Zork: Grand Inquisitor @~Two lots of hints for this excellent game from John Betteridge @~and MerC ------------------------------------------------------------------ Answers to Puzzles - by John Betteridge G.U.E Tech Pillars 1. Picture of Volcano 2. Column with Z on top 3. Picture of window. Flood Control Dam No.3 Cast Resrov spell on a closed gate then press the Blue and Yellow buttons. Scratch Card N, W, N, N, W, N, W, W, S, W, W, S, W, S, S, E, S, S, E, E, N, E, N, N, W, N, Bingo. Beburt Spell. Use the machines in the following order. Origination Modification Replication Interpretation Transmogrification Hades Telephone Number 82895 Yoruk's Skull Puzzle. Get Brog to smash the cage with the Plank. Alpine's Quandary Get the 4 spot card and go to the other end of the room. Swat the fly with the card. It is now a 5 spot card. 5 divided by 1 minus 2 equals 3. Jack's Cell 31 AB ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hints and clues by MerC Hints a. To place an object from your hand into your inventory uses the F8 key. b. Look down and up whenever the possibility arises. c. The object in your inventory is a Hoover. d. Start off high. e. Once you have visited a location, use the teleporters if you need to get back. (It's quicker than by tube). f. Think laterally (spirally would be more appropriate, but who's that twisted?) g. In several places you can solve the puzzle the hard (adventurer's way) or the easy (use a spell) e.g. you could make the HE before conquering the corridor, but you'd better be quick. Clues 1a. DO NOT (Succumb to the temptation to, make any attempt to, be willing to, be inclined to, or even want to) throck the grass. All of which means you probably will. However, you have been warned. 1b. But you will need to throck just about everything else that grows. 2. Animals may have to be harmed in the solving of this game. If you have any qualms about this, try climbing down the well without the lantern in tow, or downstairs without a light. Gruesome! 3. If you make like a pyromaniac, make like Blondin. 4. Can't get in the underground? Well, well. 5. Can't get on the underground? Leave school in the usual way. Dig? Mint cake, anyone? 6. Infinite corridor a pain? What's in a name? 7. Candy sticky? Suck it and see. 8. Bottomless pits are. 9. Purple heaving beasts in the way? Pull the rug out, sort of. 10. Antirrhinums need their beauty sleep and make excellent fungal trampoliners. 11. Locker # 12. Castles have feelings too. Get the blind to help. 13. In the US, mailboxes are for sending and receiving mail, but you have to tell the postman to call. 14. Nothing returns from Hades, unless it's knocked off. 15. Charon talks out of his hat. 16. You've got to hand it to the bony twins. 17. O M R I T then SC. 18. 2 into three won't go, but will into 4. 19. Take the money for a change. 20. Unlike car alarms that go off in the night, some can be drowned out. 21. Totems + 2 Spells = time-tunnels 22. Have a cigar! You'll need it a couple of times. 23. There's only one can of drink to be found - but you need three. 24. Go to work on an egg or two. 25. Jack sees the light - and keeps it. Criminal - he should be arrested. 26. What's better than soap on a rope? Glorf on a rope, of course. 27. Saturated fats don't only block drains. 28. Prison cells do not utilise draught-excluders, which gives you the opening you need. 29. Voluntary auto-defenestration (this clue was suggested by the spell checker!) 30. Listen to the voice of pre-E mail technology. 31. -AB 32. If I had a hammer - I'd let everybody have the night off. 33. How many flies make five? One, four your information. 34. Good thinking, Lucy. You can't lose (and don't even think of letting her - this is a family game, remember). 35. Artefacts should be laid to rest. 36. Gold teeth have bite. 37. Rope your rubbers from the outside. 38. Brog not Kasparov. And finally, reflect on this : when is a door not a door? - o -