AL-QADIM - THE GENIE'S CURSE - part 2 HINTS AND TIPS by VIC HORSLEY @~Continued from Issue 54 THE ISLAND OF SHIBAZ:-There are three scrolls that you must pick up in the first building you enter, the first is through the entrance door, turn south, go all the way, it's laying there (read and take), go back to the main door and go east in the building, in one of the central rooms against the northern wall is the second, in the room in the N. E. corner is a book, read and memorise, now go south then west, in the middle room here is the third scroll, smash the barrels here. In the first building south of the main building (where the chests and furniture attack you), it is best to position yourself about two paces outside the door and facing it (after having first gone in and enticed the items to come at you), then swinging with your sabre and firing your sling (or other magic you may choose to use from your inventory), pick them off, one at a time. If you let them at you in an open area, i. e. the room or outside (where they will follow), they will attack from all sides, doing untold damage, your reward in this task is gems and a shard to boost your sword. The Banshees between the flame poles can consume a lot of your health, so if you mean to take them on make sure you are topped up and have saved, they appear then disappear without warning, catching you off guard, better to walk down the side of the poles, there's no reward. When you get to the last building in this area, go first to the left statue, inspect it, keep putting in coins until it tells you it's satisfied, now move to the right statue (it may be a good idea to save here), inspect it, put Heart of Stone scroll into its ear, do not use the other scrolls or you will lose them, now move to the central statue, where you will earn points and be allowed through. At the lilac chest in the last building, save and be very careful what you say, politeness is needed here when talking to it (if you do upset it in any way Banshees appear from around the corner and you have another tough fight on your hands, with no reward), I did it this way, look at wondrous, say dazzling rock is plain, give generous gems (13), if you've got it right, you'll receive a power shard. RASHIDIN'S MAZE:-The reason for this maze is to stop you getting to the library but you really can't go far wrong, from where you come down just go east then south. Cover this area going back and fore, step on all the sign tiles that you can and pull all the levers also at the beginning don't worry about the chests that you can't reach (when the entrance to the library is reached you have a magic carpet and can fly all over this area, clearing up), when you've done all you can here head west and north (one point here in the S. W. there are rows of spikes with a chest in the center, this is your final way through the maze and as you may notice opens up as you discover the tiles and step on them). In the N. W. area there's a book you have to read aloud, then go behind the two pillars to the north and push up, a magic path will appear, walk onto it and keep pushing to the east it weaves about a bit but eventually you get to the other side. The number of large chests in the maze area is three, two are only reachable by flying on the magic carpet, place your carpet over the nearest tile and it will land. JAZA'IR JIZA:-Before you go here, go to Trainer and take a lesson, it is always best to train up at the earliest convenience, also go in the shops and get a snake, ask for half price, it won't be given but a little will be knocked off, same also goes for the coal which you will get a little later. At the Checker Board in the centre of the Island you have to go to the four elements, so from where you come in, go around the board to the top N. W. corner, step on the first black coloured tile, then go five tiles south, three east and one north, you're in, as you go the tiles light up to the elemental colour. The next one to try is the S. W. from the light tile go five east, three north and one west, now the N. E. corner, from the light tile go, five west, three south and one east, the last one is the S. E. go five north, three west, one south. It is possible to go to these areas in any order and you will need to go back and fro, to sort things out, what you need to do is get favours from different elements, so as to proceed through to the last element, which is fire (red tiles). When in the Beya's cave, be careful of the double line of guards you have to pass through on your way to speak with her, they attack without warning and can be very costly in the way of health if not death. It is possible to go straight down the centre of them, without making them move. In the last area (red tiles), don't step on Gubishbakin's own chess board until you have the magic potion that protects you, you'll get it from the water elemental. It's certain death if you try. THE ISLE OF SENAT:-The chest holding the Scimitar is in the S. W. corner just above where you land, take the first opening north then follow the path around westward, watch your health it burns away very quickly, there are three chests on the island, which is very small. BANDAR AL-SA'ADAT:-A veil can be bought in one of the shops here, it was asked for by one of the genies but I didn't need it, maybe it's worth buying as an investment to the future. Top up with as many potions as you can afford, particularly health potions, you are going to need them, the potion shop is half way up the main street on the eastern side. THE OLD DUNGEON:-The Cyclops (he's in the middle cell in the north) you can try saving him, by smuggling him out through the palace (not a very easy job), it's far easier and safer to just kill him, he's tough so just keep backing off and giving him everything, there's points at the end. The long passageway going North to South has eight buttons on its western wall, don't pull any until you've taken care of the Wizard in the southern passageway (he's a doddle), then pull them one at a time and go take care of the beasties in the cell it just opened, then back to the next one and so on. Leave the fourth lever down until last, it's the cell that takes you through to the last section of this dungeon and a large ghoul comes out of it, much easier to deal with when you haven't any other problems. CALIPH'S PALACE:-When you teleport to the Caliph's private quarters, do not let any of the people see you (except for the women in the harem) or it's sudden death, best creep around. It is possible to read all of the paperwork in the Vizier's chamber here, the guard carries on sleeping as long as you don't approach him, there is a scroll in the cupboard. The way to get past the guard in the East-West passage is to go through the door from the Vizier's chamber turn sharp North and keeping close to the wall, go up into the N. E. corner, then just wait there facing the wall until the guard come along and stops, then creep along the north wall and out through the West door. He must have stopped walking and you must be swift. Don't drink the tea from the trolley, it makes too much noise, just push the trolley out of the way, again as before wait until the guards have made their move and stopped, then go. In the harem make sure you get right behind the door and don't move until she gives you the signal to go, then move through the door speedily, no need to come around the door. Do not touch any of the chests in the rooms off the Caliph's bedroom, they are all traps and it's instant death, you can however open the one in the secret room and take the book. When you go to teleport back from the room you started this area in, go to the S. E. corner of the carpet and click on the ring in your inventory. @~More next issue - o -