@~Just for fun ... >>Le Discworld Quiz<< >>Colour of Magic<< >>Andrew Wielochowski<< 1) What are the names of the four elephants that Great A'Tuin supports on his shell? 2) What is Kerible? 3) What is the luggage made of? 4) Which language has NO nouns and only ONE adjective? 5) How many Rhinu did it cost Twoflower to take a picture of Sek? 6) Who is the president of the Assassins' Guild? 7) Turn to animals is a ...(fill in space)... spell? 7 + 1) What other names are used when mentioning Bel-Shamharoth? 9) What was the name of the Dryad? 10) Where did Hrun steal Kring from? 11) What do Heroes really like? 12) How many large rings are near the apex of the dome? 13) How many rings were lost? 14) What is Twoflower's dragon called and why? @~Answers next issue. - o -