Twinsen's Odyssey - Little Big Adventure 2 - Part 4 Solution by Alex van Kaam @~Continued from Issue 52 >>> On Mosquito Island <<< Get the Gem on the beach and talk to the Mosquito that is flying there, ask to see their queen, tell her the story and show her your ring as proof, she almost believes you but you have to pass a test. >>> Test of Truth <<< You will be dropped in an arena with 3 doors, and loads of balls rolling around, hit the balls with your magic ball till you have a key, open one of the doors, if you're lucky you will find a weapon and you will then have completed the test. If not then just kill the guard behind the door and use his key to open another door. Once you finished the test go up the ladder, just then the imperial troops will attack, the queen will flee, follow her... >>> In the midst of a War <<< Avoid the guns and stuff and work your way to the Northwest, to enter the second area. Here you have to work your way Northwest again, don't go down the hole with the rope!! Locate the hole in the north wall and go through that one, follow the path, avoiding the soldiers and paratrooper, over the bridge, into the cave, onto the elevator in the Northeast. Go up and walk around the mountain top, talk to the Mosquito who is standing at safe that holds their piece of the key. He is afraid the Soldiers will get the piece of the key, so climb the ladder, put on your Fire Ball glove and get close to the Monster flying around the top. Throw his fireballs back till he is killed, get his key and use it to get the Mosquito part of the Key, your second part already!! Talk to the Mosquito again and he will tell you that the Queen was captured but some of the villagers took shelter on Volcano Island. Make your way back to the second area of the Mosquito village, where you can climb down that rope (don't forget to get the Gem near the bridge when you leave the mountain top). >>> Going to Volcano Island <<< Go down the rope and you're back at the beach where you entered this island, get the Gem in the flower bed, you should have at least 4 gems now, kill the soldiers and go to the area where you can call the Ferryman. Sing his song and pay for a trip to Volcano Island >>> Volcano Island <<< This is a dangerous island, so safe often. First head North, past the fireball thingies and then get the Gem (nr 1), then walk till you reach the Crystals, you can't get past them so you have to jump East into the Lava River on the floating block. Once you're on the block use your Super Jet Pack to get to the other side of the Lava River (between the 2 red poles), then go south and get the Gem (nr 2). Go back to the block floating in the Lava River, you now have to go North, but stay on the East side of the Lava River so you don't get hit by any fireballs. You will soon reach four rocks floating in the Lava River, land on the one under the stone step, quickly jump onto the step and find the 2 Gems (nr 3 and 4) here. Head as far North as you can and make a run/jump onto the plateau in the Lava River, then jump on the floating rock and jump on the stone step, you're now back on the East side of the Lava River, head North and enter the cave. Talk to the Mosquito in the cave, they will tell you that the Queen is held captive in the jails of the building company on the island of the Wannies. The jails are in the Administration building beside the Warehouse. >>> Freeing the Mosquito Queen <<< Leave the cave and stay on this side of the Lava River, jump the two small streams of Lava and continue till you are at the area you got your second Gem, look to the other side of the Lava River, there is a stone step there. Jump onto is and quickly Jump from the step onto the land before you get his by another fire ball. Call the Ferryman with your song and let him take you to Wannie Island. Make your way to the entrance of the mine, kill the dog again, jump the rails and get onto the conveyor belt, go up on the elevator thingie and you will enter part of the warehouse. Kill the man controlling the handles and jump into a box, you will be transported into the front area of the Warehouse. But now you are on top of the Crates, jump onto the small one, then onto the big one and then jump onto the ladder. Climb the ladder and once you are on the roof jump to the next building, here you will find a hole in the roof, go though it and you will end up in the cell of the Mosquito Queen. Talk to her and she will give you the key to the door that leads to the Island of CX. >>> Getting to the Island of CX <<< Kill the guard and hit the silver switch to open the cell door, make your way back to the Ferryman (if you need more gems then go into the mine and explore it a bit more (you have not had the East part of it, only the Southwest part) Pay him the four Gems and go to the Island of the Mosquito. Climb up the rope and make you way to the throne room, kill the assassin that is sitting on the throne and use the key on the throne. Go into the tunnel and up the elevator, you're on island CX now. >>> Stopping the Emperor <<< This is where the map comes in handy (included in this issue in the Screenshots section of SynWin 97). Kill the 2 guards to the Northeast, get their key and go through the door, use your Super Jet Pack to get over the water and go to the Lever (avoiding all the monsters), pull the lever and head to the door. Kill the 2 guards, climb the ladder and kill the 2 guards that guard the building (avoid the rockets of course), get the key from the killed guard(s) and enter the building. Here you first have to kill the guard closest to you, then get on the crate and kill the guard at the door, go up the stairs and switch to Discreet, this way you can just hit the Wheel that will open the door. Go through the door and AVOID the imperial guards, go up the stairs, turn the Wheel and go through the door. Get the key from the red key box, jump Southeast, kill the guards and go through the North door, kill the guard and stand on the elevator in the corner, go down. Here you will finally meet the Emperor, listen to him (STEP OFF THE ELEVATOR SO IT CAN GO UP AGAIN) and about the fact that dark Monk is a stranger from another planet who wants to drain the Power of Twinsun. Shoot the Emperor, but he will still manage to start the engines on the moon. Sendell will contact you now, you have to get the 4 keys and get back to Twinsun. >>> Getting the 2 final pieces of the Key <<< Get the key the Emperor dropped and open the chest, with the Sabre you find here you can defeat the imperial guards too. Kill the mechanic (if you haven't done that yet) and kill the imperial guard, go up again and now you have to go back to the room with the 2 imperial guards, kill them and go through the door in the Northwest. Climb up the stairs, kill the imperial guard, climb up and get the token to fly the UFO, now make your way to the outside of the building, enter the UFO, use the token and you will land near the Emperor's Palace. Kill the 2 guards and enter the palace, this is just a large number of rooms filled with either a chest with a key or guards holding a key. What you need to go is keep selecting the Northern door, till you no longer can, then keep going West till you reach a room with a double Northern door, go through that door, kill the 2 imperial guards and head towards the huge statue. It will come to life, kill it!!! Examine the chest it was guarding and get the third part of the key. >>> The fourth and last part of the key <<< Leave the palace and head down the elevators, make your way to the docks and get a ride to the island of Francos. At the island go East right away and enter the house, this is the home of the now dead burgermeister. He hid the key but was killed and now nobody knows where it is. Talking to his brother there will also reveal that maybe there are some notes but the safe (in the West wall) is locked and that key is also lost. Go outside again and follow the windup owl, it will walk to its little home (in front of the house of the burgermeister), examine the little home of the owl to get the key to the safe of the burgermeister. Use the key on the safe to get some notes. These are not too hard, the idea is you go stand under the palm tree that on the West edge of the island, then walk south (towards the docks) for 7 steps (while in sportive mode), you will reach a little patch of grass, use your pick axe on it and you will find the last part of the key. Now you have to, as Sendall told you, stop the Dark Monk. >>> Calling the Dark Monk <<< Make your way to the island of Celebration and enter the temple, use your four keys on the altar in the middle to call the Dark Monk. His statue will rise from the lava.... and guess who is the Dark Monk ... FUN FROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your old enemy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>> Entering the Dark Monk Statue <<< Walk East till you reach a pillar you can jump on, then jump from pillar to pillar till you can jump on the huge book, walk up the hand and enter the statue >>> Freeing the Wizards <<< Save your game here..... from here on it is saving your game as much as you can, I will try to tell you how I did this all, but it all depends on how strong you are, how high your magic is and if you can use your Protection spell (C on the keyboard) Turn on your Protective spell and run West, down the stairs, avoiding the Guard, up the stairs and East right away, duck into the corner, pull the handle (not sure if this stops the teleports, but it won't hurt). Save your game. Use your sword to kill any Guards that get close to you, then use your magic ball (now a fireball because you reached another magic level when you summoned the Dark Monk) to kill the guard with the missile launcher. Once you are free to move around go to the control panel on the West wall, you have to turn the wizards off in a certain order, if you press wrong by accident then push the button on the wall to restart. The right order is 2, 1, 4, 3 >>> Freeing the kids <<< Once the Wizards are free they will make an opening in the cage around the elevator leading up, and then they will go find Baldino. Go up the elevator and you will see Fun Frock near a big red button, he will push it and the kids in the cage will be lowered on floor. Kill the 2 guards and head down the elevator again. Save your game. Head south, kill the guard and jump down the hole, go East and South down the Stairs, kill the Guard with the missile launcher (using your protective spell) and get his key. Now you can also get the little (mushroom) bonuses to the south without them exploding. Go back to your elevator and go West through the gate, kill the 2 guards that will appear and you can go down the elevator that is West of them. Save your game. Again you have to go South here and kill the guard with the missile launcher to get his key, you can use the "normal" guards to get some mana/health if you're low, go through the gate, kill the guard with the missile launcher and save your game again. Now head East, kill the guard and turn on your Protective spell, kill the robo guards and Fun Frock. He will create several clones (they turn red now and then) but your main goal is Fun Frock. It cost me 2 lives before I did it (getting a new life also gives you full mana for your protective spell). Then head to the ledge where he dropped the children into the lava ............ And enjoy the great ending. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! - o -