KING'S QUEST V Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder - Part 3 Solved by Andrew Wielochowski @~Continued from Issue 55 Object of the Game >>> To save your family and castle from the clutches of an evil sorcerer. Now go forwards. Wear your coat when it says you are getting cold. Walk on until you can walk no further. When the computer informs you that you are in need of food eat the ham ... not all of it... Now use the rope and throw it around the rock which is jutting out above your head. Save 'ere. Now climb up. In the background you will see rocks which look like stepping stones. Use the hand icon to use them to jump on. Click on the first rock and then the third (not second) then fifth and finally sixth and on to the ledge. You can now use the log as a bridge to get to Cedric. Walk on. Now Cedric will be caught by a nasty wolf. Use your sled to ride down the hill. Once you have performed your smashing landing, get to your feet and walk east. Talk to the eagle. Give him the rest of the ham for he is starving and cold. Walk into the castle. You are captured and taken to the Ice Queen. She will blab on and finally order her wolves to kill you. BE QUICK. PLAY THAT HARP, GRAHAM, PLAY THAT HARP. You melt her heart (figure-of-speech). She will give you a mission to kill the yeti. So once Sir Grey Wolf leaves you head for the caves. Now I did this on a 386 Desktop and I did it fine. My friend did this bit on a 486 laptop and he only had a split-second to do it in. Anyway when the yeti charges you use the custard pie and give it to him in the face. Now enter the cave. You'll see a crystal which is clearly to be taken. Use the hammer from the shoe-guy to knock it out. Leave the cave and go back to Sir Grey Wolf. You'll head back to see the Mighty Ice Queen. You and Cedric are released. Now go South. Now walk up to to the ladder looking thing and climb up to the pool of water. You'll be captured by a giant bird. Once you have been deposited in its nest you must grab the flashy gold thing ... its a locket. The eagle you saved from starvation will save you and drop you by the beach. On the beach you will see an iron bar. Pick it up and then walk north. Examine the boat. Put the beeswax over the hole in the boat. Now push off the boat (COPY PROTECTION SOMETIMES POPS UP HERE AND DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK. SO SAVE FIRST). Now sail south and then east until you reach an island. Get out and harpies will pick you up and whisk you away to somewhere. When they begin to talk about you. You must play the harp. Now they take your harp and fly off. Now grab the fish hook and go south west. You'll see poor Cedric lying on the ground. Pick him up. Go south to the beach and get the shell on the ground. Go back into the boat and sail south once and then west until you get back to the beach. Ring the bell by the little shack and an old man comes out. Give the man the shell so he can hear you. He take you inside and deal with Cedric. He will then fix your travel to Mordack's Island --- AHAHAHAHA --- THAT'S ALL FOR NOW @~More next issue - o -