Piggery Jokery Author - Phil Richmond Walk Through with Dorothy Millard (Amiga Version) WALTER THE WOODPECKER - (Start at the edge of a wood), READ SIGN, EXAMINE FENCE, EXAMINE WALTER (the woodpecker), TALK TO WALTER (he refuses to help you enter the woods), E (to eastern edge of wood), EXAMINE POOL, SWIM POOL, SEARCH POOL, GET EARTHWORM, EXAMINE EARTHWORM, W, GIVE WORM (Walter pecks a hole in the fence). SASHA THE SQUIRREL - W, GET DAISY CHAIN, EXAMINE DAISY CHAIN, E, N (to woodland path), EXAMINE SASHA, TALK TO SASHA the Squirrel (needs something special to wear), EXAMINE LOG, GIVE DAISY CHAIN TO SASHA (gives you a hazelnut in return), EXAMINE HAZELNUT. BEAST OF TOPHOLE - N (onto a narrow track), EXAMINE FRONDS (covering an animal trap deep pit), JUMP PIT (to clearing in woods), W, N, N, N (the Beast of Tophole is here roaring ferociously), EXAMINE BEAST, S (the beast is stalking you), S, E, S (back to clearing where the beast falls into the pit. BORIS THE BEAVER/BARBIE THE BADGER- E, S, SW (gorse bushes), EXAMINE THICKET, SEARCH THICKET (you see a firefly), GET FIREFLY FROM THICKET, EXAMINE FIREFLY (your source of light), W, W, W, NW, IN (to badger's lair - note you need the firefly here to see), EXAMINE BABY CUBS (they are cold and hungry), EXAMINE TRASH, SEARCH TRASH (you find a poster and a paper bag), READ POSTER (an advertisement for C.A.T.), GET PAPER BAG, EXAMINE PAPER BAG, WEAR BAG, OUT, SE, E, N, JUMP (over pit), N (to cosy nook), TAKE MUSHROOM, E, S, S (to Beaver's dispensary), EXAMINE BORIS the Beaver, TALK TO BORIS, BUY PHIAL (you trade the mushroom - note the phial is slippery and you cannot carry it), PUT PHIAL IN BAG, N, W, W (to where Barbie the Badger struggles in an iron trap), TAKE PHIAL FROM BAG, EXAMINE PHIAL (sulphuric acid), EXAMINE TRAP, EXAMINE BARBIE, TALK TO BARBIE, POUR ACID ON TRAP (it eats its way through the metal and Barbie is free), REMOVE BAG, DROP BAG. OSWALD THE OWL/MOLE - S, SE (to dark corner in the woods), EXAMINE OSWALD, TALK TO OSWALD (the wise owl - he has a sore throat and tells you to read his daily philosophy lecture yourself), READ PARCHMENT, INVENTORY (you now have his eyeglass), EXAMINE EYEGLASS, E, E, E (to gorse bushes), EXAMINE HOLE, LOOK IN HOLE (you see a mole), TAKE MOLE FROM HOLE, EXAMINE MOLE (note its poor eyesight), GIVE EYEGLASS TO MOLE (he gives you a kestrel talon in return), EXAMINE TALON (sharp). FREEING WHITE RABBIT - W (twisty path), PULL CREEPER (it falls to the ground), TAKE CREEPER, W, N, JUMP (over pit), N, N (to middle of wood), EXAMINE POACHER (he is preparing to cook over a fire), EXAMINE FIRE, EXAMINE RIVER, EXAMINE SACK (something is moving inside), CUT SACK (with the sharp talon - you free a white rabbit which hops off but the poacher lunges at you and accidentally kicks the fire, scattering the hot ashes which set fire to the dry grass. The fire spreads and the poacher scarpers). RONNIE THE RAT - SW (to dam), EXAMINE DAM (looks as if it will topple), PUSH DAM (it moved a little), PUSH DAM, PUSH DAM (it begins to topple), PUSH DAM (the dam collapses and a wall of water gushes in a torrent down river, extinguishing the fire), NE (Ronnie the Rat is drowning in the river as he can't swim), EXAMINE RONNIE, TALK TO RONNIE, THROW CREEPER TO RONNIE (he walks along it tightrope fashion until he reaches the safety of the riverbank), DROP CREEPER, DROP TALON, SEARCH RIVER (you find something jammed in a crevice on the granite ledge), GET EARPHONE, EXAMINE EARPHONE (a miniature sound amplifier). GERTIE THE GOAT - W (to west side of wood), TAKE HONEYSUCKLE, N, N, E, E, S (to yew grove), EXAMINE ALTAR, EXAMINE STUMP (you hear a noise coming from the base of it), LOOK IN STUMP (you see a swarm of bees), PUT HONEYSUCKLE IN STUMP (they attack the magicians and drive them off - Gertie the Goat is now free). DORA THE DEER - S, S, S, GET WHISTLE, EXAMINE WHISTLE, BLOW WHISTLE, N, N, N, N, W (into misty dell where a farmer is about to shoot Dora the Deer - note the pine cone dangling from a high branch above the red deer), PUT HAZELNUT IN WHISTLE, BLOW WHISTLE (the hazelnut strikes the pine cone which falls and startles Dora who runs off. The farmer leaves a sheepskin jacket behind). FRANCIS THE FOX - TAKE JACKET, EXAMINE JACKET, N, E (to sloping hill where Francis the Fox is being chased by huntsmen), GIVE JACKET TO FRANCIS (the smell of the fleece disguises the fox's natural scent and the hunters call off their hounds). BAZZER THE BAT - SE (to stone tower), EXAMINE TOWER, IN (to bottom of tower - note you must be carrying the firefly for light), U (to top of tower where Bazza the Bat is hanging upside down from the ceiling), EXAMINE BAZZA, TALK TO BAZZA (he has lost his earphone and is unable to venture outside or locate his prey), GIVE EARPHONE TO BAZZA (he zooms out the window - congratulations you have completed Lorlez's assignment by performing nine noble deeds in the Animal Kingdom - now it is time to return to the cornfield), D, OUT. HARRY THE HORSE/RED ADMIRAL BUTTERFLY - S, S, S, S, S, SW, W, W (to woodland path), S (to edge of wood where Harry the Horse is standing in front of the open gateway to the south - first you must answer Harry's riddle), TEAPOT (he says you can pass but not to come near these woods again), S (to crop circle where you see a killing jar), EXAMINE JAR (a red admiral butterfly is trapped inside), OPEN JAR (the ground begins to tremor.. Lorlez appears...) 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