Dungeon Keeper - hints With a text editor, open the Creature.txt in the DungeonKeeper\Data\ directory, then you can edit cost, speed, and powers of all the monsters, plus set their hunger rate to zero, so you'll never need a hatchery bigger than 25 tiles (to attract Bile Demons). You can alter the cost and abilities of the rooms and spells. You can change some basic variables in the game a la Red Alert's Rules.ini. Don't go crazy, naturally (If you set the Lightning to be too powerful, it can wrap around the map and do other, unwanted effects; If you set a monster's power too high, he'll actually heal the enemies he hits!) Back-up Creature.txt first, but other than that, have fun! Whatever powers you give yourself in this manner, you will also give to the enemies. My advice is to 'max-out' only creatures which the computer will not have, like the Horned Reaper, or maybe the Ghosts or Skeletons, then create one of those as soon as possible. As in Red Alert, both players will have to have the 'new' Creature.txt file. - o -