Lands of Lore 2 - Hints Supplied via the SynTax Helpline, info taken from the Net Exact Location of all Globe Generators -------------------------------------- Yellow generator: this is the easiest one to find, and is found by entering the tomb to the E of the Dracoid Cemetery entrance, descending the steps, and exploring the tunnels. White Generator: if you've explored the Dracoid Ruins fully, you'll have found the multi-level mage tower (SW of the map). The white globe generator is a couple of floors up from the bottom, in a room on the outer wall. Blue Generator: again, in the Dracoid Cemetery, but below ground. You need to open the tomb in the NW, then open the tomb directly to the S of it (both with charged glass globes), then creeping behind the barrel and (in human mode) pushing the barrel forward. It will roll to the opened N tomb, and you can then set fire to the oil patch it has left behind. This will create an explosion, leaving a gaping hole, which allows you to access the rest of the catacombs beneath the Dracoid Cemetery. The blue generator room itself is (I think) NE of the entrance. If the barrel won't fall over, try this: go into the building across from the barrel building and go to the far wall, near the floor are some gates, hit the gates with your sword (human form),this will destroy them, then when you morph into the lizard form, enter it! Simple. - o -