Betrayal in Antara - CHEATS Taken from the Internet All these cheats work after pressing Ctrl-Shift-Z to get a dialog box and must have CAPS LOCK on: SUPERMARKET FOR THE RICH -- provides a bunch of items such as armor, weapons, money and food. Can also be used as a warehouse. Note when you take, or leave something there it is for the remainder of the game. Things are only in there once. SOME CALL ME TIM -- When used in the combat screen will kill all enemies with lightning bolts GOTTA HAVE MAGIC -- increases all of Aren's spell skills and gives all spells available in the current chapter MAN DOES MY LEG HURT -- heals all characters completely, including cure poison WHY AM I SO DULL -- increases all skills ASK A GLASS OF WATER -- Teleport Party to Beginning of Chapter Partial list of the Lever Chest answers: --------------------------------------- Cutlass Torchite Mehrat Jaeger Aurora Glass Shira Valorian Shadows Makere Kirith Chumen Calderleaf Wick Hand Denna Derek Consul - o -