EXCELSIOR (RPG, part of Disk 984) Reviewed by C.G. Raven My first impression was that the game was easy to install, unlike some I could mention. Similar to Ultima 4 in many ways but better. I enjoyed this game very much, until that is I reached the silly question stage. "I am three dimensional in a four dimensional world, and I cannot exist in a one dimensional world," so said the signpost. I can get along with talking signposts okay, but each and every answer I tried to this riddle failed miserably. Another riddle posed elsewhere involved various compass directions, and once again I hadn't the faintest idea what the answer was. All other quests were acceptably difficult but achievable, but the riddles had me beaten! I suppose the idea behind the riddles is to get you to send the registration fee in dollars to the author, and get a handy hint manual in return which might throw light on the problems. I have to admit that it was too much hassle arranging to get hold of the dollars and after many futile attempts to solve the riddles I gave up in disgust. I really enjoyed the game up to that point. Creating and developing your character was fun, and solving quests and learning skills helped give you a sense of achievement - just what you need to keep your interest. I liked the over all style of the game, it's hardly `state of the art' in terms of graphics, but `state of the art' graphics never did make a good game on their own. Personally I quite liked the simple images which represented the various characters in the game. They were crude by modern standards yet allowed your imagination greater scope. I've seen many supposedly `better' graphics which have a distinctly cartoon element about them, which to my mind is actually worse than a crude figure with no distinguishing features. Perhaps a tad on the simple side, but still any enjoyable game which should keep you amused for many hours. - o -