Torin's Passage by Sierra Originals Reviewed by Julian Gregory This is another of the cheap games I have been buying recently. The storyline is that you return home one day to find that your parents have been kidnapped by an evil witch. She is keeping them prisoner under a spell. Just why they have been kidnapped you will only find out right at the end of the game. The whole game plays as a cartoon and the quality of the pictures is really exceptional. The game is the standard move-the-cursor-around-until-it-changes- colour. This indicates that you interact with the object. An unusual aspect is that you have a "friend" with you called Boogle. He is vital because of his ability to assume various shapes. Some of the pictures are much larger than the screen. You can use a scroll bar to see around. This ability is also incorporated into the game at a few points. Other points are a book which you can click on to review the last few lines of dialogue (either spoken on displayed), a rewind button to review a piece of animation, a help hourglass (which costs you points if you use it) and a scanning platform which projects a rotating hologram of the object placed on it. I would suspect that the game is aimed at the younger gamer. This seems to rule me out as I found the game rather twee. It is also mainly easy as the number of things to do is quite restricted and, more importantly, there are very few ways or means to solve problems. Overall 60% - o -