The Dig A SynTax Helpline Query How do I get the lens - what sequence of buttons do I press? The "robot" (not so aptly named) is controlled by the panels in the nexus power room. One keyboard tells it which direction to go and to pick up/drop, and the yellow button activates the robot after you key in a sequence. Try this sequence. Purple, purple, purple, yellow, yellow, red - then click on the exit button and press the yellow button on the other console. You will be pleasantly surprised! This will cause the robot to pick up the lens. Push bottom white to clear the panel. Next, you must make the "robot" place the lens on the third "spike", making it reflect the energy up into the centre, restore the power and open the doors. Use the sequence purple, purple, purple, purple, blue, blue, blue, blue, and finally red. Then you can return to the nexus and open one (1) of the doors with your purple rod (it only works of them) ... @~I found 3 solutions for this - they varied as to how many @~purples they used in each section so if this doesn't work, try @~using one fewer or one more ... Sue - o -