SKI ADVENTURE GETTING STARTED FROM PETER CLARK You start in a Parking Lot south of the Alpine Base Area. Go North into the Lobby and read the leaflet. It welcomes you to the complex. Go Up to the Employees Lounge and get the key that you find there. Examine it to see that it is a car key. Go East into the Bathroom. There seems to be nothing here so return West, Down and South into the Parking Lot. Enter the car and unlock the glove compartment. Inside you find a note. Read it to see that it welcomes you to the game. Leave the car and unlock the trunk. Inside you find a tool box and some ski boots. Get these and look in the tool box to find a wrench and a screwdriver. Take these from the tool box and return North into the Lobby. Go West, West and South into the Equipment Room where you find some ski poles. Get them and examine them. Now return North, East and East to the Lobby ... - o -