WITCHFINDER (PD version) by Kanga & YAK Walkthrough by Kanga Before reading - EXAMINE everything, TALK to people, GIVE items, READ anything readable and SAVE often. N-N (On Driveway). Look under bushes, get locket. S-S to Front Door. Push button (Lounge). Wait (or go East). Talk to King or Queen, then give locket to King or Queen. Warm self (me, myself). E-S-W (Dining Room). Get photo, open buffet, get key (in cup). S (Family Room). Get candle, go back to South Hall. Examine portraits. Up (talk to Butler). Up (talk to Maid). Up (talk to Cook). E (Kitchen). Open pantry, get cooler. W-S to Bathroom. Open cabinet to find matches. N-E-S-S-W-W (Untidy Garden). W-SW (Garden Pond). Drink water, NE-N (Secluded Corner). Enter, N (Burrow End). Pat wombat, answer question (Wilhelmina - see portraits in South Hall, or try entering the house as a wombat). Get coins. Return to Secluded Corner. N (Croquet Lawn). Sit on bench. Search weeds, get mallet, Stand. S-W-NW-N. (Inside Stables). Climb ladder, move hay, get secateurs. D. Get ladder. Return to house. (Oops! X William). Return to Garden Pond and wear clothes, then return to the North Hall. (Make sure you are carrying the ladder, candle, matches and key from the teacup). Pull Lever. If you FEEL you will find all the items you dropped. Get match, light match, light candle, Up. Unlock chest, get sword, lean ladder on wall, climb ladder (N Hall). Return to Garden Pond. Throw coins in pond (Sunny Rome). E to Cafe. Look under mat, get key. W-NE-NW-N-E-E-SW. (Ruined Cottage). Pick rose (using the secateurs). Go back to Sunny Rome. S-E-S (Shady Courtyard). X Someone, give blood to him. Look, get scythe. Return to Track to Mountains. N-NE-E (Edge of Chasm). Climb tree, climb tree, climb tree. Unlock case and open it, get ring. D-D-D. (E. Chasm). Get vine. Swing across Chasm. (If you have a problem carrying things to the other side, try THROW). (W Edge of Chasm) Kill Dragon (might take more than one attempt). SW-S-W to Grassy Meadow. Cut grass (must be carrying scythe), get leaflet, go to West Chasm. N-NW-N (Maze Entrance). X Hag, talk to Hag, give rose to Hag. N-W-S (At Boulders). Get carpet, follow footprints (compass directions are useless, you'll end up lost). (Hidden Garden). X lily, pull lily. W-N (Empty Field). Unroll the carpet and fly it from any location you wish. (Read leaflet you found in the Grassy Meadow for instructions). This is the end of the PD version. Register with Sue for the full version of WITCHFINDER. - o -