Human Resource Stories By Harry Hardjono Reviewed by John Ferris on PC At the time of writing this review (mid afternoon in a Grimsby hotel, five hours until my night shift starts) the 1998 IF competition results have been out about a week. We now know the rankings, and Human Resource Stories (HRS) has come in 27th out of 27. Some form of morbid curiosity led me to download this Inform game just to see how "bad" a game had to be to get last place. I first noticed that the game file was only 19k long and I began to wonder how one would fit a description and parser into 19k. Obviously the answer is "you don't" and HRS is not what I would define as an adventure. It is a series of questions that form a job interview for a computer programmer. The aim of the game is to answer all seven questions sufficiently right to get the job with a decent salary. Get one question wrong and you go back to the beginning. There are some kind things I can say about this game. The first is that it works and has no spelling mistakes that I found. Another is that it could be described as an adventure game reduced to its elementary form; a series of choices that have to be correctly chosen to proceed to the completion of the game. The last kind thing I will say is that the game can be described as a "failed experiment," one of those novel ideas that just don't work. In summary, don't touch with a double-length barge pole. - o -