ADOM (RPG for PC, part of Disk 1299) Reviewed by Graham Raven Brilliant! Well okay bearing in mind that this isn't an expensive state of the art 3D graphics RPG, it's got a lot going for it. Few games are perfect, if any, and this is no exception, however my criticisms are pretty minor and I'll get them off my chest right away. The graphics in Adom are decidedly basic, if that were not the case then we could have a major game here. I see no reason why someone couldn't create a game with graphics say equal to Doom, or even Mordor 1, and still include the depth and attention to detail which Adom has. Another minor niggle I have is that I personally think that fighting should take place in 'real time' and not round by round. Many RPG fans would disagree with me I'm sure. It is also mildly irritating that even if you do save the game, should your character die (which is pretty easy to say the least!) then even the saved game is automatically erased. There is a way around this if you're bright enough, by making a back-up of the whole game, but it does involves a degree of messing about. Now the good points! As an RPG fan I was very impressed with Adom. When I created my first character a horoscope was cast for her future detailing advantages and disadvantages she would have. Her background and life history to date was presented to me and, hey presto, I had a fully formed character. Although she was already fully trained in her chosen profession it was up to me to greatly improve her skills, and in this game you have to master all manner of skills, not just the obvious fighting, magic, first aid etc. There is an enormous amount to learn about this world and your character, what food they can and can't eat for example - Trolls find giant rats delicious, but Elves vomit almost at the very thought of eating rat. I found that it was very easy to die early on in the game, but as you learn more you soon start to create characters who survive better and better. I must admit I couldn't wait to play the game, so I ignored the ninety odd pages of manual. I will read it once I get a print out made (the computer is for working or playing on - reading I can do in the bath!) So far I've thoroughly enjoyed the game and I'm all set to start playing it seriously ie for months or years, not days! The great background detail really helps bring both your character and the Adom world itself to life, an important factor in RPGs I feel. This world has weather! A small point I suppose but it's such details that help make this world 'real'. When buying provisions and equipment remember to haggle, you might get a better price, and do remember to talk to everything, including monsters, you never know when one of them will tell you something important. Michael, my son, (who has read the manual!), tells me that fighters have an advantage in the early stages of the game but find it harder going in the latter stages. The reverse is true for magic users. So far all my characters have died, save for one enormous Troll. I suspect his magic skills are likely to be nil, so I will have to see how far he can progress. I'm very impressed with this game, and if you wish to register it, all you have to do is send the author a couple of postcards. If the graphics were just a tad better it would be seriously good to my mind. Even despite the graphics, if you like RPGs, try this one. @~See also a letter in the approriate section from Graham's son @~Michael ... Sue - o -