MYST -- The Solution -- MYST Part IV Myst was sent grovelling to the floor by Andrew Wielochowski "The Surrealistic Adventure That Will Become Your World" @~Concluded from Issue 54 Link to the Mechanical Age. MYST >>> Mechanical Age and Myst (get even). Welcome, to the final Myst solution. Prepare for a journey of wonder and mystical things. Today you will discover the great betrayal that brought many ages to wreck and ruin. Today is JUDGEMENT DAY. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Leave the shelter of the cogs and head for the metal fortress in the sea. First we shall examine in greater detail the room with rusting implements of pain. So travel there. Look around the room. You will notice a small plinth with two levers. See it. Good. Don't look at it yet. Near one of the throne like chairs you will see an indentation in the corner of the walls. Click on that. A secret door opens up. Go into the room beyond. Here you shall find on a small set of shelves one of the pages. Note the colour and where it is. If it is the page you are collecting grab it. Now leave the secret room and walk along to the room with many fancy ornaments, this is Cirrus' room. There is also a secret door here, you'll find it by his throne and partly obscured by that large picture. Go through, you should examine boxes and such like, you'll find a note from Achenar and a page. If you want that page take it. Now leave that room. Now go to the metal pillar. If you push the button in the passage leading to the pillar you'll see stairs appear beneath the pillar. Go down. Examine the device with the lever. Pull the lever until it shows a red diagram which shows a half circle surrounded by another half circle. They should appear to be two horseshoes facing down. Now return to the passage, if you did the above correctly then the pillar will now reveal a door. Push the button and go to the pillar and through the door. You are in a lift. Now push the "UP" button. You go up. The door opens. Now push the rectangle in the middle, it should start to beep and flash. Step out of the lift. Turn around. The lift will go down leaving you on the top. You see a device with two levers. Now push the button, this calls this lift up and go back down into Achenar's room. You'll find a small pillar with two levers, this is a simulator. Use the simulator. Listen to the sounds as it connects to other islands. Learn how to use it. Now return to the lift and go to the top. Push the middle button. Step out. Wait. Now use your knowledge from the simulator to turn the island. Once you turn it to the first island push the button and go down the lift. Now go through any room till you get outside the fortress. Go onto the new island and you'll find a plinth with part of a code on. Write this down in its position. e.g if plinth shows [ ] [ ] [6] [7] [ ] - space then you'd put down ? ? 6 7. Got me? Now go back to the fortress and rotate again to next island, do this until you get back to the starting island. You should now have down 4 5 6 7 -- on a bit of paper. NOTE 4 5 6 7 are just examples. Now go over to the plinth and enter the code into it. Push the button. A stairway appears and go down. Link back to Myst via the book. Back on Myst, eh! Right, now you must give the page to the chosen brother. He'll tell you the sequence for the fireplace grid. (Explain later). Now on the piece of paper you assembled from the halves in Stone and Channel you should turn all switches "on" and then turn the switch at the docks "off" or is that the other way around. Any way this will reveal a white page ... grab it. Now return to the library. Your brother told you to take a certain book in the library. Take it. Then turn to the pattern he told you to and then record the pattern on a piece of paper. Now turn around until you see the fireplace. Go into the place and flick the switch. The door should close. Now on the metal panel click. You'll notice that squares appear. Click on a square to erase that square. Now mirror the pattern on the panel. Once this is done you must flick the switch and if you did it right the fireplace turns around and you'll see a Green book and a red and blue page. *************WARNING!!! COMING UP THE FINAL BIT******************* *******************SPOILER ---- MAJOR***************************** Now don't touch the blue or red page. Open the Green Book and instead of death you'll see Atrus. Listen to his story. Now make sure you have the white page and click on the panel. You'll link. Once in D'ni greet Atrus and give him the page. Now watch what happens and wait until Atrus comes back. Listen to what he says. You can now link back and look around the ages. NOTE the brothers' books. ************************WELL DONE!!!!***************************** >> Sorry for any mistakes in this Sol. I did this mostly from memory. >> To get the exact route for the blowfish, I mapped out the track. >> One file in the Channelwood section of the CD when run with Movieplayer or such like will show Achenar's mouth and a strange sentence. Make it play backwards and you'll hear a weird message. - o -