THEATRE. A Text Adventure Game on PC Disk 932 Solution submitted by Tom Lorimer. Let's start by going NW, Down, Take pager, Examine pager, Up, SE, South, North, North, NW, Down, Take page, Examine barrels, Take popcorn [Take 4 lots], Examine panel, Turn switch on, Up, Examine desk, Open drawer, Take page, Take plans, Read plans, Drop plans, Kick south wall, South, Take page, North, North, Take page, North, Move rolls, Examine corpse, Take book, Read book, Drop book, North, Take page, North, Open bin, Take page, Take ticket, SW, South, South, West, West, South, West, Take music, Examine music, Put music on piano, Play piano, Push piano east, Push piano south, Climb piano, Up, Take pages, North, Examine handle, Turn handle, North, Examine telescope, Take lens, South, South, Down, North, North, North, North, Take letter, Read letter, Drop letter, Take vial, Open cabinet, Take page, Take tablets, Take stethoscope, South, West, Examine fireplace, Climb fireplace, Grab crow, Down, Down, Examine coffin, Open coffin, Down, Take key, Examine bin, Take lump, Open chest, Take glue, Examine glue, Up, Up, East, South, East, East, South, Listen safe, Turn dial left, Turn dial right, Turn dial left, Turn dial right, Drop stethoscope. South, Examine skeleton, Examine watch, Examine dial, Read ticket, Pull dial, Turn dial [Until time reads 7.40], Push dial, North, North, West, West, West, Take mask, Break glue, Take mask, East, East, East, South, SE, North, West, South, Open curtains, NE, West, South, Examine spotlight, Put lens on spotlight, Take lens, Examine lens, NW, North, West, West, South, South, Climb piano, Up, North, Wear mask, North, North, Put lens on telescope, Look through telescope, South, Drop mask, South, Down, North, North, East, East, South, SE, North, Examine portrait, Feel portrait, Open door, North, Take page, Take camera, Examine camera, South, West, North, Show ticket, East, Push chandelier, Push chandelier, South, East, North, Swing on chandelier, NW, Take page, South, West, North, Take pages from desk, South, South, Examine slug, North, Examine bookcases, Unhook chain, Push bookcases, South, Examine nest, Take blue pearl, West, Up, Down, East, South, East, East, South, SE. North, East, North, North, Down, East, East, Take photograph, East, NW, Examine items, Take green pearl, Take page, SE, West, West, North, North, Take page, Examine canvas, Examine ropes, Climb rope, West, Open locker, Close locker, Push locker east, Down, Take amulet, Take newspaper, Read newspaper, Drop newspaper, South, SW, South, East, South, Drop camera, Drop ticket, NW, North, North, Pour liquid over corpse, Drop vial, Take corpse, South, South, SE, Drop pager. NE, Examine hooks, Pull clean hook, Down, Take page, Down, Examine door, Unlock door with key, Open door, East, Take page, Drop corpse in pit, Down, East, Take page, SW, Down, Rub coal, [The following four moves give a random response, so take note of the answers given.] Show blue pearl to goblin, Show green pearl to goblin, Show red pearl to goblin, Show violet pearl to goblin, Up, NE, SE, Drop popcorn, East, Drop popcorn, East, Drop popcorn, SE, Drop popcorn, NW, West, North, Examine lever, Wait - until rats go west, Pull lever, Down, East, SE, Wear amulet, SE, Take page, [You can now read the full set of pages.] Examine statue, Put blue pearl in ----- socket, Put green pearl in ----- socket, Put red pearl in ----- socket, Put violet pearl in ----- socket, Take dagger, Examine dagger, Take brown crystal, Put star crystal in dagger, NW, NW, West, West, NW, NE, NE, Answer Yes. North, Examine man, Give tablets to man, Take dagger, Examine dagger, Remove white crystal from dagger, Down, Throw white crystal at young woman, NW, Down, Up, SE, South, Examine car, Enter car. Although this solution is complete, you will notice that the final score is 47 out of 50. I have gone over this game several times, but cannot find the 3 missing points. If anyone does find them, please let me in on the secret. End of game - o -