4). @~To be concluded next issue - o -