Be Prepared! By Nick Edmunds Sue's editorial regarding missing sections in the Baldur's Gate manual (issue 59) struck a particularly resonant chord with me, as it is relevant to my current gripe. A gripe which, as ever, I am loathe to suffer quietly. I've recently been playing Fallout 2, coincidentally also by Interplay. This is a truly wonderful game, a masterpiece of a contemporary adventure, a sort of role-play for people with no mates. In short Fallout 2 seemed right up my boulevard. Anyway... somewhile into slaughtering drug addicts and splattering mutants spines out in the radioactive future the little quirks in gameplay began compounding themselves to such an extent that I felt an explanation was in order. So off I trundled to the Interplay website, where I found a patch to fix just about every quibble I had with the post-apocalyptic gameplay. However, all was not as straightforward as this Chosen One had anticipated. Turns out patching to version 1.02 meant game saves from any previous versions were redundant. Even worse, further investigation revealed that some of the annoying niggles I was experiencing were in fact major flaws. Flaws to the extent that I would be unable to finish the game without the patch. This left me with somewhat of a dilemma: start from scratch or don't finish. At this point my character was on level 18. After much soul searching, coloured by the atrocities committed upon my person by a large mutant named Francis, I decided to start afresh. As the industry's increasing need to release titles before they become technologically dated combines with the trend for software in general becoming larger and more complicated, it would appear that patches are to be the way of the future. The moral is clear- check for updates, patches, and fixes, if not before commencing, then as soon as anything appears to be acting up. Thus the only hope for the consumer, and perhaps even mankind itself, is to learn from my anguish. Oh, and watch out for Francis - he's a bad'un. - o -