Ducksoup A Private Investigator Adventure By C. Evans On SynTax disks 681 (PC), 874 (Amiga) and 705 (ST) Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (PC Version) (Start in your garage), EXAMINE CAR, GO CAR (find house key on the floor), U (hall), UNLOCK DOOR WITH KEY (office), EXAMINE SOFA, W (kitchen), EXAMINE DOG, EXAMINE FRIDGE, OPEN FRIDGE, GET STEAK (for later), EXAMINE STEAK, OPEN DOOR, U (fire escape - this triggers the delivery of the pooper scooper), OPEN DOOR (back to kitchen), E (back to office where a pooper scooper has been delivered), GET SCOOPER, EXAMINE SCOOPER, W (back to kitchen). OPEN DOOR, U (now you can go to the roof), SCOOP DOGIE-DOO (using the pooper scooper into the dumper), GET WHISTLE, WAIT (if necessary until you hear the bell), D, OPEN DOOR, E (office), OPEN DOOR (you let Flood in), TALK TO FLOOD (she wants you to find her yellow rubber ducky), READ NOTE, EXAMINE WHISTLE (keyfinder), BLOW WHISTLE (you find your car key in the sofa), OPEN DOOR, D (garage). ENTER CAR, EXAMINE CAR, OPEN BOX (glovebox - find an unloaded trap), GET TRAP, EXAMINE TRAP, EXAMINE STEREO (has a knob and dial), TURN KNOB (on), TURN DIAL (hear commercial), TURN DIAL (something falls out from under the dashboard), INVENTORY (it was a sooner card), READ CARD, GO S (store), READ WINDOW (of supermarket), N (novelty section), GET DUCK, EXAMINE DUCK (rubber), EXAMINE KID, EXAMINE AUNTIE, GO TO CHECKOUT 2 (Auntie pushes in front of you), WAIT, WAIT, WAIT (you are called to checkout 3 - don't go), STAY AT 2 (you exit but leave the duck behind), READ WINDOW (of supermarket - personal items left in the store will be discarded), ENTER CAR, GO GARAGE, N (alley), E (dumpster), EXAMINE DUMPSTER, CLIMB DUMPSTER, EXAMINE GARBAGE, DIG GARBAGE (find a yellow rubber duck), GET DUCK, EXAMINE DUCK, CLIMB DUMPSTER, W, S (garage), ENTER CAR, GO COTTAGE, EXAMINE DOOR (no doorbell), KNOCK DOOR (Flood opens the door), GIVE DUCK TO FLOOD (it's the wrong one - she asks you to replace a drain cover which is a road hazard). ENTER CAR, GO PARK, N (Aggregate Walkway), OPEN GATE (you go through to Winchester Boulevard), EXAMINE DRAIN, EXAMINE COVER, PUT COVER ON DRAIN (see a glob where the drain cover was), GET GLOB, EXAMINE GLOB, OPEN GATE, S (park), ENTER CAR, GO STORE, W (Blue Willow Animal School), N (waiting room where everyone is holding a red ticket), EXAMINE POPLOLLY (clerk), ASK POPLOLLY ABOUT TICKET (he gives you a ticket and some popcorn while you are waiting), S, E, ENTER CAR, EXAMINE POPCORN (moldy), GO PARK, READ SIGN (about a duck race at the creek), GO TO CREEK, EXAMINE CREEK, EXAMINE PEOPLE (screaming at you to hurry up), PUT GLOB ON POPCORN (you form a very good likeness of a duck), PUT DUCK IN WATER (you go to the finish line), CHEER FOR YOUR DUCK (you win and are now the proud owner of the biggest yellow rubber ducky in the world), GET DUCK, EXAMINE DUCK.(as big as a hot air balloon), GO CREEK, W (park). N (Aggregate Walkway), EXAMINE TREE (there's a hole in it), EXAMINE HOLE, BLOW WHISTLE (you pull a key out of the hole), S (park), ENTER CAR, GO COTTAGE (Flood meets you and says she wants Dumplings, not an oversized rubber ducky - you pick up a memo she drops), READ MEMO (Animal School - appointment anytime), ENTER CAR, GO STORE, W (Animal School), N (waiting room), GIVE MEMO TO POPLOLLY (you enter Nedly's office), EXAMINE NEDLY, ASK NEDLY ABOUT DOG (he gives you a manual and you return to the waiting room), EXAMINE MANUAL, S, E (store), ENTER CAR, GO GARAGE, U (hallway), UNLOCK DOOR WITH HOUSE KEY (enter office), EXAMINE DOG, READ MANUAL, TRAIN DOG, STAY DOG (Pansy stands at your side ready to go), OPEN DOOR (to hallway - Pansy follows), D (garage). ENTER CAR, GO PARK, N, OPEN GATE (Winchester Boulevard), OPEN DRAIN (Pansy retrieves something from the drain and drops it at your feet), LOOK (it was a mud clump), GET MUD (see a yellow mass inside the debris), CLOSE DRAIN, OPEN GATE, S (park), ENTER CAR, GO COTTAGE, KNOCK DOOR (you ask Flood for a bucket of water to wash the mud off but she doesn't have one), GIVE MUD TO FLOOD (she enters your car to look for a bucket), ENTER CAR, GO STORE, E (behind store), OPEN DUMPSTER, CLIMB DUMPSTER (Flood laughs at you), INVENTORY (a metal bucket is stuck to your foot), REMOVE BUCKET (it is stuck fast), W, W (Animal School), N (waiting room), SAY LOLLYPOP (he removes the bucket), GET BUCKET, EXAMINE BUCKET (empty), S, E. ENTER CAR, GO PARK, GO CREEK, FILL BUCKET (with water), W (park), ENTER CAR, GO COTTAGE, POUR WATER ON MUD (you've found Dumplings), GO IN COTTAGE. CONGRATULATIONS You have won the game. - o -