Al-qadim The Genie's Curse - part 2 Walkthrough by Vic Horsley @~Follow-on from last issue THE ISLAND OF SHIBAZ. From your rowing boat walk a few paces N. E. and go through the doorway (If you wish prior to this you can explore outside the door but be careful), now turn south and go through, here is a scroll, now go back to the doorway and turn east, proceed through all the rooms, as far as you can go, searching, smashing things and moving the blocks (to move the blocks, click the left mouse button on yourself. then pointing the arrow in the direction you wish to travel, click the right mouse button.) On this west to east section and in the south wall are two doorways, do not go through the centre one yet. Now from the N. E. corner (be alert there are ghouls around), go south, search thoroughly there are things to be had, when in the S. E. corner turn and go all the way west, smash the barrels, get the scroll (you should now have three scrolls and have memorised the book), do not go out of this door here, unless of course it's a tough fight you're looking for, better to go back the way you came to the central door in the north section. Stand in the doorway for a few seconds and fire your sling, this will take care of a few of the attackers that are a bit near for comfort, now come out of the building and move east, firing your sling every couple of paces (there are plenty of whirlwinds, wild boar and bees in this outside area, be alert, watch your health), now turn south and come down a few paces, there is a doorway to the left of the screen (the west). It is now advisable to save your game and make sure your health is full, do the next move this way, go slowly through the doorway, inside are two chests and some furniture, move in a straight line from the door towards the west wall, the items mentioned will now attack you, quickly move back the way you came, to the outside of the house and stop just outside the door (with about one pace between you and the doorway), all this time you will need to be using your sabre and sling as much as possible against the attackers, it will run your health very low but you should make it! If you don't, well, you saved didn't you?. After this top up your health and save again. Come further south but do not go left behind the building as there is a bees' nest there and they can be troublesome to contend with, if you are attacked by them the best thing to do is run back the way you came, they will return to their nest, having come south the next building to the east is the first building you walked through, no need to go in there so go into the building to its west, open the chest, then still in the building go south. There is a door in the wall you can't see, go through and find another chest, now go outside and south round the bottom of the building (more whirlwinds wild animals and mind out for those bees now to the N. W. ), as you move south you will come across poles in the sand with small flames on the top, before you walk into them stop (save, check your health), you have two choices, either walk through the centre of these poles and be attacked by Banshees (who are hard to survive), or walk down the eastern side and have no problems. Now come between the last two buildings the one to the east is the way to Rashidin's Library, though you cant get it at this moment, so look inside if you wish , then go around the back of the building to its south, where you will find some gold, now go back to the last building to the west, keep close to the building and firing your sling every few paces, make your way round to its western side, where you'll find the entrance (just to the west of the door is another bee nest, so keep very close to the wall otherwise they follow you inside). Make your way north in this building, at the statues, go to them in this order, first to the left one, then the right one and third the centre rear one, once past continue north, search out the remaining rooms, smash any boxes and sacks, be careful with the lilac chest (if you attack it, you will certainly be killed), above all be polite. while you are around this area a man on a carpet should fly over, this is Rashidin, go outside and find him, he stops in various places but only for a few seconds. A good place to catch him is just below the next building (his library), on the cape that juts out into the sea, by the way if you miss him he does come back this way later, speak with him, ask if he's the one called Rashidin and if you ask the right questions, he'll go to his library to check it out (that's what you need him to do), if not try again, after you catch him, when he goes to the library, you can either wait where you are until he returns with an answer, or better still go to the building to your north (entrance to his domain)and descend the stairway, where he will later catch you up. RASHIDIN`S MAZE. Walk east, read the scroll and carry on (do not go through any of the openings along here, you could be cut off) smash the vases, careful of the spikes, now to the east wall (leave this vase intact for now but remember it), go south from here, somewhere down here Rashidin will catch up with you, he usually has the wrong answers so just go on asking questions as they come (don't worry to much about this, all will be sorted out in due course), if the question of the gift comes up click on that, he'll go off again. Now pull the lever but don't go over the bridge, carry on south, smash all the vases in this area (get some goodies) and go west, pass the statues, then turn north, move up and slightly to your left, step on the sign tile (you need to put the light out), north again to the next one and do the same (get points), pull lever to bridge, go over, turn north and follow the path around to next sign tile, step on (get points), now go back to the bridge and go east then north, pull the lever, now back to the bridge you crossed and go west, then south first, west, south, pull lever. turn back and go all the way north, you come to a little gap, go through (flames will close it off, blocking your way back), there are a lot of spikes here but they will not cause you any damage, go far west then north, through the spikes to the chest and open. now make your way through the spikes to the east and pull the lever (by the way you could have come through the opening at the top when you first came down here, it's not the best way to do it though). As you moved around you will have noticed at the south wall a large chest surrounded by spikes, later you will need to go through here but at present you still need to find some more tiles to open the way, so now head all the way east then north along the wall to the vase (the one I told you to remember), smash it, be careful, a flame appears, easily taken care of, just the other side of this turn sharp left (save), go all the way west to the arches, kill the three Banshees (watch your health), turn east under the arch, walk past the skeletons and the statues over the sign tile (get points), if when doing this you get cut off by spikes, just back track around the corner the way you came, where there's an opening you can go through to get to this area (the opening will close behind you). Some of the statues will move against you, just push east, they will retreat. Now going east, smash the vase, pull the lever and cross the bridge, now this is a little tricky, you go north against the wall, through a narrow gap, you can't go all the way north because a statue keeps putting a spike path against you, so walk back to the bridge and cross over (you will hear the spikes changing behind you), now go west and through the first gap north, turn east, go along, you can now get through the next part, pull the lever, step on the sign tile, turn back and go north, the spikes will have changed again letting you through, go west moving the blocks out of the way and smashing the vase, then south, pull the lever and jump on the bridge, quickness is needed here as the bridge moves over to you but then goes back (maybe best to save before pulling the lever), once over pick up the heart, read the book and find a path out of there. Now you need to go all the way south again, back to where the chest is surrounded by the spikes. It is now possible to get through, open the chest then go west and north through the central archway, step first on the sign tile that is alight and go straight through the arch, any weaving around here sets a barrier up against you (save first), from here head N. E. pass the first bridge, go around the path, pull the lever to this bridge but don't cross over, then back to the first bridge, pull the lever, go over and south, step on the sign tile and off (it should be out, if it lights up again, step on it, until it stays out), now go north, east and north to book, read it, now come back across the bridge to the archway and go west to the wall, turn and go north, read the scroll, smash the pot and fight the defender, who comes from inside it, a little swiftness is now needed, run over all the lit up tiles in any order and make for the skeleton bridge, the statues will cut you off if they can, across the bridge read the scroll and get on the carpet, fly just a few feet S.E. there are some steps going down, this is your next call. THE LIBRARY. It is possible to go any way round this library, being not so much a maze, more a collection of passageways, I went this way (remembering that you have to read all the scrolls and close them up when finished. -the numbers in brackets are the scrolls in that area), from the entrance west (2), then east all the way to the square (4), be alert for the moving stones and small flames, use your sword and sling but it can be very costly (watch your health), now go back to the entrance and go south all the way (giant rats here, careful (sword and sling at a distance), turn west read scroll, then south (4), east and north, more small flames around here, go east take first south and first west (2), it's possible to go further south here but there's nothing there and it brings you back to this spot, now go slightly north then east (the path north goes back to where you've already been), take the next north, smash the pots, read the scroll (1) and get the shard. Come out of here, go east then north , open chest and put in mirror then read scroll, Rashidin will come, click on him then click on first questions in lists, get the name of the Isle (points), save, now go south, to his main room, listen then kill all and obtain level 6, you will soon need more training (at this time be alert to your health), read the scrolls (4) and pick up the gold plus gems, go out of the room, go east then south, smash the pots, to the north now and a large open area with a long passageway in the south wall, at the end of it is a scroll, then in the main area is a pot, break it, read the scrolls (4), open the blue chest, which reveals a shard. Leave this area by the long passageway you came in, going south then west to the main room, slightly northwest, all the way then north and west, then north again, take the first east then north (there may be some more attacking stones here), turn and go far east, read scroll, then come back, smash pots (get another shard) and go north, read scrolls (2) to the west, then go east all the way, read scroll, then go north (3), now to the west, as far as you can go but be careful here, large green genies (2) attack you, use your sword but best fought off using the sling and retreating (it may be best to again save before getting to this corner and do not attempt it unless your health is full). Now press through the wall in the upper left corner, scrolls (2), go north then west, smash the pot read the scroll behind it (this is important info), come a little south and read the scroll (if you carried on south from here and passed through the southern wall you would come out close to the main entrance), go back north, all the way east, read the scroll on the way, then south, pass through the wall and turn up north, be very careful in this passage which goes up and to the east, along here are giant poisonous spiders, which unless everything is fully prepared, you won't survive, approach them, then back off, try to use your sling or other magic if you have to (I trust you saved), having gone north, read the scroll, open the chest and get the ring of protection (2), now all the way east (watch those spiders) read scrolls (3), maybe worth remembering the one to the south - THE LESS YOU SPEAK OF YOUR GREATNESS, THE MORE I SHALL BELIEVE IT -. Now go back to the next section south, read scrolls (2), the chest is empty, go out turn west then south, slightly west then south and first west, now you're back at the entrance, leave the library, get on the carpet and if you've already looked around, just go a few feet to your S. E. where you'll see the stairway out, now return to the ship. JAZA`IR JIZA. Before you go to this Isle of the Genie Lords you may wish to go and train up or you can leave it for later. At the Genie Isle land and try to press inland, giant hands will come up and block your path (they hit, if you're near enough but don't cause any damage), this goes on all the way round the island and the only way into the centre is through some moving hands in the south. Go between the hands, ignore the genie to the north of you for now, turn west, you're looking for Azrail Tajrish, he floats around without his carpet and can be hard to catch, he stops every so often enabling you to catch him, or wait for him at his carpet, which is just N. W. of the gateway in, following the inner arms (talk with him). Then go to the east of the gateway and talk to Zuqalamushayt (you have to step on his carpet to talk with him. It's no good trying to catch him while he's walking around), tell him of your plight, say 'you have the power to let me in', now go and talk to the Efreeti behind the flames, a snake is what she wants, if you went into all the shops in Bandar-al Sa'adat you'll know where to get one. Before leaving go and talk with Azrail again, board your ship and go for your snake, on the way you'll probably be attacked by pirates again, they are getting much tougher now so take care, with snake in jar (and having trained up if needed), return to Jaza'ir Jiza and give it to the Efreeti. Now talk to the floating genie, who will tell you to talk with the other genie, go to his carpet (talk), then back to the Efreeti again and talk with her, now go back to the shops and get the coal (you can't do all this shopping in one go), give it to her, you'll get some points. Go to the Dao, that's the genie to the east, step on the carpet, wait for the gong. Talk with him and go to the floating genie, talk about the Scimitar and back to the Dao, after which it's back to Azrail (floating), after talking with him this time he will fly away (wait around for him to return), when he comes back talk with him and return to your ship. ISLE OF SENAT. Keep moving on this small red hot island, it uses up a lot of your health in a little time (save often - don't forget to keep topping up), use your sabre on the small flames, it's by far the quickest way (it may be easier running). There are three chests, when you find the Scimitar get out of there and go back to the genies. JAZA'IR JIZA. Once back here go to the sha'ir (Azrail - the floating one), listen, then go to the Dao (step on his carpet), give him the Scimitar (get points), he will now go to the Efreeti who moves away from the entrance to the centre, now sneak past her (save). In front of you is a giant checker board (chess board), on this board you have to follow four different routes along the tiles to get into four elemental areas, no doubt you will have to go back and fro between these areas to sort things out, I found it best starting on the N. W. edge of the board (Water-Aqua), takes you to The Noble Aziz Nabeirib, talk with him and listen to his story, leave and go to the S. W. edge (Air-Lilac), this path leads to the twin sisters, Satarah is in red (it is important to remember this), click on one at a time to talk to them, when you come out of there go to the N. E. side of the board and into (Earth-Blue), the cave of The Noble Dao-Beya Hrampulpishkin, speak with the genie on the bridge, to get an audience with her, make sure you search this whole cave. Last of all you should go to the S. E. and follow the board to Gubishbuskin, speak with him. If things have not fallen into place and you cant get to Gubishbuskin, it may now have opened your mind to the fact that you have to do certain favours for each genie to advance. A few pointers:- ask the Beya to release Shahar Izad-At the twins listen carefully, eventually say you'll climb down the mountain. Take Shahar Izad to Aziz Nebeirib (get potion), the very last area you want to do anything in is the fire one, when you get through to him he'll enable you to progress in the game, go back to the ship. @~More next issue - o -