Timelapse - Getting Started ... Taken from a solution found on the Net EASTER ISLAND, Present Day After watching the intro, the game starts with you facing some stones. From here on, "right" means your right hand side and "left", your left hand side. So, turn right, advance, turn right, advance, get the camera, retreat and go back to the stones. Turn your back on them and follow the path. Get close to the statue you'll see on the right and retrieve the journal. Get back on the path and follow it. At the T-junction, turn right and advance examining each of the three statues in turn - if you can take photos, do so; if not, make a sketch of the symbol at the foot of each statue and then advance to see the glyph on their chests. Clicking on the chests produces the glyph again, in case you've forgotten it. When you have done this and know the three symbols and the corresponding glyphs, turn right and follow the path to the camp. Keep advancing till you are in front of the table. Turn to the right facing the side table and advance close. Examine the instructions to light the lamp (take a photo or make a note) and get the matches. Retreat. Turn left and advance to get a close up of the main table. Take a piece of paper from the left and place it on the stone. Grab the pencil and bring it over the paper. Three more symbols with their glyphs will appear. Again, record them. Back off and turn around. Make sure the box of matches shows in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen; if not, pick them up again. Follow the sandy path to your left. You can get a close up of the items on the oil drum, but I could not do anything with them. Perhaps the clear message on the bottle has some meaning which escapes me just now - not that it mattered in the long run. Continue along the sandy path till you come to the cave. Enter it and advance till you come to the lamp. Click on it to get a close up and follow the instructions, and remember that the pump has to be activated by actually moving the hand icon up and down. The match has to be grabbed and moved over the box to light it, and then it has to be applied to the mantle. When you've done, the lamp will be lit and you can proceed. Keep going till you come to a spot where you can turn left and right. Look at the statues on the right. Turn left and advance. Click on the stone face and there will be an outflow of lava: a mask will appear on it. Examine the glyphs on the eyes of the stone face. Click on the stone bowl and water will cool the mask. Take it. Turn around and go to the statues. Put the mask on the hand directly below the symbol which corresponds to the glyph. If you make a mistake, the mask will disintegrate and you have to start again. Go back to the stone face. Change the glyph by clicking on the left or right eye. Again, click on the bowl to cool the mask and retrieve it. Back to the statues and place the new mask on the hand under the correct symbol. Do this till you have all six in position, turn to the left and you will see a face with glowing eyes on the rock in front. Click on it and you'll be through to the time machine. Advance till you get right up close to the globe. You will receive a message from your mate. You might like to save here. Click on the first symbol to the left (the scarab) and then on the globe. You will be transported to Ancient Egypt ... - o -