Space Quest II : Vohaul's Revenge - Sierra Reviewed by Julian Gregory Just when you were ready to go back to work as a space janitor, Sludge Vohaul, the demented evil scientist, has devised a new plan. A plan so evil that only he could have imagined it! So starts Space Quest II. Once again you are Roger Wilco, the only janitor on Xenon Orbital Station 4 and guess whose job it will be to tackle Vohaul? The box promises a 3-D animated adventure with fully animated characters. All I can say is that the world of adventures has progressed so far from 1987 that they just look comical nowadays. Having said that the game itself is not a pleasant jaunt almost back in time (if a space game can be said to be back in time)! You can use either joystick or keyboard to move Roger about. I preferred the keyboard. It seems strange not to be able to use a mouse. The action will take you through jungle, under water and into space. Although not too difficult, I would rate it easy to medium, it did provide a pleasant few hours diversion. Rating 60% @~A CD is available with all the SQ games on at a very reasonable @~price ... Sue