Guess the Game! by Dave Booth. The object of this game is to guess what game is being described. It's fast, furious, and fun. It's challenging, chaotic, and cool. It's big, bad, and beefy. It's ... um that's it. There are three games involved. The plot line of each game is outlined, and you have to guess in each case what is the name of the game. Couldn't be simpler. And there's a PRIZE of course! If you correctly get all three games right, you get a FREE copy of each game! You don't even need to dial a number and pay œ14.22 a minute! Just put your hand over the screen at the bit where the answers are, write down your guess, and send it to me at : Dave's Guess The Game, c/o Bob's Full House, The BBC, London. Actually don't, cos it's all a scam. Really. Honest. I can't actually afford to buy you all free games, so we'll have to do this for fun instead. Sorry! Answers at the end of this article. So without further ado, here we go. Guess the Game! GAME ONE (Arcade) You are a poultry-hunting mercenary on a strange planet. Armed initially with your Pop Gun of Chaos, you tramp around the eerily lit scenery, closing the curtains and turning up the gamma correction. You are constantly attacked by mad, bad Death Ducks, fast and accurate Pigeons of Sh'Ir (think about it...), and the horrific Goosey Goosey Gland Eater. Your objective is to find the Nest of Wrath and destroy Goose the Mother. GAME TWO (Text Adventure) Trapped in a living nightmare. Your decision to eat that really hot curry has not been a good one. The loo in the restaurant is out of commission, and Montezuma is ready to exact a cruel revenge. The lads with whom you came on this 'boy's night out' think it's hilarious the way you keep doubling over in agony, as you strive to keep in what wants desperately to be out. You have to be quick on your feet and swift minded to locate the only open and working public toilet in Manchester! Get there before your 100th move or... GAME THREE (Graphic Adventure) Why did you come on this holiday? Your vision of a Caribbean idyll was smashed as soon as you landed. The inhabitants have been possessed by aliens whose previous visitation was in the 1970s. They have adopted the mannerisms of Seventies Hipsters! It's impossible to communicate with them until you find the Jivetalk Bible. After tortuous conversations involving lots of "Right on!!" and "Yeh mah man!" you discover the only way to save the inhabitants from their unfashionable fate : to locate and destroy the Medallion of Travolta, which is hidden deep in the D'Iskoh Dungeons. Can you do it dude? Or are you not hip to the beat? The answers are on the next frame. ------THE ANSWERS!------- Game One : Quack Game Two : Okra's Revenge Game Three: Secret of Honkey Island (Fulsome apologies to all readers!!!) - o -