Dungeon Master Again An article from Bill Commons My Grandson and his friends finally tired of playing Diablo via my network, I was a bit cruel because I insisted that they reach level 50 before I allowed them to load in Hellfire. One did get to level 44 though. Well I haven't played it myself yet. I noticed that when I threw them out each night, they started playing DM on their Atari ST in my daughter's house. I found a really good ST emulator on the web, it is freeware and called PaCifiST. I found this by doing a search for Dungeon Master and this led to a page http:club.ib.be/Jehan.de.bethune and from here, after downloading the DM game, I was led to many links, one of them the PaCifiST web site. It has a great following and you can download PC files to play virtually all the games brought out for the ST. It also has an Amiga emulator and although I downloaded it, I have not yet tried this. I put the emulator and DM, plus some other games including Chaos Strikes Back, on four of my five computers and now my living room echoes to the sound of fireballs when they are playing. It is very user friendly and the games run in ST time bringing back memories of the time it takes to load in the saved games. I played the game many times, years ago, and at that time I could answer any problems or situations, it was not the case now, and I had long ago put my notes into the loft. I thought rather than go delving up there, I would look through the SynTax solutions, guess what, it is on Issue 1! I loaded this through PaCifiST and watched as the screen loaded word by word, SynWin loads like a flash, how things have improved. @~The word-by-word loading is due to the emulator; the original @~SynTax loaded a screen at a time ... Sue One game I never finished on my ST was Knightmare because my computer broke down and although I bought another ST the game would not play on it. I downloaded several versions of this and made my own version from the ST floppies that I own, all doomed to failure. The boys lasted about a month playing each night from five to eight thirty and most of the weekends, they do sometimes go back to it though. Now they have discovered Lands of Lore 1 and are playing that non-stop. @~Maybe this is the only way PC users will be able to play Chaos @~Strikes Back? ... Sue - o -