Black Dahlia Taken from a phone call from Jill Nott @~Last issue I asked if anyone could explain the logic behind the @~code for Dr. Strauss's phone number and Jill rang up with the @~answer ... Jill said - it's really quite simple!! The letter part isn't significant, you only use the Cleveland code and you are given a piece of stationery which says CLV = CRM so that explains THAT part of it. As for the numbers, on the black list, each name has a series of 3 letters (the town code) and six numbers eg for Finster 218411 which translates into 140. How? You take the second number from the first (1 from 2), the fourth from the third (4 from 8) and the sixth from the fifth (1 from 1) giving the answer 140. Jill said she checked and it works on the other names too. - o -