ECSTATICA Solution by Diana Griffiths INTRODUCTION - MAPS - GENERAL HINTS - COMBAT TIPS - OPENING SEQUENCE - VILLAGE - SWORD - DRUNK - STORE - GIRL - BEAR - CHURCH - GARDEN - UNDERGROUND PASSAGES - KNIGHT - CASTLE - LAKE - MONASTERY - END GAME - COPYRIGHT INTRODUCTION This walkthrough assumes you are familiar with operating the game's user interface. This is not a detailed step by step set of instructions. The walkthrough does provide general hints on combat and detailed instructions to help you progress efficiently without spoiling the general experience of exploration. The walkthrough can not predict when you will encounter each of the monsters. These encounters will interrupt the flow of progress! Ecstatica is not a completely linear game, so this walkthrough is only one order of events while others will also lead to a successful game completion. MAPS I have provided two maps to help you find the various locations and items mentioned in the walkthrough: the village and the garden. They are in the Screenshots section. GENERAL HINTS 1. Save after every small piece of progress. You can be unexpectedly knocked unconscious and relocated. You may lose track of your weapons or you may be killed outright. 2. Keep different save game files, in case you do something too early. You may need to restore an earlier save game. 3. Your character's posture will indicate how healthy you are. You can rest/heal in two places. The house where you find the little girl contains a grassy resting place. There is a nymph by the lake in the garden who will also give you a healing sleep. 4. You can hide from the werewolf and minotaur in the pots at the back of the store or in the other house with pots. COMBAT TIPS 1. You will be forced to battle many different kinds of monsters. The monsters are intelligent and you will need to develop strategies to deal with them. Often running away is the best strategy. 2. The little sneaks can be killed with your bare hands, so don't be afraid to deal with these guys at any time. 3. The dragons are quite a bit tougher. The best time to try to kill these guys is when you are healthy, have a weapon and preferably you can make the few first strikes. Most monsters fit into this category. 4. In the garden, you will encounter two minotaurs. Both are tough guys; one is far worse than the other. You should tackle the darker of the minotaurs when you are healthy and well equipped with weapons. The other guy I got away from as quickly as possible. 5. The werewolf (ape-like creature) is the most difficult monster to kill. The best strategy is to hit him a couple of times so he backs off slightly then run for it! 6. By leaving the werewolf and minotaur till the near the end of the game, you will be able to try out the final and most superior weapon on them before tackling Ecstatica's demon. OPENING SEQUENCE You are a lone traveler in 10th century Northern Europe. You stop to renew your supply of water at the village of Tirich. VILLAGE Save as soon as you have control. Explore for a little while. It won't be long before you feel the need for a weapon! SWORD Find the house with the three little sneaks, the sword and the white armor. Do not touch the armor. It is worse than useless. Pick up the sword. Leave. DRUNK Find the drunk and the dragon. Interrupt them. Take the weapon, then kill the dragon. Pick up the drunk. You will take the drunk to the back of the store. STORE Listen carefully to everything the drunk tells you. It is wise to listen while hiding in the pots here, in case the werewolf makes an appearance. Leave the sword here, then pick up a carrot from the shelves and leave. GIRL Visit the house with the little girl. She wants her teddy bear. BEAR Find the house with the drunk bear. When he takes a drink, slip past him and go upstairs, then upstairs again and look at the equipment and instructions. Place the carrot in the pot on the right hand side of the equipment. Go downstairs to the bedroom. Read the diary. This is Ecstatica's diary. Pick up the teddy bear. On the way downstairs, kill the bear from behind. Leave and return to the little girl. CHURCH The little girl will ask you to follow her. She will lead you into the church, downstairs and then find you are too big to fit through a hole in the wall. She will then open the door to the dungeons. Go through the doorway and kill the skeletons. Carry on down the steps until you see an interesting sequence with the demon and Ecstatica. Return upstairs and pick up the mandrake root from the church floor. Return to Ecstatica's house and place the mandrake root in the pot with the carrot. Leave. GARDEN Find the route to the monastery. Pick up the red flower and return to Ecstatica's house. Place the final ingredient in the pot and you will drink the resulting potion ... and become a little critter! Now you can go through that hole downstairs in the church. You leave the weapon here. Go to the church, go downstairs and through the small gap. UNDERGROUND PASSAGES Explore the passages. You will resume normal size. There are two exits. One leads to the monastery library. You are not ready to go there yet, so don't upset the monks. The other exit is up the steps to the knight's house. Visit the knight. KNIGHT Ignore the knight's protests and step right up to him. Take his golden sword. Leave by the door to the street. CASTLE Now is a good time to explore the castle and garden, so go into the garden and head for the castle. The first entrance is lethal, so avoid it and go onto the second entrance. Here the sorcerer will be less than friendly and turn you into a frog. The golden sword will be left here. Leave to explore the garden. Avoid the house by the lake for now. GARDEN Take a good look around as the frog. Visit the lake then go down the steps beside the ravine and into the underground passage. You should find this area: remember this scene! Do not explore any further. Leave by the underground passage back to the ravine. Visit the stone circle. Return to the house by the lake and go in. Let the amorous lady kiss you to return to normal. She has a broom here that you can take and ride around on if you like. Head back to the castle and the sorcerer. Pick up the golden sword and leave before he can make you a frog again. Head for the lake. LAKE Stand on the stone here and the knighting sequence will take place. It's a good idea to go collect one of your original weapons now. The better weapon is the drunk's weapon at Ecstatica's house. (The sword is at the back of the store. There is also a dagger on a piece of furniture in the house next to Ecstatica's. The furniture will fight you when you try to take it!) CASTLE Return to the castle and the sorcerer. This time the sorcerer will have a little respect ... then expect you to sort out his problems for him! Walk over to the tower and go upstairs. Here is another very useful diagram. Now go downstairs. There are several traps here. You will just have to time it or dodge and run past the animated statue. Kill the invisible warriors. Then dodge and run past the fire breathing dragon. Save here. There are two spikes to get past. You will need to try different angles until you get past them. Then head down to the bottom of the tower. Go into the center room and collect the good armor. Continue on to the barred gate. You will be knocked out. Escape and kill the guards. Pick up your weapon from where you were attacked. Find the room where a book is lying on a pedestal. Take the book. Explore some more. You should find the room you visited before as a frog. Then find the room with the skeleton king. Kill your likeness, then kill the king. Return upstairs, past the spikes trap, fire breathing dragon etc. Return to the village via the stone circle. Leave the magic book at the stone circle. MONASTERY You can enter the monastery by two methods: Option 1: Front entrance Go to the church and pick up the bible. Go through the garden to the monastery. Your rusty Latin "Words of God" will get you into the monastery. Listen to the monks then go into the library. Take a look at three books here and the librarian monk will describe them to you. Return to the room with the altar and grab the holy relic. Barge or fight your way back to the library and jump down the hole. Return to ground level via the knight's house. Option 2: Hole in the library Go to the knight's house and go down to the underground passages. Find the entrance to the hole in the library and you will climb up. Go into the next room with the altar and grab the holy relic. Barge or fight your way back to the hole and jump down. Return to the knight's house. END GAME Take the holy relic to the stone circle. Stand on the center platform in the stone circle with the magic book in one hand and the holy relic in the other. When the sequence is over you will have a very powerful weapon. Leave the magic book here, but try using the holy relic as a weapon. Go seek out those troublesome monsters, the minotaur and the werewolf, and let rip! Now go back to the castle and down the tower to the room where you found the magic book. The door is now open, so head right in and go down to the dining table. Take a seat and listen to the demon's proposition. Save. You can either hand over the holy relic, in exchange for eternal bliss (in the scene you have visited twice already) or fight the demon. If you chose to fight the demon it won't be easy and you will remain mortal, but you will free Ecstatica and the village. This walkthrough is copyright * 1995 by Diana Griffiths (email: All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without permission. - o -