Obsidian A SynTax Helpline Query How do I synthesize "Orange"? ---------------------------- The Objective Create the chemical in the cylinder necessary to continue the manufacturing process to equal orange. The Rules Looking at the tapes and the tables should give you the following information: To mix two chemicals, put one solution in the left cylinder and the other in the right cylinder and hit the button in the middle. Hitting the button next to the left and right cylinders will empty that cylinder. The flasks to your left contain the elements R1-R4, Y1-Y5 (but Y3 is missing), and B1-B6 (but B2 is missing). The formula for "orange" is R1Y3. The formula for "green" is Y3B4 If you mix two "singles", and they are compatible, then they will join to form a double. Red and Blue are incompatible with each other. If you mix a double and a single, then the two largest elements that are compatible will form a compound. Such replacement can only occur if the newer element is heavier than both of the other elements are. A Y2 cannot replace anything in Y1Y2 because Y2 is not heavier than Y2 The Solution Mixing two doubles will cause the largest two compatible elements to form a compound, much like mixing a single and a double. The two elements left over will form another compound. You are looking for a mixture that will satisfy the formula "green" + mixture = "orange", or Y3B4+mixture=R1Y3 Since Y3 is in both mixtures, it should stay the same. However, since R1 is "lighter" than B4, "orange" must be the leftover chemical. That means that you would have to convince B4 to join a heavier compound and leave R1 off. The way to do that is to have B4 and some other element be the two heaviest compounds. The compound in the mixture must have R1 in it also, so you cannot use a B, since blues and reds are incompatible. That leaves the mixture R1Y5. Mix R1 on the left with Y5 on the right. Take the cylinder and put it into the manufacturing chamber. Then push the button and leave the scene. - o -