Al-qadim The Genie's Curse - part 3 Walkthrough by Vic Horsley @~Concluded from last issue - see also the maps in the @~Screenshots section BANDAR AL-SA'ADAT. On the way to the palace to see your father, call in all the buildings and do your weekly shop, there should be some money in your kitty now, so you can top up with everything you need (you can bet it will be needed), once again!, if you haven't trained do it now. When you get to the palace go straight ahead to the Vizier's room, ask to see your family, he'll tell you the Caliph is to busy to see you, so now the only thing to do is look around the palace once more, go and talk with all the servants, in particular the kitchen staff. To get to the kitchen from the Viziers office, go East across the first passageway, turn North in the next room and you'll come to the area you want (it's a long room with small rooms on either side), talk to the staff and they will send you to see Sumia, she's the one in yellow at the top end of the kitchen (standing by the fire), answer her questions, say 'it would not be honourable', accept the challenge, go for the Key that Sumia talks about. The Money Lender, who's in the last shop before you leave town, will respond (say you want to do trading) by telling you to go to the Baker, who you'll find in the main street back towards the palace (ask for the Bone Key - you get points), go back to the palace and Sumia (more points) and listen to the way to the dungeon - the way in is in the room next to you, so onward to see your father (now would be a good time to save). THE OLD DUNGEON. The passage to your south is blocked, so you have to do a detour through the whole dungeon, which eventually brings you to just south of where you are now, move the blocks to the west to get into the first room, pick up the Key against the south wall, then go north all the way moving the blocks from your path, don't forget to read the scroll and kill the giant spiders. The keys allow you to get through secret doors and the first one is here, when you get into the first cell and are sure all is safe pull two of the blocks through the wall (you're going to need them). Sometimes it's a little awkward moving the blocks through doorways, so just wriggle them about a little and they will move through, that is of course providing they are not too big, If you go around the cell you will walk on a tile that clicks, this is a pressure plate and you need to pull the blocks over them, the green markings on the wall hide levers that need to be opened by you striking them (it takes several strikes and the first noise you hear is only part way, so keep striking the green patch). You are in the northern part of the dungeon and there are five more cells in this section, that's three either side of a west to east passageway. Be careful of the enemies as you go (the number of pressure plates in this section is six, four in cells and two in the passage). In the centre cell to the North is a Cyclops, speak to him, then kill him or try to save him, depends on how generous you are! When you eventually get to the end of this passageway and providing you've fixed all the switches, the end door will be open, this brings you into a North-South passage, which has two pressure plates, one green marking and eight buttons on the west wall (they open the cells in the southern section), make your way down and into the southern east to west passage, which has four cells either side of it (those little flames come at you here as well as other beings, you will need to be very strong). At the far end of this passage is a Wizard, kill him quickly to save taking too much damage from him, go through the cells killing the enemy and opening the chests (how's your health going?), then go in the third cell south, through the hole in the wall, open the chest (get ring 3), go west, open chest and back to hole in the wall, now go south to new dungeon. THE NEW DUNGEON. Follow the winding passageway (there's no one or thing in this section to worry about) until you reach its end, then just walk through the wall and you're in the dungeon, it's the same one you visited your family in earlier in the game. It is best to be as swift as possible in this dungeon as you can't use your weapons, though there are quite a few cells with open doors where you can hide. If you get caught by the mechanical robots it ends the game, so save often (by the way, you can walk behind them but you still need to be quick), they have now moved your Father and he is in the South Eastern most cell, speak with him fully (the robots do not move while you talk), Mother is in the next cell N. W. of Father and your sister is in the same cell as she was before (they have nothing to add to the story at this time), the human guards at the Western end of the dungeon will charge you for keeping quiet, so don't bump into them too often, In the S. W. and going south is a long passage with a guard at its end, you can't get though , not at this time anyway, It is now time to go back to the palace kitchen, go the way you came, it's all plain sailing. CALIPH`S PALACE. Give Sumia the keys and go to leave the palace, by the main door you will find a scroll, read it and do as it says, this room is two down from the kitchen area. talk with the man in green, his name is Obdel (get points), do as he suggests, S. W. wing, blue patterned floor, go there and teleport (save). Now be careful as you go, through the door to the West, then South into the Vizier's chamber, then go West (you have to be swift) and South, go to the trolley, do something with it then go quickly South into the Harem, listen and do as she asks, then go north to the Caliph`s bedroom (be alert to that guard patrolling the passageway), there are four rooms off this room, you are only interested in the one to the East, go inside and through the wall to the secret room, open the chest, get the book (you should gain a level), go out into the bedroom and put the key under the mattress, then go back the way you arrived and teleport from the spot you first landed on. Now you have to go back to the banqueting hall but the man in green has gone, so speak with the other person, who will direct you to Obdel`s room, its just East of the room you teleported from, As you pass the two guards at the living quarters in the S. W. cross the passage and go a little south then in the door to the West, he's not there, read the scroll in the drawer, then go down to the city gate. Be careful here because you probably don`t want to walk into Obdel, so save and hide behind the nearest cart, wait a couple of moments and a Mercenary arrives to talk with him (you should get points), stay where you are until Obdel walks off, then go back to his room in the palace, ask him who he was talking to (points), he'll vanish, so go to the Vizier and tell him about the document with his seal on it, say! 'It's a long story' then tell the story (points), now go back to your ship, at your boat you`ll see the mercenary, talk to him and he`ll also vanish, so sail on. THE ISLE OF AL-KATRAZ. Where you alight from your boat, the town entrance is just south but best to look around outside first and get your bearings. As you walk in through the gate you will be attacked by some genies, so be prepared (keep your distance and use your sling), walk a little south, then turn west by the first building, this house is empty, next talk with the corsair but he and another will eventually fight you (kill them), the second house west has sick people in it, if they speak, listen to them. Now go west again and down the far side of the building to the south (it's the furthest one west), stop at the top and fire off a few rounds from the sling, you'll be attacked by several corsairs, so back off, kill a couple, check your health and try again, when you think they are all taken care of, go round to the front and in through the door, it's a shrine, should you Meditate? After this go east and in the building just to the north, more sick people here, do same as before, now go between the houses and back to the gate. It's to the east now (leave the middle area for now, that comes later), take care of the green genie first, check the house to the north and east again, to the next building north, watch out you'll be attacked again here and need to save frequently, there are more sick men in this last house to the east, talk with them, then leave. Moving south from the last building, follow the coastline round and going south you come to the last two houses, watch out for more corsairs, of these last two houses, the one to the S. W. holds more of the sick and the other is a shrine (I wonder if I should Meditate?). As you go east past the last building, you are confronted by a large group of hostile warriors, I had to use more advanced weapons than I had been using (Magic Missiles) up until now, still I had to keep backing off, saving and using health potions. From the corsairs' camp in the East, go back to the gateway, where just South is the well (this is the area I told you to leave a little earlier), go around the beacons to the south and in through the narrow gap between two poles, if you've got it right you'll be able to get in, just go down the steps. AL-KATRAZ DUNGEON. The first section after coming down here, is a combination of rooms and passages making up a square, so just go around destroying all the boxes and sacks and kill the one guard (they are getting stronger), then in the S. W. corner, go West and North, dispatch the two guards here, then go East to the two rooms here (break the vases), come out and go West, there are two rooms, the lower one has a spiked door in its West wall, it will never open so don't bother trying. The upper room is the treasure room, back to the centre room and North through another to a passageway, turn East into a bedroom and north back into the passage, the door to the East is locked to you for now, so go North into another bedroom, go out the other door West and you are back in the passageway. Now North to the Mercenaries' room but it's hard, so you need to be prepared, read the scroll and North again to the Mage room, go to the green patch in the top corner and listen, get the key from under the bed, open the chest. Out of the Mage room and East, open all the cells to release the prisoners (get points), in the centre cell North, is your Brother, his voice has been stolen, so he will follow you to retrieve it (don't go too fast, as he can get stuck behind obstacles). Go out of the cells and South, past the first bedroom, a Wizard will block your way, so just take care of him, then it's East to release the other prisoners (you get points from all). After this go back into the passage, go South, then West through the next doorway, kill the two guards and move on, go through the spike gate, then South in this long passage to the door in the West wall, finish off the monsters inside (get gold and gems), move the blocks and go North, kill the Spiders (at a distance is best), through the next door to the west and kill all the mummies, open chests, come out, go North again, be careful there are Bats at the top, then press on and go West, another monster to kill (get gold), after which you go South, more Mummies in this room and a chest, carry on South to the bottom, passing all the blocks, turn East and go to the gate. Now be very careful, the Monsters in here are the hardest you've met so far. As you open the gate he will come at you, throw every thing you've got at him, when you kill him, top health up (save), here you go again because there's another, after this go in the cell and open the chest, then it's back to the entrance with your Brother in tow. Now head back to your ship, take your brother down to the cabin with the beds, he will feel much better here, if need be replenish your health, then sail on. THE ISLAND OF ABALLAT. On the way to the next island to find your brother's voice, attacked by pirates, take care of them as usual. At the Island, which is very small and only holds one building, go this way, head North from the boat into a courtyard, flanked by a wing of the building on either side and the main part further North, go into the first room to the east, there's a girl (what do you do with her?), open the bottle, then to the next room North. There's a Monster and if you go in he attacks you but there's nothing else to be had, so North again to the third room. This holds a Giant who begs you not to kill him, open the bottle and the chest, the next room, West, open the chest, will you kill him then? Go on to the room in the N.W. corner, talk and open the bottle and chest, the last two rooms are south of this, nothing in them though. Now you will have to go outside and look around the Island, kill all the wild animals (easy) and find the four bottles (open them), the one furthest North holds your brother's voice, which flies back to him, so return to the ship. THE SHIP. Go down to the cabin, where you left your brother, he thanks you and explains his plight, their Genie is released from his captive spell, listen and click on the questions, as they are listed. Agree to do as asked, your brother and the genie will disappear, go through the portal and top up your health, then up on deck and sail away. AL-NAQQIL. Land here and pull the buttons on either side of you, then hurry North along the passageway (It runs the whole length of the building, South to North), pass the arrows and flames and dispatch the small attackers, take the first west and into a large bedroom, in the S. W. corner is a false wall just walk through it, open the chest and return to the main passage. From here you can go North and into the next section to the West, at this stage though, it isn't really worth it (just a section of winding corridors, that hold nothing), so cross the passage from the bedroom and go East into a room containing cushions (mind out for the Cyclops), turn South (smash the pots, get gifts), then East into a large room, the first of the Masters is there, it's going to be tough but give him a headache anyway! After you've taken care of him, go back out to where the cushions are and East through the wall, another Cyclops will greet you, drop him and some gems are yours, keep going East into the next large room (smash the pots and read the scroll in the cupboard) and back to the false wall, now North into a room with a large table in it, to the left of this (West), is a doorway into the main passage, with a vase by it (smash), turn around and go back East into a passage with either windows or mirrors on the wall, it leads to a room, break the pot, open the cupboards and read the scroll. Go North, in the N. E. corner, there's a passage running East to West, be alert here as another Master comes through the wall opposite, dispatch him, you can if you wish go down this passageway (It crosses the main passageway), but I suggest you go through the wall where the Master came from, then go North, into another room (this is the most Northern of all the rooms). Go ahead and read the scroll in the cupboard, go West, be extremely vigilant, not one but two Masters (have fun), read the books (one disappears) and the scroll, break the vase, now through the door to the West, where you will be standing, once again, in the main passageway, now at it's most Northern point. From here you can either go to the West, or South then West, it makes little difference, as it's a square and joins up, once at the far West wall and a little over half way down (false wall), go through it, just North of you is another Master, kill him quick, and go around the passage, this is again a square, with a room in the middle and the door to it on the Western side, watch out for the arrows as you go through it. Smash the vase, read the scroll in the drawer and go South, a nearly transparent Master comes at you, send him to the land of the dead (if you can!), now read the book and the scroll on the table, then go through the wall South, cross over the passageway and through the next wall South. This is the area I told you at the beginning of this section wasn't really worth going into, now though, it is. Follow the path S. W. half way down the West wall you'll find another false wall, go through it, this is a North-South passage, go North open the chest, do you walk into those rays, or not? Go on! Teleport. THE MASTERS' DOMAIN. When you land go North, across the blue bridge, smash the Green Stone and kill the Cyclops (easier said than done), do the same again, follow the walkway, smash the globe and kill the Monster, now follow the same blue path, South, kill the Monster (keep a close check on your health), then S. W. and same again, except the Monster turns into one of your people, now press on N. E. then, S. E. same as usual, and N. E. you come to the Moonstone (it will heal you, click on the mouse), go N. W. Walk up the path but you can't get through, so come back and it's opened another path, to the N. E. Again you can't get through, so go to the S. E. from the Moonstone, now luckily you can get through, smash the Orb and kill the double headed Ettin (they are really getting hard to combat now), go back to the Moonstone (you'll need it!), then follow the path that goes first to the N. E. Smash the Green Stone, you will hear your Genie captain, follow the path again to the N. E. You are now back on your ship, go up and speak with the Genie (he's back to his old self). Go back and through the portal, when you get through don't go N. E. (or you will have to go through the whole sequence again), instead go N. W. Green glass and kill the Monster (you know the routine!), then N. W. and South to the next one, here meet yourself, or what the Masters have assembled as you (what you going to do? Kill yourself!), this is quite a hard task - but you'll do it. At this point you have to go S. W. but only to activate the path at N. W. and the one at S. E. Then just keep going back and forth, between these points, until a path goes through on the S. W. one, kill the Banshee, who then turns into Kara your betrothed, talk with her, then go S. W. but come back S. E. and South. This next and last fight is really hard, it's the last Master and you just have to throw every thing at it. If you win, the family Genie-Muliban appears and talks with you (go down the list in order), he will then return Kara to you (she is now fit and well), he also tells you the others are well and have been sent home on your ship. Lastly you and Kara are whisked away to your triumphant homecoming, so sit back and watch the closing sequence. - o -