TADS Help - Changing ADV.T From Sue Jean Childs and I have had many conversations about TADS programming over the last few months and we discovered that we have our own way of doing things. For one thing, I will gaily change ADV.T but Jean prefers to modify or replace sections so that her ADV.T stays the same. However, recently she found one thing she *had* to change in ADV.T ... it wasn't possible to do it any other way. I mentioned that if I change one of the build-in TADS files, I always note it thus: attachVerb: deepverb verb = 'attach' 'connect' 'tie' /* Sue added tie */ sdesc = "attach" prepDefault = toPrep ioAction( toPrep ) = 'AttachTo' ; That way, if there is ever an upgrade to ADV.T, I can easily find which sections I changed (find 'sue') and make the appropriate alterations to the new ADV.T. I also always back up ADV.T to ADV.OLD before I start footering with it! Jean gave me 10/10 for this hint! - o -