Time Traveller - part of SynTax disk PD 599 Author: Conrad Button Solution by Bev Truter on PC You begin your adventure in the Lecture Hall of Stanford University. Down to the Basement, get lamp, U-E to the Geology Lab. Get metal detector, W-N to the Archaeology Lab. The archaeologist here informs you that so far you have received a grade of F for the course - perhaps a bit of bribery is in order here. Bring your Treasures to the archaeologist, and your grades will increase - remember you're aiming for an A+. Get rosetta, S-S to the Chemistry Lab. Get chemicals. N-W to the Botany Lab. The botanist here tells you to hurry up in your search for the plants that he needs to concoct an antidote. Light the halogen lamp and go South to the Storage Room, where you find the Time Machine. Enter machine. 4 . (The American Revolution - 18th Century). W to the Church, get bible, read Bible - it gives a mild warning about hurting your neighbour. N to the Graveyard, get spade, E to the front of a house with a closed door. Knock door, Look. You see Betsy Ross, who prevents you from going upstairs. X Betsy (she looks religious), give Bible to Betsy and she sits down to read it, leaving the way upstairs open. Kiss her at your peril! George Washington will come thundering to her rescue and slash you to bits with his sword. Up to the Sewing Room, where you see the first American flag. (You know it's a treasure because of the asterisks either side of it - just in case you couldn't hazard a guess at what items are treasures, the asterisks are always there to help you). D-S-S, enter machine. 2 . You find yourself on a beach at Normandy during the Second World War. S-S, get boat, N-N-E-E to the West bank of a river. You need to be carrying the metal detector to get across the minefield to the river. Get rifle. The Americans are shelling the area, so signal them (wave flag), then go river (East bank). Get bullets, X rifle, load rifle. Wave flag, go river, W-W, enter machine. 3 . This is the Wild West of the 1880's. Shoot rabbit, get rabbit, drop rifle. S-D-D to the Second level of the Silver Queen Mine. Dig rocks - you find a strongbox. X strongbox - predictably, it's locked - get strongbox. U-U-N, enter machine. 7 . On the East bank of the Nile, circa 2000 BC. Go river and you find yourself at the base of the pyramid of Cheops. Nearby are a group of slaves and a guard. X guard - he looks like a heavy drinker. Up to the main entrance to the pyramid, and X the door. It's on a pivot, so push door, then W to an intersection of passages. Down to an Underground Chamber, where dirt and debris have collected. Dig dirt to find a bronze knife, get knife. Up to the intersection, where you can read the hieroglyphics if you are carrying the rosetta stone - they inform you that the granite plug blocking the passage leading up can only be removed by a mixture of chemicals. Drop rosetta. (Funny - I would have assumed the Rosetta stone was a treasure, particularly for an archaeologist, but apparently not). Read the code - it's a clue for making a raft - you'll need a rope and three olive logs. Mix chemicals - you've made nitroglycerine. Throw nitroglycerine at granite, and it explodes without harming you, although the granite plug is shattered to small fragments. You can now enter the limestone passage as it is no longer blocked. U-W to the Queen's burial chamber. Get Comb, E-U to the King's burial chamber, get the Idol and Throne. (You must be incredibly strong - surely a gold throne weighs several tons??). D-D-E, push door, D, go river to the East bank. Enter machine. 1 . Drop spade, N to the Archaeology Lab., drop Comb, Idol, Throne. S, enter machine. 4 . (In the Town Square). Go gallows, where you see a dead traitor hanging from a rope. Cut rope with knife, get rope, D, enter machine. 3 . On the Prairie with the white horse. Throw rope - you lassoo the horse and can now catch it. Get horse, get rope, enter machine. 8 . (In the jungle, about 1 million years BC). N-W to a Cro-Magnon hut, containing a Cro-Magnon woman. X woman - she looks lonely. Kiss woman, get woman and she will follow you. S to a Field. At last! the much-needed plants! But unfortunately for you, a grazing Brontosaurus will not let you touch them. E-E to the base of a hill where there's a lonely Cro-Magnon man who won't let you ascend the hill. True love blossoms, and he drags the woman into the bushes, allowing you to pass. Up to the top of a hill, X Tyrannosaurus - it's carnivorous, but far too large for you to get unaided. D-W-S to a campsite, where you see a Neanderthal. X Neanderthal - he looks hungry, and is carrying a pouch and a stone axe. Give rabbit to Neanderthal - he sits down to eat the meal, and drops the axe and pouch. Get axe, get pouch, open pouch. There's a jade arrowhead inside the pouch - get jade, drop pouch, N, enter machine. 6 . On the Isle of Capri. You see 3 olive trees, so "chop tree" 3 times, Look - you see three logs. Make raft, get raft. Through trial and error you've probably discovered that the shark chomps you and your rubber boat to bits, but the raft is made of sterner stuff. Go sea, E-E-E to a street in old Pompeii. N to a coliseum, enter catacombs, N-E-S-W to a Bath House, where you see a nude lady and some bath oil. Get oil, S to an Atrium. X tapestry (it's a hunting scene depicted on a red background). E to a Dining Hall, X the table - it's made of white marble. E to the Kitchen, X cutting block - it's a large slab of black walnut. W-S to a Garden, X statue - it has a message chiselled on it which reads - "Block, tapestry, fish, table". D to a pond, and no prize for guessing what colour a goldfish is. U-W to the Master Bedroom. X dresser (you find a jewellery case), get case, X case (it's locked, and can only be opened by pushing 4 coloured buttons in the correct sequence). Remembering the message on the statue, you cleverly work out the sequence as Black, Red, Gold, White. "push button", then enter the correct sequence of colours, and the case flies open. Look, and you see a large ruby ring. Get ring, drop case (if you try taking the case with you, the nude lady sees you are attempting to steal her jewels, so snatches it from you and flounces off in a huff). N-N-N-N-W to the coast of Italy, enter sea, W-W to the Isle of Capri. Drop raft (it's too large to fit into the Time machine), enter machine. 1 . Drop knife, N, drop Ring, Horse, Jade. S, enter machine. 5 . Sherwood Forest in the Fourteenth Century, ooohh, how exciting. You notice the trees have many sturdy limbs, so chop limb, Look - you see a staff lying on the ground. Get staff, drop axe, N-N to a log on the river, where Little John stands on the log, refusing to let you pass. Hit John with staff - most unsporting of you - and he is knocked off the log and carried downstream by the swift current, never to be seen again. N-N-W to a Pub in Nottingham. You see a comely wench, but she stubbornly refuses to be "got" until you give her two presents. Give oil to wench, E-E to the local Jail. Get keys, unlock strongbox with keys, open strongbox, drop strongbox, Look - you see 3 silver dollars - get dollars. W-S-S-S-S, enter machine. 3 . W-S to the General Store. Buy the whip and wrench with 2 of the dollars, then E to the Church. The preacher won't let you go South, so get preacher, S to the Red Eye Tavern, buy beer with your last dollar. N-W-N-E, drop preacher, enter machine. 2 . E-E, wave flag, go river, E to a Winery. Unlock door with keys, open door, and you find yourself in a wine-tasting room with a case of vintage Bordeaux wine and a pair of nylon stockings. Get Wine, get nylon (stockings), N-W, wave flag. Go river, W-W, enter machine. 5 . N-N-N-N-W to the Pub. Give nylon to wench - she obviously finds this second gift just too overwhelming, "Take me - I'm yours!!) Get Wench, E-S-S-S-S, enter machine. 1 . N, drop Wine, Wench, Flag, S, enter machine. 7 . (East bank of Nile). Go river to West bank, give beer to guard and he promptly drinks it, and falls asleep, leaving the group of slaves unguarded. Get slaves (you first have to show them who's boss), so whip slaves (they get the message), get slaves, go river - Good grief! That tiny rubber boat can't be so tiny after all - enter machine. 4 . E to Independence Hall, turn nut with wrench - the nut falls off and the Liberty Bell drops to the ground. Drop wrench, get Bell, W, enter machine. 2 . N-N to where the cargo net lies on the beach, get net, S-S, enter machine. 8 . E-U to the Tyrannosaurus, throw net - you see a netted tyrannosaurus. Get tyrannosaurus, D-W-W to the field with the plants. The tyrannosaurus sees the brontosaurus, rips the net apart, and attacks the brontosaurus. Look - you see a smiling tyrannosaurus, and the much-needed plants. Get plants, drop slaves, drop whip, E, enter machine. 1 . N, drop Bell - Hooray! That was the 10th Treasure, and you now have a grade of A+, lucky old you. S-W to the Botany Lab., give plants to botanist. He can now prepare the antidote, so you have succeeded in your mission to save the entire population of North America from the deadly virus - hard luck about the rest of the world, though. - o -