Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Passcodes from the Net The following are passcodes for Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. To enter the passcodes, simply click on Settings from the game's console, the click on General. Type in the passcodes into the blank are labelled "Enter Passcode Here". To delete a passcode, simply click on the passcode, and press Shift-Del. CREDITS - Funky credits appear like at the end of a Star Wars movie. LEIAWRKOUT - Activates Force Feedback for Joystick. GUNDARK - Modifies Force Feedback control for Joystick. CHICKEN - Play as an AT-ST! DIRECTOR - Lets you view all the cutscenes. Select "At the Movies" from the High Scores menu to view the cutscenes. MAESTRO - Lets you listen to all the sound themes. Select "Concert Hall" from the High Scores menu to activate. IAMDOLLY - Gives you unlimited lives. TOUGHGUY - Gives you all powerups in the game (i.e., advanced blasters, advanced seeker missiles, etc.). USEDAFORCE - Not a clue... HARDROCK - Unknown NUMBERTWO - Gives you infinite secondary weapons, which mostly consists of missiles or bombs. HIKEN - Hidden secondary weapons. NEUC - Unconfirmed. Destroys all Imperial ships on the radar. LOKJOT - Allows you to land and do repairs. Unconfirmed also. - o -