WING COMMANDER IV : THE PRICE OF FREEDOM - Part 1 (V1.1 Hints by P.A. Hardy, 1998) Wing Commander IV is a large game, and choices you make in the Full Motion Video (FMV) extracts will have effects upon the rest of the game. When you are offered a choice of two options, the one to select is written in CAPITALS. Sometimes, the consequences of the other, unchosen option, are detailed as well, indented from the main text. * - * - * - * - * As soon as the game begins, and the Veteran Flyer approaches, HELP HIM OUT, as he will appear later on in the game. Then, when you see the man being harassed, decide THIS PISSES ME OFF and step in to intervene. Finally, you will leave the planet with Maniac in the ships he has brought specially for this purpose - you have been reinstated by Confed! When Maniac asks if you wish to have a mock battle with him, reply with AFFIRMATIVE, to gain a little combat experience. Things soon turn all too real, though, as two enemy ships arrive and you and Maniac are forced to combat them for real. Once both enemies are destroyed - they're not very accomplished pilots - fly to Orlando with Maniac. When the station is destroyed, you will have to go to Bluepoint Station instead, and dock there. TAKE THE SHUTTLE TO CONFED HQ, and you will see an old friend - Admiral Tolwyn. Finally arriving in the Flight Control section, TALK TO EISEN, another old friend, and the ship will jump to the Helespont System. Go into the lounge and TALK TO VAGABOND, another old buddy, before heading to the Briefing Room for details of your first mission. MISSION 1: Protecting the Transport Fly to the Transport at Nav 1 and blow away both Pirates who are attacking the ship. Fly close to the Transport to establish a link and then use auto to escort the Transport to the jump point. Two more Pirate ships are waiting for you but, after blasting these to pieces and the Transport has gone through hyperspace, click on auto again. Four Pirate ships meet you this time, and you should destroy two of them - the other two will try to escape and you should trail them at a distance, as Eisen instructs you to do over the comlink. Follow them at top speed (with afterburners) until you see the Frigate they are heading for; as soon as you see this large ship, turn tail and flee the Pirates, until you can use auto again, to return to the Lexington. Back at base, TALK T0 CATSCRATCH, a new recruit, and decide I LIKE THIS KID. Now it's time for another briefing, so attend it in the Briefing Room. MISSION 2: Destroying the Enemy Frigate Now it is time to do battle with the Pirates' Frigate headquarters. You are provided with a Longbow ship for this mission, and after using auto you should shoot the two Pirates waiting to meet you. Once they are destroyed, auto again to the Frigate. Blow away all the Pirates protecting the ship, and then move in to attack the Frigate, destroying it with torpedoes and your lasers. When it is destroyed and the threat of the Pirates is ended, return to the Lexington. Before you can dock you will be informed of an SOS call, and will have to auto over to its location, only to find you are too late and the ship has already been destroyed. Return to the Lexington and, after the ship has jumped to the Tyr System, head into the Briefing Room for further orders. MISSION 3: Obtaining Recon Photos Auto to all three enemy Space Stations, and knock out all the Banshee ships protecting them. Once the fighters are destroyed, fly relatively close to each space station and take ten photographs of each, before progressing onto the next with auto. When you have your ten photographs of the third and final Space Station, return to the Lexington, your mission complete. Go straight away to Eisen's Cabin to see the Captain looking rather shifty, before you wander over to the Briefing Room for further instructions. MISSION 4: Protecting the Transport to free the Hostage Due to obtaining the necessary recon photos, you know exactly which Space Station the hostage can be found on. Head out there with the Transport and Maniac will come with you. Destroy the enemy Ace Pilots protecting the Space Station and, when the Transport personnel have extracted the prisoner, fly back to the Lexington to finish the mission successfully. After Captain Hugh Paulsen has arrived, the Lexington jumps to the Masa System. Go to the Briefing Room for new orders and a surprise. MISSION 5: Recapturing the Spacelab Destroy all the heavily armoured but slow moving Avenger ships, until the Confed Transport ship manages to regain control of the Spacelab. Return to the Lexington and listen to Admiral Tolwyn on television. Now TALK TO VAGABOND AND MANIAC to hear Vagabond's disapproval of the situation. Tell him CONFED NEEDS TO CLAMP DOWN and you will hear what has happened to Captain Eisen, before you attend another mission briefing. ON THE LEXINGTON: After arriving back on the Confed Ship and seeing Captain Paulsen and Seether, go to the Briefing Room for your first new Confed mission. MISSION 1: Search and Destroy Destroy all eight Pirate ships, auto, destroy two Banshees, and auto again in order to blow away two Avengers. Return now to the Lexington with another mission successfully under your belt. Go straight to the Briefing Room for your next assignment. MISSION 2: Searching the Nebula for the Intrepid Seether will join you for this mission as your Wingman, but he will not take orders from you as he holds you in contempt. After leaving the Lexington on auto, destroy the two Banshees you see. Auto again and take out the three Avengers which appear, before you auto once more. Three Banshees are waiting for you and, after destroying this trio too, you may auto back to the Lexington to dock. After having a taste of Seether's brutal interrogation techniques on Prisoners Of War, go angrily to the Briefing Room for fresh orders. MISSION 3: Destroying the Intrepid As soon as you auto to the Intrepid, Captain William Eisen will send you a message asking you again to join the Border Worlds union. You may say AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATORY to his proposal. If you say NEGATORY to his plea - you don't side with traitors you will get the long-looked for chance to shoot Maniac out of the skies! However, the Lexington will be destroyed by enemy forces before you can do anything about it, effectively ending the game! Evidently, your time at Confed has come to an end... Instead, say AFFIRMATIVE to Eisen's plea to join the Border Worlds, and destroy a couple of Hellcats, before you take out the Lexington with torpedoes and lasers. The Lexington will be destroyed but Seether and Captain Paulsen will escape in a shuttle, and the Captain will learn the price of failure for allowing the Lexington to be destroyed... You may now dock with the Intrepid and go to the Control Bay to TALK TO EISEN & MANIAC. Now go to the Galley and TALK TO SOSA, and then to the Hanger Bay to TALK T0 PLIERS, thinking THIS OLD COOT KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING. Finally, go back to the Galley and TALK TO MANIAC. (The game will now continue following the hints in ON THE INTREPID, from MISSION 6 onwards.) MISSION 6: Intercepting the Border Worlds Convoy Select a Wingman and fly out to the Border Worlds ships. When they reject the offer of a Confed escort, blow away all the attacking Banshees and then attack one of the Cruisers. When it is destroyed, the other Border Worlds ships will retreat and you may return to the Lexington with another mission successfully completed. Once in the Control Room, TALK TO MANIAC and tell him I NEED TO SEE WHAT'S GOING ON. A mysterious new Confed Officer arrives, codenamed Seether - the very man you saw harassing the guy in the bar at the beginning! Attend another briefing to hear of Captain Eisen's defection to the Border Worlds. MISSION 7: Eisen's Escape You head out with Catscratch, Vagabond and Miner. When you have found Eisen's shuttle, Vagabond will also defect to the Border Worlds side, and ask you to do the same. You may say AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATORY, which will determine which destiny you will follow, for the time being at least. If you say AFFIRMATIVE, Miner will attack you. Destroy him, auto and then destroy Hippie, Quality and Hazard as well, as they will try to stop you deserting with William Eisen. 0nce they have been blown away, auto to your new base of operations, a beaten old Capital Ship called the Intrepid. Arriving near the Intrepid, destroy the two Hellcats which are attacking it and then dock. The Intrepid will make a jump to the Selenos System, in a bid to escape the Lexington. (You should now continue playing the game following the hints under ON THE INTREPID) If you say NEGATORY, you will be forced to shoot Vagabond (who will eject). Catscratch and Miner will not defect and once Vagabond's ship is destroyed, the three of you will be able to return to the Lexington. The ship will now make a jump to the Selenos System, in a bid to catch the fleeing Intrepid. (You should now continue playing the game following the hints under ON THE LEXINGTON) ON THE INTREPID Arriving on the Intrepid, the scene which greets you is one of utter chaos - the ship was very badly damaged in the Confed attack. Fires are raging out of control, two thirds of the crew are dead and, to make matters even worse, the Lexington has arrived through the jump point directly on your tail. So head to your ship to defend the Intrepid in your first Border Worlds mission... MISSION 1: Defending the Intrepid Destroy all three attacking Hellcats, five Longbows and three Thunderbolts, to successfully defend the Intrepid. Once this is done you may dock with the ship and go to the Hanger Bay, where you should TALK TO PLIERS, deciding THIS OLD COOT KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING. Next, go to the Galley and TALK TO SOSA. Leave the Galley, go back in and the scene has changed - TALK TO MANIAC this time, before you head over to the Control Bay. Once there, TALK TO GROUP and a new Captain will be selected - Captain Eisen - to have overall command of the ship. All that remains now is for you to go into the C.I.C & Chart Room for Captain Eisen's first briefing on the Intrepid. MISSION 2: Scouting the Nebula After using auto to leave the Intrepid behind and enter the nebula, destroy the three Thunderbolts you find there. Auto, and you will now need to destroy eight Arrows and three Excaliburs, to complete the mission successfully and clear the nebula of all hostile craft. Return to the Intrepid, go to the Cargo Bay and TALK TO VAGABOND AND CATSCRATCH; to hear their views on current events. After trying to set their minds at rest, wander over to the C.I.C & Chart Room for another mission briefing. MISSION 3: Escorting the Intrepid through the "back door" Jump Point Upon leaving the Intrepid behind, destroy all eight enemy Hellcat Aces and then attack the Lexington itself. When it blows, you will have successfully escaped and the mission will be over; Captain Paulsen and Seether will escape from the exploding ship in a shuttle though, where Seether will teach his Captain the price of failure. Once you are back onboard the Intrepid, head straight over to the C.I.C & Chart Room and TALK TO EISEN AND SOSA. Leave the room and then re-enter, in order to receive further mission instructions. MISSION 4: Defending the Border Worlds Destroyer Select a Vindicator ship for this mission, as you will need the extra speed it provides. Head straight out with Maniac, and let him concentrate on shooting the Hellcats whilst you attack the Confed Frigates. Destroy the Capital Ship Missiles (identified as CapMiss when you lock onto them) before they can hit the Border Worlds Destroyer. Once their missiles are destroyed, attack both Confed Frigates and, when these are blown to atoms, help Maniac mop up the surviving Hellcats. Once all the enemy ships are eliminated, return to the Intrepid. Once onboard, go to the Galley and TALK TO MANIAC AND VAGABOND for a surprise. Go now to the Hanger Bay, TALK TO PLIERS and say THIS THING COULD BE VERY USEFUL, when he talks about the Cloaking Device. Finally, go to the C.I.C & Chart Room for another mission briefing. MISSION 5: Infiltrating a Confed Comm Station This mission, being top secret, will see you flying alone, without the luxury of Wingmen. As soon as you leave the Intrepid, cloak up and use auto. Still cloaked, move to destroy the Radio Buoy. When it is close and within range of your guns, uncloak and destroy the Radio Buoy quickly with your lasers. When it is taken out, ignore the attacking Hellcats for the time being, but concentrate your fire on the three Gun Turrets, destroying them all. When this is done, move close to the Comm Station and send Vagabond and Sosa away in their MiPs, to attach themselves to the wall of the Station. Once both MiPs are away, it is now time to take out all the attacking Hellcats, whilst your two spies collect the necessary information. When all the Hellcats are destroyed, you will see video scenes from inside the Comm Station, and Sosa will blast away in her MiP, waiting for you to close in on her and bring her back onboard your ship with your Tractor Beam. Do this, and then return to the Intrepid to witness some sad events. Once the funeral is over, go to the Galley and TALK TO MANIAC, who is feeling very despondent. Now go to the Control Bay and TALK TO EISEN AND SOSA about the information she recovered. Finally, head over to the C.I.C & Chart Room for further mission instructions. MISSION 6: Locating and Defending the Convoy Fly to the Convoy with auto and you will find it is full of Kilrathi ships! Defend it nevertheless though, by blowing away all the attacking Pirates and Arrows. Now simply return to the Intrepid to complete the mission successfully. Go straight to the C.I.C & Chart Room and TALK TO CROWD. Go now to the Storage Hold and TALK TO HAWK, realising HE'S MISSING THE POINT. Go back to the C.I.C & Chart Room again and TALK TO CROWD. Eisen will leave the Intrepid now, with a mission of his own, and you will be left as Acting Captain, taking orders via comm from Vice-Admiral Wolford. Leave the room, re-enter the C.I.C & Chart Room and conduct your first mission briefing. It feels good, doesn't it? MISSION 7: Protecting the Kilrathi Planets After clicking on auto, destroy the two Avengers and two Banshees you find waiting for you. Now auto again and destroy two more Avengers. Auto once more and this time blow away four more Avengers, to successfully complete this mission. Return to the Intrepid and you will realise you are now the new Kilrathi hero too! Head over to the Storage Hold and TALK TO DEKKER, leader of the Space Commandos (who have finally managed to arrive). After your discussion with him, go into the C.I.C & Chart Room to conduct your second mission briefing. MISSION 8: Exploring Melek's Base Upon leaving the Intrepid with auto, destroy the two Pirate ships you find. (Melek and Dekker will follow some way behind, but out of scanner range, so they are not detected by the enemy). When you approach the Starbase and your Wingman asks if the shuttle should be called for, say AFFIRMATIVE, and attack the two enemy Arrows which appear, to try and stop it. Mow wait for Melek to dock at the Space Station and, once the mission is complete, return to the Intrepid. The ship will now jump to the Peleus System and run into some trouble. Conduct another mission briefing in the C.I.C & Chart Room, go into the Control Bay and TALK TO PLIERS, before entering your ship to fly your next mission. @~To be concluded next issue - o -