@~This issue's 'Something Different' is ... >>>Johnny Castaway<<< >>>FREEWARE Sierra Screensaver<<< A REVIEW BY Andrew J Wielochowski You leave your computer for a minute or two and then you are bombarded with a selection of colourful flying windows. If that IS the case you should enlighten your PC. What with? I hear you ask. Well, with Johnny Castaway. Johnny Castaway bursts into action as soon as you take a break (well, a minute or so after). He gets you giggling and goggling at that previously so boring screen. WHAT IS IT ... THIS JOHNNY CASTAWAY??? Johnny Castaway is a FREEWARE screensaver created by Sierra. Unlike normally screensavers this is not as repetitive and boring. Johnny is stranded on a little island. You can watch his every movements night or day. He sleeps, eats, jumps, swims waves, celebrates, parties and he doesn't stop there. Every 5 minutes before the scene changes Johnny leaps into action with a very amusing ending to that scene ... be it going jet-skiing with a shark, or taking pot-shots at passing aeroplanes it will keeping you glued to the screen to see what he does next. Johnny will also celebrate special days like Christmas, the New Year and others. WHAT'S IT FOR? PC 386+, soundcard (optional). It works brilliantly on Win3.1 but is reported not to work so well on Win95, but it does work. It comes with sounds and many a gag. HOW TO GET IT>> It's now in the SynTax Disk Library (well it depends if Sue wants it there really). @~Check out Disk 1196 (and it's great fun!) ... Sue - o -